Guns...there are SO MANY to chose from
It's like they've been making guns for a hundred years.
OH WAIT..they have.
I did a LOT of research before I bought my 'carry' pistol.
I wanted an inherently safe gun( as safe as a gun can be) that I could afford to own and could afford to shoot. That pretty much eliminated the hand cannons.
other than .22 (which I seriously considered) 9mm is the most common ammo.
I do NOT like Striker Fire. I seriously considered a revolver...I LIKE the looks of a snubnosed revolver.
But only five or six shots? Then it takes a 'while' to reload?
SO...I bought a sccy
(you can't take the sky from me)
Nice...just checked out their website. What do they run for?
two to three hundred..depending on where you get them..