Nobody know for sure, i guess long term BTC HF will nicely increase the price, short term only matter if we are looking to increase our btc stack by trading.
I suspect there will be a quick price drop followed by a large spike in price on the chain that gets the strongest support. Poor code or attacks could really screw this up though.
Amazing, Thanks for all of this information because it's so important for all steemians, when we see new member in here that mean that the price will go-up because i'm a stocks trader and i'm sure of that when steem pass the 1Million user we will see that price pass the $5 and i hope so @elyaque
I don't think fork will have much effect on it's value... it may go down little in very short term... but if you are in it for long term, then you should not worry at all. Bitcoin is here to stay for long term.
Well i`m not a crypto currency expert but i guess will loose value a little bit, because people always is scared with changes, maybe Ether will going up before fork.
I've written a complete article which suggests many new things to developers, you can check it out @elyaque i hope that someone will listen to our voice and provide the features that this platform needs and the users deserve it as well.
Changes always have two outcomes - win and loose. I guess is good to not put all your eggs in one basket and diverse the risk with a split between bitcoin and etherium.
Rising none scene fee or wait 3 or 9 days for your +3 bitcoin .if you have pay low fee 😷 far batter transfer crypto is dogecoin + 1 million go with 1dogecoin fee
I think the BTC hard fork was provoked by spam transactions and it wasn't really needed yet. Currently, the backlog of transactions has gone back to normal and there's no real need for an update.
Still, improving BTC won't hurt and you can consider this as a stress test that BTC failed and a fix will be implemented which will help further down the line.
Bitcoin has some issues to resolve. Although it was first to get big I wonder if it will maintain it's position when there are alternatives that are better in various ways. They have a massive ecosystem already, so it's a case of whether they can agree on the future path.
Interesting to see how the amount of new users is going down quite rapidly in the last few days. Considering the number of unique visitors is drastically increasing, I would say it's not because people aren't signing up, but rather due to Steemit deciding to slow down new arrivals.
The bitcoin fork is not a sure thing but I think that it will not happen but before 1st August there will be a lot of up and down for all the cryptocurrency.
p.s. only 386 new user on steemit? That's strange.
I actually think the same thing on BTC prices. For new accounts signups being lower, I am thinking maybe there might be some type of seasonality effect associated it since it is summer in the Northern Hemisphere but I am not sure.
Hmm that is an interesting point of view. But when it's summer, more people are free from work, thus there should be more accounts? That's more reasoning though haha! But I do understand your point of view since why would you wanna spend time behind a computer if you can enjoy the summer!
Yes, that's exactly what I am thinking. People might be outside instead of behind a computer. However, I have not seen direct evidence yet if social media use declines during the summer period itself. The most I was able to find was that social media use declines during good weather (in any season) and social interaction increases during bad weather (also in any season). So, my assumption is if the weather is good there is less social media use in general though I am not sure if this applies to new users signing up.
I have no idea what this fork or any other fork is and would love to know a summary of the meaning. I'm new to Steemit and to cypto. I never have paid any attention to it in the past.
I can't say precisely. The system is designed to eventually return to an equilibrium point which is enough to cover 30 days of payouts. It has gone well below that point, but the rate at which it is dropping is also reducing. It should be expected to eventually be net gaining until it returns to the same point as before. Basically payouts will lower until it is finally allowed to recover.
I don't follow Bitcoin. Even though I know it is widely accepted all over the world.
I like Steemit. And the slowing down in posts and the numbers growth to me is a good thing. Scarcity is not a bad condition. The void will soon be filled.
Thank you for posting this good information.@elyaque
We can't know how HF will affect bitcoin but I am giving advice to anyone to put their bitcoinsin some offline wallets or to transfer it to USDT :D I think this is the best solution
Well, this BTC hardfork will be a real deal breaker for many of the investors. There's a wind blowing nowadays which made investors feel very sensitive. Market is already sensitive nowadays and only small blow of negativity can make it fall exponentially. Upcoming Bitcoin HF is that small negative blow.
It's actually really simple. Most of the investors are mediocre category, they won't capable of risking their money so they will withdraw their funds before 1 august for sure. And withdrawing a lot of funds from the market will get it down greatly. People now have only two option. Convert their bitcoin into Ethereum or just convert it into another strong coins like Stratis or Antshares.
Otherwise there's a high chance that market will fall and I am saying this after a lot analysis and reading fundamental of markets. I am a crypto trader myself.
