Challenges, whether they originate from yourself or some other source, are what keeps us striving to be better people. In our 15 years of marraige, my husband and I have seen some challenges for sure.
But five years ago, my husband received the most challenging diagnosis of his life: Ankylosing Spondylitis (ankill-oh-sing spon-dill-eye-tiss). This, my friends, is not the kind of challenge you want in life. AS, as it's called for short, is an autoimmune disease that affects the whole body, but focuses on fusing your spine and joints so you cannot move anymore. This means that at some point, your spine and ribcage is like a welded cage that cannot expand and you can't cough, sneeze, or breathe properly. As an added bonus, it also treats your soft tissue like an enemy and tries to destroy it.
In five years, my husband has been in ICU twice, 3 major surgeries, lost 9 inches of his intestines, and the eyesight in his right eye.
He can no longer stand up straight, look up, turn his neck side to side, or straighten his arms. The daily joint pain and spinal fusion pain is crippling. He also lost his career as a Crime Scene Analyst as a sworn deputy due to the physical limitations this disease inflicts. I had to sell my wedding ring just to keep our home.
In order to supress the immune system, since it's the immune system that has gone haywire, doctors prescribe a duo of methotrexate (chemo) and a biological called Enbrel (a tumor necrosis factor TNF blocker). The Enbrel allows him to move and lessens the pain. The chemo keeps his immune system from attacking. Even an ant bite can be the match that starts a wildfire flare-up! He describes the pain as "shards of glass grinding in my joints".
Without insurance, these drugs together are $4300 PER MONTH. The Enbrel is packaged in a Sure-Click pen like the now infamous EpiPen and is the lion share of the cost at $4000 PER month, or $1000 PER pen.
So while we have always found challenges to be a great motivator, we have found this one to be more like a physical, mental, and financial gladiator, willing to fight us 24/7 and even on weekends and holidays. I cannot work outside the farm because my husband needs me and the farm needs me and the kids need me. But the husband and the farm and the kids need money. So I began growing vegetables, selling eggs, and selling pastured meats to help. This is a good plan, but slow as you can only sell these things when they are ready. Aha! I'll make YouTube videos and see what happens. Again, a slow process for a homesteading home schooling family with no WiFi. Then there's Steemit...
What I have found in steemit goes far beyond what I was hoping to get, namely, money for my family. What I have found is a quickly growing community of people who CARE and have offered some words of comfort. Honestly, I've been too "badass" my whole life to need anyone's comfort. I've always been there for others in THEIR time of need. "Ain't nothin but a thing and a chicken wing" I'd say.
But this time is different. This time, there has been no magic phone number, doctor, insurance company, foundation, or club that has wanted to help. Sure, people have tried, but they run into the same thing we do (beaurocratic red tape) and give up.
So now, I spend much of my day on steemit. I have always loved writing so blogging feels like slipping into warm, cozy slippers on a cold day. I am hoping to be able to provide for my family on some level while I still grow the farm. I can take care of my husband and home school the children. I would SOOOOOOO appreciate it if you would help us out by upvoting, resteeming and following. I do try to provide value in each post, so I won't waste your time. Thank you and STEEMITFULLTIME!
Special thanks to @aggroed for being such a guiding light and kind soul ❤
You are badass but caretakers need caring as well. Steemit is a caring community❤️
Learning to accept comfort has been my personal toughest battle. Thank you so much for your support!
I have the same trouble, I've friended you so I can give encouragement and support.
Much obliged! This was a tough post, but sometimes we have to put it all out there and see that people really do care...thank you
You are welcome🌼
I am so sorry that this has happened to your husband and family.
My father went through something similar as far as having an auto-immune disease that in his case started attacking his own muscles. They had to give him one of the same drugs to stop it from spreading to his heart which is of course a muscle too.
I homeschool as well, so can relate to you there. I can't imagine what you are going through right now.
I'm glad that you have found Steemit and are enjoying yourself here, and I hope that you have great success.
Thank you so much! I was hoping to connect with others who understand how this flips your life upside down. I'm sorry your father was hit with an autoimmune disease. It's a whole new battle for sure. Thank you for resteeming!
Big upvote and resteem for this one - I'm so glad you found steemit and you're right - the community support and connections here are so much more then the monetary rewards.
