We just passed 250.000 user Account's ! Congrats Steemit ! 5776 new Accounts today, if we keep going like this, 1 Million by the end of the Year should be possible :) I wish you all a happy sunday !
We just passed 250.000 user Account's ! Congrats Steemit ! 5776 new Accounts today, if we keep going like this, 1 Million by the end of the Year should be possible :) I wish you all a happy sunday !
Wow great numbers, maybe in summer fox have more time to open accounts and start posting. I hope the trend keep going up!
Well imagine how will be the steemit with 1 billion people wow.
Couldn't imagine that......yet :)
Were still a beta test too!
When will the beta end?
Smashing it. I've found my follower numbers are increasing almost exponentially.
An article used to bring in 4 or 5 new followers, now it brings in 20 or 30.
How many will they attract when there are 20,000 new users joining each day?
This is the gold rush, people.
You can just walk around and stub your toe on a fat nugget.
The people who arrive later will arrive in droves, and have to dig the stuff out of the ground.
You can just walk around and stub your toe on a fat nugget. Hahahaha, thats a good one Matt, make me laugh :)
FAKEBOOK is Trash and the legions will come to Drink from the Stream here at STEEMIT.........
Wow that's fantastic. I can't wait to have a 1 million member party!
Hope we can do the Party this Year :)
In view of the statement "We just passed 250.000 user Account's ! Congrats Steemit ! 5776 new Accounts today, if we keep going like this, 1 Million by the end of the Year should be possible :) I wish you all a happy sunday", we have actually crossed a milestone which is awesome for steemit and for every memeber of it, it is a proud moment guys.
5700 new accounts, thats good news !
Indeed :)
This comment has received a 0.09 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @digital-gypsy.
Waiting for the 1Million, coz i'm sure in the point of 1M users the price of steem will go-up
We just have to sit and wait :)
Yeah thanks for reply
This comment has received a 0.14 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @hamzaoui.
This comment has received a 0.10 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @hamzaoui.
Yes, we will definitely achieve 1 million way before the year end and i'm glad to see price of steem back in bullish trend. Thanks @elyaque for sharing the updates.
Yeah 1 million would be fantastic, and from there on we will be unstoppable :)
Reward pool at 83991.. it has increased a little bit?
not yet, still goes down, but slower then before, look at the red number under it shows the difference to the day before...
We will all be happy to see Steemit reach 1 million users..I just wonder what the price for steem will be
to the moon :)
Everything looks good so far.. we will celebrate summer with 1 million users and steem at $10
Sounds good to me :)
That times 4x and we have 1 Million :o
some pretty nice numbers, great to hear! And big thanks for your sharing!
you are welcome
Wow, lots of new users today! I can't believe that we're at 1/4th of a million already!
23 days ago we passed 200.000 Accounts... That was quick!
Yeah, 50,000 in just over 3 weeks is really quick! I bet it will be more than 50,000 during the next 3 weeks though ;)
I hope new user to bring more power to the network. But i see so many new users with same post like bots
Same in the comments, sometimes I think they are bots....
More users will most likely bring more shitposts. We just need to not upvote these, and they will disappear eventually.
I just can't believe that prices are so low, while the user base is growing.
Price will grow when steemians have better reputation and hold steem power to better upvote and curate.
Keep this in mind, it will be harder for newer steemians to get going unless they have a community and they are good content creators.
Keep on steemit!!
Still.... don't wait too long :)
Most of the cryptocurrencies are falling in value these days, so it does not really have anything to do with Steemit.
That is great news!! But I also hope that there aren't many fake accounts!
Guess we don't know that....
nearly 6000 new accounts in a day. Wow i head no idea we were growing so fast.
How do you access these stats? Do you have to run a full steem node?
Sites like: Steemdb.com steemd.com steemdata.com etc.
That's amazing! What an accomplishment!
After 1 year you can say.... wondering where we are in 1 year....
This comment got a
% upvote thanks to @rkrijgsman - Hail Eris !Waouh the community grows really quickly, that's wonderful! :)
Growing like crazy :)
can you tell me . why SBD so down 😷
SBD should be at 1$ it was to high :)
sick shiz
I just love your reports. It gets more exciting each time you post them.
