⏺ PPT (Post Promotion Thread) #3: Comment your links! I am offering free services!!

in #steemit8 years ago


Give the people what they want, and you can have anyone you want - Zig Ziglar

Zig, you are one of my biggest inspirations. Well said my man!

I want to do exactly that.
POST YOUR LINKS HERE!! - In short.. Post your link to your latest post in the comments section, and I will go and deliver some engagement for you! You may comment unlimited times. One link per comment.
This is an update from my first post testing this idea out. The first run went pretty smoothly, so did the second, and I accomplished what I intended to. I will now start trying it more frequently. I will be putting out a promoting post (PPT) once a week. This is officially the 3rd Post Promotion Thread.

For you those of you who haven't read the first one, I brought the information over from the first post. Below is the information about this idea of these posts.
Alright, so I have been thinking of a way for me to be able to show my appreciation to all you guys, but have been struggling to think of anything other than monetary contributions.. I want to do something more than just sending some money here and there.
After all, true value is in time!
So I have come here to give. Not my money, but my time.

So I have decided to make a Post Promotion Thread. Right here.
On this thread, you are fully welcome to put your latest post link. Any link that is in here, I will do my best to give my attention to. I really enjoy helping people. I want to be able to say at the end of the day, that I have done my part. I know on many other blogs, it is considered unethical to simply dump your link in a comment, but not with me in these posts. I am encouraging it!
Send it all!

Now, as of right now, it is quite an ironic time for me to be making this post, as I am incredibly caught-up in my personal life, and I am very busy. That is why I have had delays in my posting times, and between the time it takes me to reply to you guys. Just bare with it for now. I plan to have things back to normal soon! Don't let that bother the long-term goal of this idea of mine, however.
I believe in giving. There is a lot of power in the simple act of just giving to others. I really like the concept. Especially on this platform.

There is one requirement for this initiative.. I want you guys to get everyone to post their links here. Get my cause out there, so people can know where to come for quality. I accept the challenge for when I have the time. It gives me a great fulfillment to be able to help you guys grow on this platform. If you need any assistance for anything from me, do not feel frightened to simply ask in my comments' section. I don't think I can offer a more beneficial 'free' service for you guys.
As of right now, this is just the spark of my idea. So there are no real rules. I will probably make some adjustments in the future about this topic, but as of right now, just put your links here. You may post future links here too until I make a more recent update to this topic.
One link per comment. Let's have a common respect for one another, please.

If you think someone you know deserves a shout-out, you are always welcome to let me know! Yes, you may nominate yourself, only if you really think your content deserves more exposure. Your results need to speak for themselves :) I choose a new person every week for the Shout-Out Saturday post! So stay tuned, it might be you!

More than how much my posts can make, I care far more about getting my content in front of newer faces. So if you would like to show your appreciation, you can share this with others!
I want this blog to be a happy, motivated place where you guys are free to engage and say whatever is on your mind. A place where if you have something on your mind, no matter how dramatic it may be, you can feel free to speak. Resteems are appreciated!
I reward good resteems and comments! I would love to know what's on your mind. Be bold and talk to me in my comments section! I would to know your opinion and what it is you'd like to achieve. I am trying my best to make 2 high quality blog posts per day. So stay tuned!

My previous post:
The zombie mentality! You need to have it. Part 2

My previous Shout-Out Saturday post:
🔲 Shout-Out Saturday: @steemsoccer! Let's support his efforts!!

My previous Send-Back Sunday:
✴️ Send-Back Sunday: Why I am not a millionaire yet! Extended.

My previous image-gallery post:
📽Anime gallery: Berserk (Part 2)

My previous milestone:
🖊 Milestone time!! 5000+ posts - 60 Rep - 1400+ Followers! All on the same day!!

My main Instagram account is currently at 35K+ Followers.

There are 2 pages

Update: @vm2904 has decided to partner-up with me. He will be engaging on your content in the links you drop as well.

Let's go!!! Talk soon.

interesting idea, let's see how this goes :)

Thanks for that brother! Only positive visions :) Where's your link? :P

Drop it here, and I will engage!

Talk soon.

@enazwahsdarb - Hey bro. Good to see this effort from you. I was on and off for last 2-3 weeks but am now back. Would love to support your efforts. Feel free to let me know if I can do anything to help. Do check out my post if possible - https://steemit.com/photography/@vm2904/photospeak-5-blazing-glory-nature-paints-with-sunrays-original-photos-and-thoughts

Hey brother, thanks for those kind words! I appreciate that.

