Just a sum up
So if anyone have seen one of my latest post about printing money, i am in the process óf making a physical token for representing steem. The idea behind this is that i want to do my part in raising awareness of steem and steemit.
As stated in the other post, i am now in the process of 3d modeling, and 3d printing a few different versions of steem coins. You can see the first one here
This is only the very first version, and there is still a ton to do. In the following time, i’ll be refining and reiterating on the physical shape of the coin. When i find a form that i am happy with, i will share it with steemit, and if it is deemed acceptable, i will call it the final version.
Today, i sketched out two other possible forms for the coin. I apologize for the bad picture of the black coin. I only had black filament left at that point, and as it was only a quick sketch, i didn’t see it as a big issue. Also, i do not have the best phone, so the camera could be better.
As you can see, one of them has a raised while the other (the white and the “transparent”) is incused. I’m not sure which i prefer, but at least i have tested out some different ideas now.
The idea
The reason for doing this is so i/ anyone interested can have a physical representation of our favorite crypto to use as we see fit. For me, the reasoning would mainly center around the fact that i could now give away a physical token to people i meet on the street, hereby making them aware of the currency and social network.
Of course, this would only be a drop in the sea, but any person joining our website is added value, as everyone has something to share.
Naturally, i would also like to give the coins away to my fellow steemians. However, i’ll have to consider the best approach for me. As i am a student, i am not sure i would be able to afford shipping it out to you guys, as shipping in/ from Denmark is at a price point somewhere above my wallet size. So that, i will have to figure out.
Actually giving money away
While working on the project, a thought struck me. Could i actually make the coins themselves valuable? I read an interesting article on Bitcoin News (Find the link down below), about NFC enabled bitcoin wallets. What if i added a NFC to every single coin?
My reason for considering this was that i would find it interesting to transfer, say 1 steem or SBD, to each and every coin. Then i could hand a buck to someone, and they would have to get involved in order to actually get the money.
However, there are several issues with this idea. First of all, i believe i would have to make a new wallet for every single coin, and i simply have no idea how to do that viably. Moreso, there is the issue with the security, how would i actually give the new user the key for the wallet?
Furthermore, it would be a shame to put money into something that people wouldn’t check out, how would i assure that they didn’t just throw it in the bin, hereby throwing the money away?
Therefore, this idea is set on the back burner for now. IF the NFC idea is plausible (If there is a wallet that both implements NFC, and has support for steem/ SBD), i think the idea is more valuable for already existing users. The user could then have a physical token representing his or her wallet, that could be used as see fit.
Maybe this would even be a good christmas gift? Then you could make a coin, put a wallet in it, and transfer, say 10 SBD to it. I think this would be a very cool way of inviting someone into the exciting world of crypto currency.
I need YOUR help!
For now, i just want to focus on the physical shape of the coin. And for this, i would like your input. How do you think it should look? Should it be flat, thick, round or triangular? Should it have a QR code on the back? Which color should it be? Should it have a raised or incused logo etc.
ANY input is greatly appreciated and will be taken into consideration. Steemit is about community, so i want everyone to have a say.
Article title: Forget QR Coded, NFC Bitcoin Wallet Cards are here
Website title: Bitcoin News
URL: https://news.bitcoin.com/nfc-bitcoin-wallet-cards/
Hey @emilclaudell What a wonderful post!
Please see comment below
Thank you SO much! Do you have an estimate on the time? I'm from Denmark, so i might have to listen in in the morning, or in the middle of the night (local time). When i listen in, i hope to get some feedback as to where to go with the project, that would be truly awesome!
Again, thank you so much, what a lovely surprise :)
Hi @emilclaudell, I will now be curating your post. It seems you were picked up by two of the Whaleshares curators. It goes to show how good your posts are! Well done.
Guys, this really mean a lot! Thank you so much! I'll be listening in :)
I found the time in the headline of the link you sent me, i totally didn't see it at first ^^ Again, thank you so much!
I love this idea, when you have your finished product let us know. Hopefully, we can buy it with steem :)
That would be awesome! I can't wait to be done with the exams, so i can look more into it :) Only just got back from uni, and now it's straight to bed, only to return tomorrow morning.
Gonna be nice having time to play with some 3d modelling and stuff like that :)
Oh school is so tough, rest well. TAlk to you later!
I actually like the gear shaped ones more and would gladly pay some.sbd to get one in my hands :D
I am with you there!
Awesome! Will definitely keep it in mind :)
Really? That's awesome! I will continue along that path then! I'll probably rebuild it in fusion 360, in order to have more control. Do you have any pointers on how to re iterate it? I was thinking maybe making it a slightly bit slimmer. Also, i want to cast it in resin. It would be awesome with a see through coin :D
Or adding stuff inside a clear coin! It could maybe be possible to make some really cool patterns inside the coin, like a clear coin with colored specs inside, or a coin with glitter inside :) There's a lot of opportunities, maybe i could do a short series on my design process.
Anyway, thanks for your comment man! :D
What you are calling "Lowered" the actual term is, 'Incuse'.
Gold or Brass colored would be nice.
Incuse would only collect dirt and germs.
I like the idea and remember Bitcoin had a physical coin that could be had Waaayy back when it first came out.
Thank you a ton, English is not my first language :) I'll fix it now. Gold and brass would definitely be cool, i'll be taking note
Incuse is not a word that would normally be used by some one using english as a second language. You are doing real good with our language keep up the good work. I hope to see a finished sample of this coin some day.
RIght now, exams take up quite a lot of my time, so this is really all i had time to do. Looking forward to the vacation where i can hopefully make some better posts :)
Hope you're having a great day!
Hey man, great to meet you on PAL today!
These are cool. I'd love to see them in silicone! They'd be (oil) slick.
