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RE: 3 Problems With The New Logo - A Critical Review - How About A Community Contest To Fix The Logo?

in #steemit7 years ago

I'm a graphic design educator of 17+ years. I don't consider myself a branding expert but I know a bit about logo design. It's going to take me a few days to write the post in amongst other things. I'll comment with a link when it's done.


I'm going to officially take this off my todo list: sorry. Getting much too busy.
A quick summary of why the logo isn't iconic:
When small, it doesn't have a well defined shape; it looks like a circle that was drawn badly. The tips should stick out more when small and less when medium / large. Look at the logo in the top left - tips out too far.
The counter-space (that's the white) disturbs the over silohette of the shape. It's fine when the logo is medium sized but becomes indistinguishable at smaller sizes.
I think the logo tries to do too many things - and thus never really settles on anything that the brain decides that's it. Common mistake in logo design nowadays.