Good to see you back. Let's get that grind on ;)

Feel free to let me know if I can do anything to help.

Yeah, let's see what you got!

About your post:

I just had to repost the shot, because it's epic :P Great one bro!

Keep up your awesome work ethic in this community. Talk soon.

Love the post my friend. I think you give a few very valid points!

Increase your reputation: Many people will look at this number

So true. As petty as many people think it is, I think Rep here on Steemit says a lot, and should really be taken more seriouly :) Thanks for that insight!

Talk soon.

@glennolua - Importance of goal setting could not have been explained in better way. Well done. The 5 guidelines of Edwin and their application to Steemit will help many Steemians.

Cool idea, @enazwahsdarb. This is certainly a little more streamlined process than running contests or putting together compendiums of others posts...

I created my first post just last night, so here's the link to my one and only. I'll be interested to see how this all works out for you and for those posting. Cheers!


Thanks man. I am glad you like my idea :) I do it for you guys! I have a big vision for this all. We need to promote a 'giving' atmosphere. If no one starts, then nothing will ever change.

Finally, the proposed bill would allow employers to(1) prohibit the use, consumption, possession, trade, display, transport, sale or cultivation of marijuana in the workplace

Hahaha seriously :D That's going to be interesting. I wonder how a cranky, unsupportive boss would react to that situation xD

Awesomely made post my friend. Keep up the good content.

Talk soon!

Damn !! You are different, unique, creative and intelligent. Amazing idea 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

Here is my link :-

LOVE is the most wrongly understood concept in this world. We confuse love with fulfilling our own desires in an indirect way. When I got awakened to find what love is, I developed a strong urge to make people understand about it and so I wrote a full fledged article with 17 points to cover each and every point describing what real love is and what all you thought it was, is totally wrong.This is a mind boggling and life changing article that I am presenting to you today. God bless you. 🙂


I am really impressed by this idea of yours 😍. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

I love your energy and passion :) Thank you for your kind words too! I myself have my own perception on love too :)

Let's check this out:

  1. What hurt's you is not LOVE but your EGO !!
  2. Love can not hate, love can only love ??
  3. If you "WANT" them, it isn't love.
  4. If you expect anything from them, well obviously you know love is unconditional!!!
  5. Love isn't an agreement.
  6. Love is not a sacrifice either.
  7. There is a huge difference between love and attachment !!
  8. You can love, without asking them to agree for a relationship.
  9. All you know about love is wrong :-
  10. Love does not change if actions do.

Love those points. They are very accurate. I believe most people confuse love, simply with infatuation. Two completely different thing. They don't understand that the 'euphoric' emotions they feel in the beginning are just exaggerated. Love should simply be unconditional, and undefined.

"It's so illogical how people name their own WANTS as love for the other."

This one is really good too!

Thanks for the awesome post :) I really enjoyed the layout and the effort you put in.

PS. If it was me, I would've split that post into 3 parts :)

Talk soon!

Sure you can post here :) My question is, which one is you? :P

Awesome post my friend! Keep up the nice quality. Talk soon.

@claudene - Gorgeous looks. Casual but smart attire. Loved it!

Whao this is a great service. I like this. If you could just be doing this. You will probably be the only steemian with the highest comments on this platform.


Thank you my man. Glad you like it!

I would say it is much easier to get a response from a new person if you are a known name in some of the channels than popping up from nowhere.

Well said. I totally agree with that! That's why I believe rapport is such an important aspect of building any communication relationship :)

Nice post my man! Talk soon.

Not the most recent post but yes from this week only. I don't write too often, so would you mind sharing this one?

Thanks a ton for your interest! Looks like your are a voracious reader with a hunger for a greatly diverse topics.

All good brother :) I am actually a very slow reader :D But, I value my time, so that is why I am offering it away, because true giving is in true sacrifice of the things most valuable to you.

Okay, first of all, that was a very well-written article. I can see you put in a ton of effort, and I really think you will do well here with some more exposure.

In my opinion, there is a ton of writing, and majority of people have fairly short attention spans. So just consider that :) That is one of the main reasons why I make my posts into different parts. I would also consider adding some more visuals :)

When I joined Steemit, everything looked good to me initially. But soon I found that it’s still not a truly decentralized, uncensored, borderless...

I suppose I have to agree to some extent. Although the platform itself is very open, the people inside of it do make it less 'free to do as you wish' kind of vibes.

Keep up your work.