Here's hoping things get easier for you from here :)
Big hopes and dreams are going on here, hope to make them realities!..thank you so much for your support!
You're very brave. And I'm very proud of you. So, glad you're here!
Thanks...looking forward to seeing what's possible. Here we go!
You are one amazing woman, @farmandadventure.
I wish that one day, god blesses me with a woman of your type. One that is loving, caring, one that would stick with me no matter what hapens, one who would do anything just to comfort me and make me feel better day after day.
From my life experience, these virtues are really hard to find in women nowadays. You are the 1%, everybody else is the 99%.
I don't have words to describe how I feel. But when I see couples who stick together like you and your husband, it really touches me.. and it makes me feel that there's still a lot of hope in this world we live in.
I wish your husband gets better and I hope you both are united for a lifetime and more.
Your husband has my prayers.
God bless.
Oh wow, I'm crying now, but thank you! We have a very special family, as I was married for 10 years before to an abusive, neglectful person. My husband came along and took on me and 3 little girls, then we had 2 boys of our own. It's not always easy to blend families but there are some really good, strong women out there who would love to have a man who appreciates there strength and commitment. I hope you find her because she's out there for sure! Thank you for your support.
Cheer up dear. I truly wish you all the happiness in this word for you, your husband and your little kids. It's hard to find someone who appreciates. But only if you've tried the worst, you'll be able to recognize the best.
Thank you for your kind words. Stay positive and smile at life, it will smile right back at you :)
Upvoted and resteemed. let's get the message out there and help this family out.
Thank you! Your kindness is soooo appreciated!
Upvoted, resteemed and followed, fight the good fight and know the Steemit community is with you!
I'm really feeling the support right now. After so many years feeling alone, this is fabulous! Many thanks
Wow that is a powerful post. Happy and honored you asked me to share this with Steemit Blogger Central. Posting it for you now
Protect your health man, its really all we've got. Thank you for sharing!
I agree, my prayers are with you my friend. I know its a stressful time but I will try to help where I can and get this message out there to everyone. This community is amazing about being there for one another so I pray that this is swiftly covered so things can be taken care of promptly.
What a horrible disease. Glad you wrote about it and let it be known here.
I follow you and resteem later to make the attention more spread. Of course I upvoted. I hope your posts on steemit will help you and your family with the costs and of course the writing helps too. Thank you for sharing
Thank you for helping spread awareness of AS and for the support of our family🌻
Just said a special prayer for your husband, your family and you.
Thank you❤
You're welcome. I have chronic sciatica. I find myself complaining to god about it. Then He sends me a message like this and says "So what is your problem again?"
Hey sciatica stinks! Blessings to you
I am sorry to hear of your husbands illness. I am not sure if he has tried cannabis but research studies and personal accounts prove it helps without side effects of prescription drugs.
We have actually looked into this recently. It was a hard sell for him at first since he was a deputy, but there is a growing need for some affordable pain relief with fewer side effects. Thank you for the links!
Here is my post from this morning.
Perhaps this will help him past the unfounded stigma associated with this God-given plant.
Wow, that makes me angry! There should be no patents on plant life. I will have him read it..thanks again!
This is a documentary showing each episode is only available to watch for 24 hours. You and your husband needs to see this!
Shared with the hubbs ;)
This documentary is real good. I hope he watches.
Stay strong my friend! And have fun on Steemit!
I am having fun for sure! Thank you for your support!
click here!This post received a 28% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @farmandadventure! For more information,
I am so sorry that this has happened to them
Thank you for reading and commenting. We are getting by. Taking every day as it comes🌹
My wife & I feel your pain, we have our medical struggles too. We just keep moving forward, keep fighting. We also keep planting and raising chickens and hogs and beef. Working our homestead give us comfort, it enables us to find out place in nature, which removes the stress and lightens the mental burden. Best of luck to you we will keep you in our prayers....
Thank you so much! Sounds like we lead simular lives. Thank goodness for the ground we have and the animals that keep us fed🌻
Its good to be in good company!
You have been heard. I send you positive energy. Upvoted, resteemed and i will follow you.
We appreciate you so much! Thank you
Hopefully be a samara family
I am embarrased to say, but I'm not sure I know what a samara family is.....could you explain?
meaning it: A happy and peaceful family
Awwww, that is so sweet! Thank you!
welcome're you
I admire the both of you ! How can I complain after I see this ...