So, I hope everyone would take the right decision. And thanks a lot @elyaque for posting this article
For Bitcoin, I think for the short term it would cause the price to go down a bit or trade sideways in the meantime. However, I do think the Bitcoin will be fine after the August 1st update. After that, I believe the currency will trend higher since everyone will see that it's fine.
The pending hardfork is creating uncertainty and a perception of risk that drags on the price of Bitcoin. I discuss it in my Daily Investor Report. Successfully getting past the HF should create a strong positive rally.
What will happen with the hardfork with Bitcoin?
Is there going to be a main Bitcoin and then another coin called maybe like Bitcoin Classic?
I heard that this new BTC is supposed to increase transactions speeds by 2 times.
Let's see how well it will go.
Thanks for this. Just wondering what does the 869 under the reward pool reflect? I thought the reward pool was about 30k steem and the same in SBDs give or take? Thanks
I Think The Segwit2X Will Scale Bitcoin To Handling The Current Pressure But I Don't Think That's Gonna Affect The Market In A Good Way (At Least Short Term).
Haha yeah in that case, why wouldn't you.. :P Oh, and I just wanted to thank you for up voting my one post. I appreciate you. You are one of the few guys that because of your actions have motivated me to work incredibly hard the last few days. I am putting sweat and tears into my content, and just want to wish you the best of success for the future to come!
Longterm, BTC and other cryptos will go up, but there will be drawbacks, caused by whatever, let it be segwit / hf. Look at fiat currencies, some member of the fed only has to fart, and currencies are going bonkers.
I wonder a lot about whats gonna happen, I feel also a fear, but also excitement. I have in crypto onl what Im willing to lose, so Im kind of wondering only. Price may go a lot high, a lot down, or maybe both after eachother...
A lot think Segwit will happen before the fork and the fork will be avoided. I have a friend still waiting to sign up, I'm wondering why the numbers joined is getting lower but they haven't been approved.
When the blockchain branches into two there will be two digital assets immediately after the hard fork. Bitcoin holders who possess their private keys will have access to assets on both chains after the split event occurs. So, if you “keep your money” in a local wallet on your computer or on your phone you can just stay put and watch the fork happen.
If you hold money on a bitcoin exchange, then it will be up to the exchange’s discretion on how they choose to disperse both token assets to customers. Most of the well-known industry exchanges have already pledged to support both assets if a blockchain split event takes place.
This is not the appropriate way to promote yourself. I suggest making comments that are more relevant to the content and interesting to the reader. That will encourage people to eventually follow your posts themselves.
"Nice post" says absolutely nothing about why I would want to read your content. It gives me an impression of you as an author which is not positive and does not make me want to reward your posts.
Nobody know for sure, i guess long term BTC HF will nicely increase the price, short term only matter if we are looking to increase our btc stack by trading.
Long therm it have to be done, so BTC can have more transactions, after the HF I expect BTC to go up in price.
Totally agree with you @damarth.. and Heartly thanks for sharing this report. @elyaque
Just see and wait
I suspect there will be a quick price drop followed by a large spike in price on the chain that gets the strongest support. Poor code or attacks could really screw this up though.
Amazing, Thanks for all of this information because it's so important for all steemians, when we see new member in here that mean that the price will go-up because i'm a stocks trader and i'm sure of that when steem pass the 1Million user we will see that price pass the $5 and i hope so @elyaque
Guess after HF20 when the subscription proccess is automated we will reach 1 million users in no time :)
I'm sure of that
This comment has received a 0.14 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @hamzaoui.
This comment has received a 0.08 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @hamzaoui.
I think bitcoin hardfork will have huge effect in price like it did in steem
Yeah I see the price going up after HF thats for sure
I often find myself waiting for your update post. Is it possible to schedule it on a regular time?
I do it everyday at the same time more or less :)
I personally just wait for the HF to buy a lot of Steem when its cheap :) because i think it will rise in the long term
It will and after HF more then ever!
I don't think fork will have much effect on it's value... it may go down little in very short term... but if you are in it for long term, then you should not worry at all. Bitcoin is here to stay for long term.
Thanks for your Opinion.
posts are going down..that's sad. anyways we are almost 500kpage views :D
Well i`m not a crypto currency expert but i guess will loose value a little bit, because people always is scared with changes, maybe Ether will going up before fork.
I think the same, people just wait on the sidelines until the hardfork, so a lot maybe sell now and buy in after...
I've written a complete article which suggests many new things to developers, you can check it out @elyaque i hope that someone will listen to our voice and provide the features that this platform needs and the users deserve it as well.