Woahh!! Coolest I have seen so far from you :D

I'm so sorry for being late here. I haven't been regular this week. I couldn't post more than twice last week either. But I plan on being more regular starting Today.

So here's my post which I wrote in the memory of 9/11 that how it affected a Muslim kid's (mine) life for a day or two. Also commented a little about how it has changed the things all around us.

Photo I used was captured by 'her' :)

Would you like to take a look at it? https://steemit.com/life/@beingnaveed/september-11-2001-how-i-felt-that-day-emotions-of-a-muslim-kid-on-9-11-2001

The Populous Platform have been release for Alpha testing and I have found it to be easy and straight forward to use.

Alpha? Nice. Much like Steemit was a year ago :)

So you're using that platform too?

Nice post! Love the layout. Talk soon.

Hopefully the Populous Platform is as successful as Steemit.

@marcusxman - Nice and detailed description of the Populous service. Thanks. Will go take a look

Populous is very interesting and different to other tokens on offer.

No problem :) Just want to help you guys out!

Wow awesome post :) Loving all the visuals. The pictures bring everything to life. I LOOOVE mangos too.

Talk soon.

@chillimilli786 - nice post with very mouth watering visuals of mangoes. I recommend that you mention image credits to avoid comments by Cheetah bot.

Check out the Key of growth on Steemit.

Great initiative man!

Thanks man! Glad you like what I'm doing.

A year from now you will wish you had started today.

Well said, Karen Lamb.

That's kind of how I feel about Steemit right now :D I wish I started my journey a year ago. I also realize that I can't change that, so rather just be grateful that we can get started now!

Nice post my dude. Keep up your hustle. You're doing great!

Talk soon.

Thanks for this post promotion here.
I will put my post here which i was also thanking the Steemit community for the follows and reputation gained.

Congrats on your milestone brother! Awesome stuff :)

I see you joined here because of @grantcardone.. The guy is a beast!

Talk soon.

Hey bro. . Not sure if i can use this but here we go ... ill do some more updates on the morrow ..
https://steemit.com/originalmusic/@devilspeak/devilspeak-or-unearth-hell thanks alot for the support! !

Thank you :) I am glad you like my idea. I believe in treating other's the way you want to be treated :)

Whenever You find Yourself on the Side of the Majority,
it is Time to Pause and Reflect.

Well, Mark Twain is a wise dude for quoting that :P

Awesome post man! Keep up the quality.

Talk soon.

Thanks. I am glad you like what I'm doing. Wow thanks for this very in-depth tour! :)

This looks so different. I don't think I have ever seen it before.

Now I want to go there :P Talk soon!

I have actually started a series "Untold stories of Unsuccessful Persons" where I share the stories of ordinary people. However, it's been 19 days I haven't published my next episode due to work load at the office. My last post is about my friend who died in 2012 in an accident and we, some friends have been helping his parents financially from the last 4 years. Some of friends discontinued their contributions so we were actually facing a shortage of money. But fortunately, we were able to give them the money for this month.

And I wish, everyone here would start thinking like you! You can read the details here: https://steemit.com/whalepower/@ghulammujtaba/ahsan-s-parents-need-our-support

This is some hectic stuff.

"When I came out of my car, I picked up his head but realized I just had one part of his head. His head was actually broken into pieces, I started crying and shouted for help!"

Uhm.. I'm honestly cringing.. That's really some crazy stuff.

I am very sorry about what had happened. I hope you are feeling good now.

Thanks for liking my initiative. I plan to only grow this from here.

Talk soon.

Here is my latest post for you to review I hope you like it.


Sweet brother I will check it out!

Mushrooms chopped
Tomatoes finely chopped
Shallots (Sambar Onions) finely chopped
Ginger Garlic Paste
Mint Leaves finely chopped
Coriander Leaves chopped
Black Pepper Powder

Nice post my bro. Nicely written, will lot's of info. If I were to improve something, I would just take more pictures of ingredients next time. Otherwise, it's really great!

Keep up your good work. Talk soon.

You are everywhere like MTN my sister 😂

Bros he is my friend on Steemitchat... Lol.

We are all in the African group that's why :P

Talk soon.

Hahaha you guys are funny dude.

Talk soon.

Thanks :) Only my pleasure!

The hyper-sexualization that occurs in Hollywood; its toxic, there is no question. It affects all of us, including the young girls who are seeking an identity.

It's true though. Especially in today's time, it's becoming real problem. It's a domino effect, because the more they sexualize themselves, the less they are respected by people around them, so the more they do it in insecurity.