Good luck and God Bless !
It's ok if you need to complain about anything, I'll listen! We certainly aren't the only ones experiencing pain. Thank you for your support🌻
I am following your amazing story! Sending Prayers up for you and your family.
Thank you! Followed you as well fellow homesteader🐝
Wow! What an incredible story, thank you so much for sharing. I will be following your steemit page in support for you and your family! Much love and prayers :)
Thank you! I am so glad to be spreading awareness with your help!
My wife has an autoimmune disease as well. When it hit we didn't know what it was and she had a hard time dealing with it. We persevered though and she's doing much better, but still gets occasional bouts. It teaches you to enjoy every day you have together. Best wishes to you. Upvoted & re-steemed.
These "hidden" diseases really are the worst. Bestbwishes to your family. Awareness will help, so thank you for your support!
It is stories like this that make me stop complaining about my own problems. There are so many things, far worse that one could ever imagine...I hope it gets better. I'll try and spread as much as awareness as I can.
That's amazing thank you! Awareness might bring a cure❤
This is so sad to read, I wish every comfort and joy for your both. I know its tough, but just remember the old say "it could be worse"
If ever there's anything I can do to help in my own tiny way, please never hesitate to drop me a line.
I am so overwhelmed by the generousity if this group...thank you so much
Bless you and your husband!
Thank you! (Internet hug) We can use them!
I am so sorry resteemed
Thank you so much! AS awareness is going up today for sure!
Amazing people. Life is hard sometimes. So glad you have found support through this difficult time. BTW, strong, sassy badass women are awesome! Following!
Ha! That's the way I raised my girls too ;0)
Thank you for the kind thoughts!
You are an amazing and inspiring woman.
Sorry for the belated reply, I didnt get a notification. But thank you, you are too kind.
Life sure seems to be throwing a lot of challenges your way, take care X
That's for sure. But we take them as they come. Thank you for your thoughtfulness and stopping by!
If you can find an ASyra practitioner nearby you I am in New Zealand we do much using digital homeopathy and the immune response and health issues like the spine is within the capability of a good Asyra practitioner. I could remotely scan you husband from here but to have a practitioner handy will help to minimise your health bills greatly and hopefully start to restore some will being to your husband. My husband had a spondylitis of his spine and tilted forward he is now completely straight and taller than me now.
That is something i am completely new to. I know here in Florida, US, they arrrested people for using the machines. Thats all i know.
Not if they are proper practitioners.
I'll have to look into it thanks!
Wow, good luck with you and your families journey. I will follow and look forward to your posts.
Thank you!
I have no idea if it would help but If I were in this situation I would definitely explore using cannibas oil (not just CBD)- as I understand it the cannibas oil helps strengthen the autoimmune system- perhaps in this instance bring balance?
If you are interested in exploring further search for 'Phoenix Tears' and 'Rick Simpson. There are also very powerful and simple healing techniques performed with your thoughts and intensions that are very real and can go a long way in managing pain-
I'd be happy to talk to you on the phone if you send me a message via wallet- just send .001 steem in order to send me a message and I'll return the steem- best of luck- I wish you both well and I'm glad that steemit will be helping to improve your situation- we are all in this together!
And yes Steemit has an amazing community of top notch peeps.
Praying for you! Look forward to your future posts. I have never heard of this disease but just wondering if you have looked into any type of natural means to help in any way? Not sure if there is anything else that could be done but just in case...
There are many natural supplements that help but they soon loose their effectiveness. He also tried going wheat free/gluten free and that helped for a bit. Thank you for your support!
You're welcome. Maybe check into ayurvedic lifestyle.
I will, thank you
You're welcome.
Upvoted. Thanks for sharing. We are all here for you ! Keep on Steeming and fighting on!
Thank you! This has been so hard to put into words. Five years of struggle out there for all to see. Your kindness means the world!
Thank you for this open, honest and inspiring post. Upvoted and now Resteeming. Blessings, strength, faith and healing for you, your husband and family!
Thank you, that's awesome! Kindness is healing🌹
So true! Kindness, love and support of one another is what life should be all about. So glad we are part of this incredible Steemit community where these values are put into action.
I'm sorry about your husband's condition. I can understand how difficult it must be for you to seek help in any form. I've been here less than a week and I've seen how the community comes together to help others Steemians. I'm sure you'll get the help you need here. Your husband will be in my prayers. God bless!