Changes always have two outcomes - win and loose. I guess is good to not put all your eggs in one basket and diverse the risk with a split between bitcoin and etherium.
Good report, thanks for sharing, resteemed
Is it definitely happening? I just want segwit as long as we get reasonable transactions fees and times.
Segwit will be implemented until the 1st of August
thanks I'm just thinking some drama will happen to prevent
Thanks for sharing about this. Always interesting to learn more about what's going on on Steemit
you are welcome
Rising none scene fee or wait 3 or 9 days for your +3 bitcoin .if you have pay low fee 😷 far batter transfer crypto is dogecoin + 1 million go with 1dogecoin fee
Hi @elyaque thank you for daily update .. this very helpful for us
I think the BTC hard fork was provoked by spam transactions and it wasn't really needed yet. Currently, the backlog of transactions has gone back to normal and there's no real need for an update.
Still, improving BTC won't hurt and you can consider this as a stress test that BTC failed and a fix will be implemented which will help further down the line.
Guess you are right, I have the same impression, they spam it to get some results, but anyway Segwit will be nice if it works like Litecoin does now.
Thanks for the report. Resteemed.
Bitcoin has some issues to resolve. Although it was first to get big I wonder if it will maintain it's position when there are alternatives that are better in various ways. They have a massive ecosystem already, so it's a case of whether they can agree on the future path.
Interesting to see how the amount of new users is going down quite rapidly in the last few days. Considering the number of unique visitors is drastically increasing, I would say it's not because people aren't signing up, but rather due to Steemit deciding to slow down new arrivals.
Any guess on why that might be?
The bitcoin fork is not a sure thing but I think that it will not happen but before 1st August there will be a lot of up and down for all the cryptocurrency.
p.s. only 386 new user on steemit? That's strange.
As you can see today up and down..... There is a problem with the subscription again.
What kind o problem?
I think on short term the price of BTC will decrease and on longterm it will increase again and go higher than it is now :)
Other question, the new accounts is getting lower and lower. Do you know the reason behind it? :)
I actually think the same thing on BTC prices. For new accounts signups being lower, I am thinking maybe there might be some type of seasonality effect associated it since it is summer in the Northern Hemisphere but I am not sure.
Hmm that is an interesting point of view. But when it's summer, more people are free from work, thus there should be more accounts? That's more reasoning though haha! But I do understand your point of view since why would you wanna spend time behind a computer if you can enjoy the summer!
Yes, that's exactly what I am thinking. People might be outside instead of behind a computer. However, I have not seen direct evidence yet if social media use declines during the summer period itself. The most I was able to find was that social media use declines during good weather (in any season) and social interaction increases during bad weather (also in any season). So, my assumption is if the weather is good there is less social media use in general though I am not sure if this applies to new users signing up.
Thanks for providing this information. Learning something new everyday.
About bitcoin hardfork, I will say that if segwit is activated we will have not hardfork.
On the other hand if hardfork happens we will see a price drop in every coin for short time and then recovery will start.
Agree, guess we will see a price drop of all the cryptomarket at the last week of this month, and start to go up next month...
Want someone to post a picture of just a fork to throw everyone else off! Think price will go down in short term but long term still bullish.
I have no idea what this fork or any other fork is and would love to know a summary of the meaning. I'm new to Steemit and to cypto. I never have paid any attention to it in the past.
Thanks for this video..I'm learning something.. I'm also new to cryto and had no idea about hardfork
Reward pool drainage trending down for sure. Should start to recover soon.
I have been watching reward pool going it going to recover and when? can you please explain this to me
I can't say precisely. The system is designed to eventually return to an equilibrium point which is enough to cover 30 days of payouts. It has gone well below that point, but the rate at which it is dropping is also reducing. It should be expected to eventually be net gaining until it returns to the same point as before. Basically payouts will lower until it is finally allowed to recover.
I've been following it too. The reward pool is a big concern for many. Yet, I still don't understand the mechanics behind it.
Hope you are right and it will be able to self-adjust and find equilibrium soon.
I don't follow Bitcoin. Even though I know it is widely accepted all over the world.
I like Steemit. And the slowing down in posts and the numbers growth to me is a good thing. Scarcity is not a bad condition. The void will soon be filled.
Thank you for posting this good information.@elyaque
We can't know how HF will affect bitcoin but I am giving advice to anyone to put their bitcoinsin some offline wallets or to transfer it to USDT :D I think this is the best solution
Guess a lot of people exactly will do this....
