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RE: How to use Butterball Turkey Fryer For the Holidays.

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

I watch a lot of online video and I can confirm that. If a video is less than 10 minutes long I might view it. 5 minutes or less increases​ that possibility even more.

If the content creator or subject matter is something I'm really interested in, I'll watch for an hour or more.

Oh, and the audio quality HAS to be good. If it has a lot of room echo, screaming kids or super loud background music, I'm outta there.

@c21willie you have good audio and video quality. You sound like you're right there talking to us.

Audio is more important than video as many people listen to it while doing other things. Best wishes to you! :)


evernoticethat, Thank you for taking the time to post your comment I do work hard on my audio and my Vizio to make sure is professional since I mean real estate you have to give a professional good impression but I will work on my videos to be straight to the point and shorter. thanks