Upvoted. Will resteem too.
Everything about being ill is difficult, but it is a great thing to be able to share here! We've been battling alone for years now. Thank you for your comnent and resteem!
A touching story. As challenging as your husband's condition is, I believe the universe has a way of taking us to where we are supposed to be. His condition may have paved the way for your family to be, or in the future be, where you are supposed to. Finding steemit is one I can think of.
I'm thankful that you have shared your story, this makes a lot of people appreciate what they have now.
@farmandadventure, I wish for you to stay as strong as you are, a guiding angel to your family, and an inspiration to the rest of the world.
Thank you so much for the kind words! The best thing to happen in the last acouple of days is that we don't feel so alone now! We've battled the front lines of this illness for years and almost no one had ever even heard of it. Thank you for your support, it means the world!
Upvoted and following.
Thank you jeff!
You sure can wright..what I would give to feather words like you.
terrible what's happening to your hubby : ( my heart bleeds for him.
You have a wonderful gift with your powers of expression and penmanship .
I would bet that given the inspiration of a chosen topic you could wright a good book.
Good vibes to your hubby and stay strong luv.
UV'd followed RS'd
I am humbled by your kind words, thank you fellow homesteader❤
Your very welcome luv ; )
Stay strong! :)
It's hard sometimes for sure, but all these wonderful people reading, commenting, and spreading awareness are really helping.
Hope the community will bring you some value so you can help your husband and take care of your children. I hate to see so much people in the world struggle. Keep your head up!
We already feel strengthened so much by everyone! It's a long battle, since there is no cure yet, and we have felt so alone. But not anymore. It's like having a team now, and it's wonderful! Thank you so much
I feel his pain too I have had ankylosing spondylitis for 7 years now too I wish you both luck for the future
Robbie, I hope you are able to find something that alleviates your aches and pains. My husband's AS hit HARD and FAST, and it seems like other people's are slower. I hope yours is the slow kind! If you ever need to vent, we're here friend 🌻
Thank you I changed my diet the first year it slowed it down a lot
We went sugar free and gluten free, even raw vegan. It eases up for a bit, then hits him like a truck. There are many different strengths of this disease. He said he wishes he has just kept moving. When you're sick, you lay in bed. When you lay in bed, you're spine fuses. Vicious circle. But we're here to share if you need us. Stay strong!
Thank you I will be doing many things to try and heal naturally see if I can but it gets harder every year for me
I will be doing updates. So far he's had methotrexate, Enbrel, and now they are recommending Remicaide (spelling might be wrong). He doesnt want to do any of it, but the Enbrel keeps him in motion. If anything else comes along, i will post it. Hopefully it will be a natural remedy! Best wishes
They want me to start injections next month cenzia or something like that I'm scared of the side effects
My hearts bleeds for you and you and your family - you are all now in my prayers. I know that you aren't seeking sympathy and that you never would.
I've known you since the beginning on my steemit journey and we've had many communications yet you never once mentioned the seriousness of your situation to me. Maybe that was my fault?
I haven't logged into my steem account for 5-6 months yet I logged in today and I saw this post. The Lord works in mysterious ways.
Get behind this lady please everyone. She is a salt of the earth person and she and her family deserve every bit of support that the steemit community can provide to them.
I am here for you L so please reach out if you need anything. God Bless.
You are so kind! My husband and I have read all the comments now, several times a day, and it has been so upbuilding! We feel empowered, like we have this army behind us now! When your life becomes a vicious cycle of doctors appointments, lab tests, and medicine side effects, your world gets very small. It's bigger again thanks to folks like you! I've actually only been here since last month but I thank you for your heartfelt thoughts❤
Totally praying that healing comes. Your an amazing person. I homeschool too :)
I hope it helps.
Thank you, it has already with all the friendship being shown
This story is heartbreaking for so many reasons, namely the thought of what you're going through as a combo with the US policies on healthcare and how they just keep getting worse :( Still, what a great thing to have found this community, not just for financial support, but like you said, people that care. Even though it is digital, it still helps. Sending lots of love and upvotes to you!
Thank you, I needed that today! Yes, US healthcare is so far from what it needs to be. I appreciate your warm thoughts (and I followed you).