That could actually be really cool :D I think i'll be experimenting with casting when the exams are over, so that is definetely one of the things i would like to check out :D
Hey @emilclaude I am a curator from the new Whaleshares Curation Team. I have selected your post to be presented in a live curation discussion on Monday 11th December at 6.59pm EST and 11.59pm UTC. Your post will be awarded with a 25 Whaleshares vote on the night. I do hope you can come along and spectate. The event will be held in The Curation Lounge on the Whaleshares server. Hope to see you there!
Looking forward to it, thank you for the oppurtunity :)
I actually really like the first ones you showed, but I think they're too thick. What about a flat one like the others, but gears on it like a cog? Sort of like a mix between the first and the others.
The others look just like normal coins with a logo. The first is a bit different.
You are totally right! The last two are really mostly to get a sense of the thickness. I didn't have time to mess too much around in fusion 360, i just wanted to print something while i were by the printers.
I'm liking the first one as well, as it fits very well in the palm of your hand. It is actually really nice just to sit there and fiddle with it. So i think my next step is to make a silicone mold, and cast a couple of them in resin.
I love your cog idea, i will definitely think about implementing that! Thanks a bunch mate :)
Oh, btw, you can probably do the whole money thing with QR codes. Like a QR code that takes you to a page with a limited use transfer code. So they snap it with their phone, then it takes them to a page where they can redeem whatever amount you have on it by putting in a name.
Then you'd just have to keep track of how many you put out there, so you don't go broke. Many won't ever be redeemed.
Hardware wallets shaped like steem would be cool though, but that's a bit harder, and really should be used for steem users that will use them.
Yeah, i considered that as well! How awesome would that be! I really haven't looked enough into how wallets actually work, and how easy it would be to implement, but that was exactly what i had in mind :D Do you think it would be possible to first draw the money when it is redeemed or?
Yeah, you'd just have to make a script and put it on a server.
You would make a unique identifier that would only be activated when you produce it, with a designated amount of steem. Then you'd link that to a QR code, and put it on the steem coin. When they scan that, it would take them to a page with a form, and a link to steemit. That form would have a name to transfer the steem to. You would only need to keep a certain amount of steem liquid.
Since it uses a unique identifier that you activate, they would have to compromise your account to create additional access codes.
You probably wanna create a separate wallet just for it, just in case someone compromises the script in some way.
You could also make QR codes to make people accounts for them. Right now it's really hard to make accounts. They're supposed to be working on that though. Pretty sure that costs more though.
None of this is really that difficult, but it can be costly. You're basically giving money away for an advertising campaign.
That is true :) Unfortunately, i don't have money for advertising for steemit, even though i would love to. Just found the idea of giving something away really enjoyable. Maybe one day. Your answer is really great though, thanks a lot!
To rsize an image just add
so to resize an image to 130x100
Here is an example:
As for giving it to other steemians, many people on here might be willing to pay for shipping themselves (although maybe less so for 3d printed coins) but any with 3d printers would probably love the model.
The final version won't be 3d printed, but molded, or cast in resin, i think :) These versions are just a quick mock up. It would be awesome if people would pay for shipping, that would make it a whole lot easier for me. Then i only need to find a way to pay for materials. And yeah, i'll definitely share the file to anyone interested, naturally :)
Thanks for the image resize tip, i had a lot of issues with that (As you can maybe see) :)
Merry Christmas!
If you ever have questions about formatting you can ask on here or steemit chat, we all have tips or tricks we can give you (depending on if you use HTML or Markdown)
And the coins look awesome, somewhere I saw someone doing silver steemit coins (don't remember where though) and its definitely something people will get into. For creating the wallets, there is a way to do it that could work by creating new accounts with steempy Read here and then have the account name and password on the token and have a pre made post telling them to change the password but that would be extremely difficult.Just an idea
That is a good idea. It would be cool to have something like a prepaid card, where you didn't need to manually make a new account each time.
It would be cool with silver, gold or bronze indeed :D Maybe i can do a very exclusive casting in aluminum, and anodize it, that would be awesome!
And thanks for the formatting help, it awesome that so many people are so nice :)
What a wonderful idea, creating a physical representation to create awareness. Well done to you impressive stuff. I will be keeping an eye on your progress, if you need any help with 3D's give me a shout I would be happy to contribute. :-)
I will very likely do that then :) Just need to hand in my exams the 15th, and then i will have some time to do fun stuff :) I haven't really been able to put as much time into my posts as i would like to, as i entered steem after my exams started. But hopefully i will have time around Christmas :)
Sounds good keep me posted :-)
Thanks for making such a cool contribution @emilclaudell
I think the latest version of the coin is much more refined and looks like a traditional coin itself.
I'd say making it a bit smaller would be a good idea for many reasons, one of them being logistical, the other - they'll be faster to make and prototype as well as economical on the filament.
As for the color I feel like white is good for now and maybe if it's worth doing later on, to spray-paint the raised logo in cyan as the color of the steemit logo. That would look dope and I'd love to own one and put it on my wall.
I think i'll be making a mold of one of them next week, in order to experiment with resin :)
I don't plan on 3d printing them if i will produce a larger quantity, the 3d printer is simply too slow. It's great for prototyping though, and we have an awesome SLA printer (3d printer using liquid) at uni, which i would love to try out!
Seems like there is some interest behind it, which is definetely awesome!! Would love to share them with people!
Great idea about the QR code! later on you might actually be able to use it to pay something :D
A few years ago, someone tried a similar initiative with bitcoin. If my recall is correct, they embedded a chip in the coin. It did not catch on, and I doubt that a Steem coin would catch on.
That said, it could be a great idea for promotional purposes.
As for its style, I'd say flat (not too thick). I prefer the white coin with the incused logo.