Great! Wish you a very very happy birthday.
i choose this question: "What is the worst gift you've received ?"
I really do love my grandpa. But the last christmas, for some crazy reason he gave me a biography NOT AUTHORIZED of Justin Bieber. The adolescent Justin Bieber asjdasjflksjfls It was like: Oh! thanks grandpa and I was thinking inside like: "Cool, that was right the present I wanted!" Really it was so weird, my brothers and I think that in the book store they made fun of my grandpa giving him bad advices, I mean, the adolescent Justin Bieber, a biography that looks like a magazine to a man of 22 years (me) hahahaaha. One of my brothers recieved a book about evangelism in Harry Potter, I know it sound so unbeleivable but here are the pics:
The biography and the evangelism in Harry Potter
Not authorized biography
Thanks for the opportunity!, btw, can I answer one of the other questions?
I hope you had enjoyed my embarrasing story.