"We have only just begun," goes the saying and the song.
Never has that statement been more true than with Steemit today. While it seems painfully slow to gain some traction today as minnows. Imagine just starting out six months or a year from now. Don't even like to think about that. Ha@elyaque
And we are still in Beta, until the Gem is finally polished there is no Marketing :)
Over 650.000 accounts for sure at the end of 2017!
Guess after HF20 we will see up to 10.000 Accounts per day!
I hope! I made a repost! I am really happy!
wow! no stopping steemit now
Amazing stuff :)
Yay!! More people more fun! More reward!
Thanks.! Great info. I also believe steemit.com will reach 1mio users before 2018. My guess is october;).
Time will tell :)
+5k today! That is an amazing number. I guess that issue got sorted, if there was one.
Incredible number of new accounts.
For today it looks like they solved the Problem ;)
Good news. Looks like reddit is in danger ;)
Looks like :)
Since I've been, which has only been a couple of weeks, I've already gotten 5 to join, with others likely to follow. If everyone could do the same, we'd hit 1 Million in no time.
FWIW - It would be amazing to see your registration # once you signed up? It's just another sentmental thing that could be interesting to some...speaking for myself, I'd love to see that i'm #200k...getting ahead of the curve for when 1 billion join in the future. #top1%
Thank you so much for sharing the update...really cool!
Go for 1 million! Let us continue to build a wonderful and an interactive family... :)
Keep on Steemin'!

Nice GIF! Like a Heartbeat :)
I have search for the Steemian who made this awesome gif. It's free to use. (I don't know the technical jargon for the free stuff thingy. xD)
Have a great sunday!
Followed you up! ;)
Wow, quite a big number, but still lots of potential for more growth!
Steemit is still in Beta and in it's infancy, wait until the final Version and Marketing gets unleashed :)
B.t.w schoen Dich hier zu sehen Dennis ;)
Nice post great job!!!
I m proud to be a member of steem 👍👍👌
Krass wie das schnell steigt . Resteemed :-)
Was glaubst wie schnell das nach HF20 geht wenn der signup automatisiert ist.....
Looks like they've really opened the tap today!
Something happened thats for sure :)
1 Million should definetly be possible if we keep going like this let's just hope they bring the price up with them :)
If they all start to Power up the price for sure will go only in one direction!
Wow. That's great. Thanks for the news!
you are welcome
I'm one of those new user accounts! Recently heard about Steemit and really like the concept of being able to reward folks with a cryptocurrency. Much better than pretend Internet karma points!
Welcome to Steemit :)
Wow, that's a big boost! Welcome to all the newbies. Have fun everyone
Guess this Boost from today has piled up the last days....
I daily read those reports I like them thanks a lot for sharing and keep on posting ;)
Thanks for being here :)
Estoy seguro que al finalizar el año llegaremos a 1 millón de usuarios. En @provenezuela estamos sólo esperando a que activen el hardfork 20 para lanzar campañas publicitarias (Diseñada para usuarios Venezolanos) y hacer que la red explote. De seguro muchos están esperando lo mismo. ¡Gracias por los datos!
Que fino, yo tambien estoy esperando al HF20 para recomenda Steemit a mis amigos, hasta ahora todavia es muy complicado y la gente no entienden el proceso de sign up
Si, además imagínate atraer a miles de personas y que se encuentren con retrasos en su registro, el dinero invertido en publicidad sería perdido en gran parte.
🔥🔥we're on a rocket 🚀
One million users would awesome and a huge milestone for the community! Love following this update!
We will get there :)
Wow, this is looking good! Too bad the reward pool is draining so fast...
It slowed down compared to the last days, starts to balance...
That is good news, thank you!
Great numbers! This will be big quite soon :))
It will!
That's a big jump from ystd! Why is SBD so low though?
I have no idea...
250,000, what can explosive growth steemit has had recently.
1 Million is definitely a possibility at the end of this year.
Steem On!
I think so too :)
Gooo people come to steemit! and go steeem. thanks for the information!
You are welcome :)