Hectic post, but it's reality.

Talk soon

You are doing a great job! This is my link: https://steemit.com/dream/@smyle/dreams-do-they-materialized

I also believe i deserve the shout out. Check my blog for great stuffs😀👍

Thanks brother!

Thanks brother! I appreciate that.

I also believe i deserve the shout out.

I have about 10+ requests easily in the last week.. This is getting tougher and tougher each and every week haha.

The ability to conceptualize new things, to have bigger vision of how things should be, ought to be and must be is what differentiate us from lesser animals.

WOW, how true. Love that!

I appreciate the effort you Nigerians are putting into your content. It's fantastic to see :) Keep up your good work ethic.

Talk soon.

Only my pleasure, Linsey!


That's funny haha! :D

Your posts are doing really great by the way! Keep it up Lady-Boss:D

Talk soon.

Thanks brother. Appreciate that!

Black Black Black sheep, having any wool? Yes sir, Yes sir, I have got some cool stuff

Say whaaaat :D So random LOL.

You got blacked hahaha! Nice post brother. It was quite amusing :P

Talk soon.

This is so helpful man, thanks for this! Here's my latest post.

@louielowa @shairanada you can get exposure here

I am glad it's helpful to you guys :) Only my pleasure!

Today is my 20th day in steemit community

Congrats on your first 20 days. You have a good rep for that amount of time :) You must've had a well-rewarded post?

Talk soon!

Most posts had good reward, others don't have. But it's okay :)

Such an awesome idea that doesn't require bots or spending SBD!! Here's my link for those that need to relax after all the excitement from your post. Upvoted and followed because this is what needed to happen on Steemit.


Thanks :) Glad you like my idea!

While many people often believe the best thing for maintaining their health is only diet and exercise, one thing which is surelt forgotten is simply relaxing.

So true. Simply relaxing is sometimes all you need :) Well.. You were right, it was pretty relaxing haha. Nice picture and short article.

Talk soon!

You bet! Glad you were able to relax too. Haha. Thank you as well.

https://steemit.com/funny/@aldentan/serious-question-do-i-look-like-brad-pitt lol here you go. KNOCK YOURSELF OUT with my pics. haha.


Hahaha. Funny guy :D

[Serious Question] Do I look like Brad Pitt?

Honestly.. No you don't xD No offense, but that guy must be confused. You have complete different facial features LOL.

You both look cool in your own ways nonetheless. Talk soon!

Hahah no probs. To each his own. I get some green lights and some red.

Why thank you my friend :) I appreciate your kind words!

What did I just look at xD Haha. That was pretty cute and funny I won't lie :D

Well done with this post. You are creative haha.

Talk soon.

This is a great initiative and i have honestly seen this fpr the very first time that someone on steemit is actually willing to spend time and money to bring up new steemitians who aspire to be successful. Many thanks for your support. Below is my latest post on meditation. Hope u love reading it. Upvoted, resteemed and following u. Regards Nainaz. https://steemit.com/spirituality/@nainaztengra/meditation-a-way-of-life-part-1

I am glad you appreciate it :) Don't even mention it ;) Just me doing my part.

Meditation A Way of Life

How true. I like the way you described thing into words in the post. I am not the most serious meditator, but I do believe it does wonders!

Talk soon.

@nainaztengra - Wow - nice post explaining the essence of meditation. I think the following is the crux since meditation requires forgetting self.

“I Know Nothing”, “I do Nothing” and “I am Nothing”.
It will then allow you to come to a stage of complete surrendering.

This is really a nice idea. My post will be ready later, so i will send it here.

Awesome stuff brother! Let me know :)

Talk soon.

@yaanivapeji - Looking forward to your post

Thank you very much. Duo my post is already here. It is down.

As humans, if individuals could not wait at some point in life; then we are doomed!

So true. Patience is the name of the game hey :) Love this.

Good write up! Talk soon.


No problem brother! :)

@oluwoleolaide - Nice explanation of the essence of waiting brother.

What is life without waiting ..
So true!

No problemo my man!

Nice. Very interesting. Not too sure what a faucet is though :)

Talk soon.

Faucets are websites that offer free bitcoins (actually satoshis - 100 millionth part of bitcoin) after certain time intervals to users who complete captchas etc.

Mmmm interesting! Thanks for that insight bro.

@nightshift1134 - Nice info and good effort in running a faucet. Wish you luck with the JSE miner

Okay who made this animation? If you did, then you need to go work for Pixar! :D

Talk soon!

