The world has been effectively conquered by force of the most brutal kind and it is being wasted and potentially ruined by the same force which can only exist because of people willing to defend it for them like guard doggies. If the animals and the trees die, and the ocean life is all destroyed, his silly "capitalistic", or whatever other system a person wants to defend isn't going to be of much value because there will be nothing left. All of it wasted, because in this vast reality, so many seem to actually lack the ability to imagine anything beyond this program which has been installed by their captors.
I like to have the ability to buy things just like most other people, but none of that matters if we have wasted everything this world has to offer because we are so focused on a fictional construct
If we waste time complaining about what others are doing (this does not mean pretend things we think are bad are not happening) then we are not spending time doing what we can do to create a better way. There is that quote about not being able to change things from the same level of consciousness that created a problem in the first place...
He created this post in hopes people would click. Normally I would not have, but I chose to... even though it has me SMH, he did it because we permission it. When we stop rewarding the content we don't like with attention, and our own energy... it will eventually burn out on it's own. Those who create it will be forced to create something else if they want upvotes from the people they have sat in judgement of. If they upvote their own posts knowing they are crap then to each his own, there's a larger reason for the imbalance causing that behavior and the crap content is a distraction from the root problem. That's how I view it, anyway.

intended to enslave us that we shoot ourselves in the foot. I don't care what @haejin does, because it isn't my business. We can all see the problems with the behavior of ourselves, and others if we choose to look at it, however, the only behavior we can truly change is our own. The changes that will make this world a better place will have to come from within each of us. The value of this platform and how it either increases or decreases will be the collective creation of each and every one of us on here in the long run. Even if we find out one day that it's created by an alphabet agency or the same people behind the banks and that @ned was really a front person like the character playing "Zuckerberg" ... then that will simply be a reflection of where we are at this place in our development as a species that we chose to allow it to manifest in the first place. When we stop permission ourselves being treated by people who's highest evolutionary achievement seems to be brute force and vampirism, only then can we reach our highest potential as a species. I think #Steemit can be utilized as an effective tool in our positive growth as a collective. We'll see how that plays out eventually. ;) #UnFucker
Now THIS was an interesting comment!