Another excellent article @hilarski! Thanks a bunch for sharing your history as well as your thoughts and philosophy with us.
I can't help but trust in the monumental intelligence of the devs and people behind the scene making this platform a top-notch location to share and invest. On the long-run, I strongly believe Steem and its descendants will rise to amazing heights, along with BitShares, its fathering platform.
As for you, I move within the platform with as much positivity as I do in my everyday life here or there while findings many other ways to support, promote and make our platform a total success. All for one and one for all, namaste :)
You are definitely one of the positive pillars of the community. Thank you for what you do and I hope I can continue to be of service.
Namaste :)Thank you so very much @hilarski, your words are encouraging and very kind. Your positivism is equally highly appreciated on this end and makes for an experience on this platform that is worth going back to.