@shujaa- Pixar animators are indeed talented. You are correct in saying this looks almost real.

I mean.. Check the details in the hair hey! :O Crazy.

You're a source of inspiration.Thanks for giving minnows a chance. Here is my link

I appreciate your words of kindness :) It's a pleasure for me to be able to give you all a helping hand!

Awesome poem brother! You wrote this very nicely. I can see you put in quite some effort :)

Keep up this work.

The @OriginalWorks bot has determined this post by @enazwahsdarb to be original material and upvoted it!

To call @OriginalWorks, simply reply to any post with @originalworks or !originalworks in your message!

For more information, Click Here!

To nominate this post for the daily RESTEEM contest, upvote this comment! The user with the most upvotes on their @OriginalWorks comment will win!

Thanks for verifying for me ;)

follow @traxiko .. I follow Back instantly :) .. just for helping each others ♥ ( @traxiko )

Thanks man! Where is your link? :P Post it here.

Talk soon!

Imagine you are given book, and asked to measure the thickness of paper. You simply can’t, without very precise and accurate tools. Here is an idea; consider all paper has equal thickness. This is not necessarily true, but approximate. Measure the width of the book and divide by the number of pages. See how an approximation helped?

I believe everything in life works with the Law of Averages. Things do not have to be precise and exact to work :)

Awesomely explained in this post. Talk soon!

Amazing ur post and information 👍
Write up my friend
Good luck @enzawahsdarb👍👍👍👍😊

Thank. Glad you liked it. Post your link to your latest post, and I will go give it my support.

Talk soon!

WOW. Well the contents of this post should be a complex number.. Because it's so complex :D

Nicely laid out! Talk soon.

At point (1,1), magnitude = √ 2 and direction 45 degree with horizontal.
At point (-1,1), magnitude = √ 2 and direction 135 degree with horizontal.
At point (-1,-1), magnitude = √ 2 and direction 225 degree with horizontal.
At point (1,-1), magnitude = √ 2 and direction 315 degree with horizontal.

At point (2,2), magnitude = √ 8 and direction 45 degree with horizontal.
At point (-2,2), magnitude = √ 8 and direction 135 degree with horizontal.
At point (-2,-2), magnitude = √ 8 and direction 225 degree with horizontal.
At point (2,-2), magnitude = √ 8 and direction 315 degree with horizontal.


This is the face I pull when I read these equation-type articles :P

Talk soon!

In the world, where everybody is running for the material peace which is temporary..

So true. I just had to respond to that line, because the materialistic joys really are the temporary ones hey! Nice insight.

I enjoyed your article. Keep it up! Talk soon.

You really using my engagement opportunity hey :D Love it. You're taking advantage.

Awesome post my man! Interesting to look through. I enjoyed all the visuals. That plane go wrecked hey.

Talk soon!

thank you

@gauss01 - Nice take on the wrecked plane being turned in a museum.

with this I broke my airplane virginity (more like second base though).
I love this line!! LOL

thank you


Where's your latest link bro? Post it here :D

Talk soon.

Love it brother! Congrats on 1000 followers. You're killing it :) Keep up your hustle!

It feels like yesterday when I heard about this blogging channel "Steemit" and started thinking about joining it

I know what you mean :D Literally feels like yesterday LOL. Then again, it also somehow feels like I have been here forever at the same time.

Talk soon.

you described the moment in the best manner!

I am glad you think so :) No problem brother. Talk soon.

Dude this one is so good! You still using your 60D? Really great quality. Lighting is so on point too :)

Great post. Keep up the hustle!

Хорошая идея друг!

Спасибо тебе друг! Я ценю, что вам это нравится!

В следующий раз, когда я сделаю такой пост, вы должны опубликовать свою ссылку.

Thank you very much for this wonderful initiative
I really needed help
Are found in the link
Thank you in advance

Only my pleasure :) I am happy when you guys appreciate it!

Yesterday I had an evaluation of 37 and today I found it"6"

It seems in the past, many of your posts were flagged. I haven't done enough investigation to know why, but you should find out what you are doing wrong..

Contact steemcleaners on chat and ask.

Talk soon.


Get him on the platform already :)

By the way, dude, that's a sh*t load of pictures in that post of your brother! :D

Talk soon.

Hahahahahaha. There are still alot more pictures from the wedding but i just said that these once i added are enough.😀😀

Yeah I'd say :D (500+ pictures later... :D)

This post has received a 0.78 % upvote from @drotto thanks to: @banjo.

There are 2 pages