I don't have so much bitcoin and I will transfer it to usdt, in future I want to buy a ledger nano :D
So things are settling down after the HF-19
Good it is for steemit community as things are getting stable.
Great analysis !
Well, this BTC hardfork will be a real deal breaker for many of the investors. There's a wind blowing nowadays which made investors feel very sensitive. Market is already sensitive nowadays and only small blow of negativity can make it fall exponentially. Upcoming Bitcoin HF is that small negative blow.
It's actually really simple. Most of the investors are mediocre category, they won't capable of risking their money so they will withdraw their funds before 1 august for sure. And withdrawing a lot of funds from the market will get it down greatly. People now have only two option. Convert their bitcoin into Ethereum or just convert it into another strong coins like Stratis or Antshares.
Otherwise there's a high chance that market will fall and I am saying this after a lot analysis and reading fundamental of markets. I am a crypto trader myself.
So, I hope everyone would take the right decision. And thanks a lot @elyaque for posting this article
Thanks for your very interesting response .
For Bitcoin, I think for the short term it would cause the price to go down a bit or trade sideways in the meantime. However, I do think the Bitcoin will be fine after the August 1st update. After that, I believe the currency will trend higher since everyone will see that it's fine.
Agree, thats exactly how I see it !
The pending hardfork is creating uncertainty and a perception of risk that drags on the price of Bitcoin. I discuss it in my Daily Investor Report. Successfully getting past the HF should create a strong positive rally.
What will happen with the hardfork with Bitcoin?
Is there going to be a main Bitcoin and then another coin called maybe like Bitcoin Classic?
I heard that this new BTC is supposed to increase transactions speeds by 2 times.
Let's see how well it will go.
This month they will do Segwit, after that the Hardfork, but it is still uncertain when...
Thanks for this. Just wondering what does the 869 under the reward pool reflect? I thought the reward pool was about 30k steem and the same in SBDs give or take? Thanks
869694 is the amount in Steem which is in the Rewards pool.
I Think The Segwit2X Will Scale Bitcoin To Handling The Current Pressure But I Don't Think That's Gonna Affect The Market In A Good Way (At Least Short Term).
Guess time will tell...
@elyaque I just want to see Steem at $10 already :P How about you? :D
Of course me too :)
Haha yeah in that case, why wouldn't you.. :P Oh, and I just wanted to thank you for up voting my one post. I appreciate you. You are one of the few guys that because of your actions have motivated me to work incredibly hard the last few days. I am putting sweat and tears into my content, and just want to wish you the best of success for the future to come!
Hey man, I saw a badget you have made to a guy with a crazy wolf and it fits perfectly for me can you help me too with a cool one?
I made two for him, which one he choose? You can have the other one :) Let me know...
Ok, thank you, I have seen only one :D will search on my laptop
Longterm, BTC and other cryptos will go up, but there will be drawbacks, caused by whatever, let it be segwit / hf. Look at fiat currencies, some member of the fed only has to fart, and currencies are going bonkers.
I wonder a lot about whats gonna happen, I feel also a fear, but also excitement. I have in crypto onl what Im willing to lose, so Im kind of wondering only. Price may go a lot high, a lot down, or maybe both after eachother...
Very cool, your daily short news :)
Pic source
You are welcome.
Just a little more time and the numbers indeed will improve as more people would learn about steemit.
@cryptopie got you a $0.01 @minnowbooster upgoat, nice! (Image:
Want a boost? Click here to read more!
click here!This post received a 3.4% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @elyaque! For more information,
Well, good job Steemit. That platform has a lot of potential!
A lot think Segwit will happen before the fork and the fork will be avoided. I have a friend still waiting to sign up, I'm wondering why the numbers joined is getting lower but they haven't been approved.
When the blockchain branches into two there will be two digital assets immediately after the hard fork. Bitcoin holders who possess their private keys will have access to assets on both chains after the split event occurs. So, if you “keep your money” in a local wallet on your computer or on your phone you can just stay put and watch the fork happen.
If you hold money on a bitcoin exchange, then it will be up to the exchange’s discretion on how they choose to disperse both token assets to customers. Most of the well-known industry exchanges have already pledged to support both assets if a blockchain split event takes place.
Nice post
No!!!! Be original
Oce.. i have new contents interesting. Please visit my wall.
This is not the appropriate way to promote yourself. I suggest making comments that are more relevant to the content and interesting to the reader. That will encourage people to eventually follow your posts themselves.
"Nice post" says absolutely nothing about why I would want to read your content. It gives me an impression of you as an author which is not positive and does not make me want to reward your posts.
No thanks