Alternate account @curtaintwitcher or buddy? Make up your mind. You can seem him play games on dlive, also you can see my introduction post where I verified myself, plus that his account is probably older than mines. Yes, he is a friend, we got along because he doesn't stand for bullshiters like you and has great ethics. We actually worked together in exposing this.
Btw there are another 585 people that think different than you, besides curtaintwitcher. And some of them know way more things that you do about the steem blockchain
Keep talking to yourself on your posts with your altaccount @momskitchen, which you aknowdlege :))) , and don't forget to upvote it to the top of the page like always :
And keep pretending that you don't have financial interest in saying this stuff about me. You should learn to back claims by proof, it speaks louder than cheap words. As you can see the delegation was removed : Did you even wondered why? Or are you saying that people that run steemit believed me based on just words? Wtf is "witch hunting"? It's that a new internet term used by deceivers like you against people like me for speaking the truth?
I am actually breading so I still have a life, still I don't talk to myself through different accounts to prove that I have a life :))) Cool down your ego, you have the most horrible attitude that I have encountered and you always offend people that you don't agree with, even tough they talk nicely to you. So you deserve the same thing at some point.