DAILY STEEM REPORT JULY, 1ST ★ STEEM 1.67$ + 2017 New Accounts

in #steemit7 years ago

Bildschirmfoto 2017-07-01 um 05.18.39.png

June is over, so I like to present some Stats from last Month.

Here the Top 1000 Powerdowns, a Chart I never presented before,
looks like the trend is to stop powering down, thats positive to me...

Bildschirmfoto 2017-07-01 um 06.04.11.png

Next is Liquid Steem, the amount of Steem which is tradable on the Market:

Bildschirmfoto 2017-07-01 um 05.28.55.png

And the last one for today, the Rewards Pool in Steem:

Bildschirmfoto 2017-07-01 um 05.29.16.png

If you have any suggestion what numbers you like to see, please let me know :)

There are 2 pages

Thanks for the information. Hopefully someone can chime-in about the rewards pool. That chart is a little disturbing.

Resteeming this to 9300+ followers. :)

WOW 9300+ thats impressive! How you did that?

Just months and months of grunt work. Lol. A lot of mutual following since around December.

I love the new full month charts, great addition!

Thanks :)


Always informational, I check this on a daily bases now if possible! Just picked up some more steem.

More Steem sounds good ;)

A lot to wrap my mind around. Thanks as always for posting.

hahaha, you are welcome :)

This post received a 2.0% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @elyaque! For more information, click here!

Right now whales do not even need ordinary votes when they upvote their own posts, however I recently saw a post that got a large number of votes and at the time over $800 potential but no upvote for the responding voters. So here is a dilemma if a minnow votes some whale and gets no love back they are frowned upon by others for upvoting their comment because their upvotes are not getting recognition.

Until this imbalance is sorted people should upvote their own if just to bring this issue into focus without delay. Thanks elyaque, upvoted us both.

Some people bought large sums of SP on the recent dip and are posting like memes and stuff upvoting their own posts thus draining the quality posts reward pool was meant to be distributed. It will get out of any control if this trend continues. Because Steemit is a community not a money-making machine. There should be a hardfork decreasing the amount of upvoting own comments and votes. I know they can create another account... though.

Agree 100%

And thats exactly the Problem, they don't get upvoted anymore, because some Whales upvoting their own stuff, so they don't get nothing and start to do the same! Maybe in the future we only start to love ourself and don't give a vote to nobody! This is Bullshit and should be changed, it should be impossible to upvote your own comment!

But can't they then just open a sock puppet account, and upvote it?
No easy answers there.
Do you think people are just voting less to get back to 100%? I've been trying to ration them out, and I've yet to get back over 65%.

Good point Matt, sock puppet is a way around..... did't thought about that...
Could be everyone overdue it the last days and now waiting for recovering the VP....

One thing I have noticed, is that my most recent post did okay for the first few hours, then ground to a halt, (no surprises there), but I'm still getting comments on it, several days later.
I'm wondering if people are being more selective in upvoting posts only early, while there are still curation rewards to be had.
Clearly, they're still seeing it, as they're commenting, but the upvotes have stopped entirely.


Que puedo aportar para ayudar ?

Glad to see that power downs are stopping slowly, but need to do something for Rewards Pool going down, Thanks @elyaque for sharing the statistics.

I'm new here and still struggling to understand. Please what are the advantages of either powering up or powering down. I just don't understand them.

If you powering up your vote counts more and you have more influence. If you powering down you loose that influence.... for example 2% of my vote gives you 34 cents, if you are new and don't have any steempower, 100% of your vote counts 2 cents.... got it?

So what would be the advantage of powering down? To me it sounds like there is none.Thank you for answering my question.

If you had invested a lot on the beginning of Steemit and you wanna cash out something, then you power down, but thats it....

So if you haven't invested anything or just starting out like me powering down would be a bad thing. Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions.

You only can power down if you have powered up before :)

Ok, so how and when should you power up?

When you can afford to buy Steem :) Just buy them send it to your account and power them up! Like this you have more influence and getting more followers and votes :)

Yeah I am worried about the Rewards Pool too, and no official statement yet.....

Noob question but where do official statements get released?

Cool, thanks for the additional data @elyaquie. I'm proud to say I am in the top 1000 and have never hit the power down button since joining a year ago.

Interesting information my fellow Steemian.

How do you correlate the apparent sudden less number of upvotes? At least that's what I think I'm seeing over the last few days.

Good question

The real reason is that users now have less votes (at or near 100%) 10 as opposed to around 40 prior to the HF19. So people are taking their votes and are using them to upvote the bigger Steemians who make thousands per post, so they can increase their rewards for curation. So when you had more votes to play with you could spare a few votes here and there for smaller posts to support the minnows but now voting is a luxury.

You could say having 10 votes at max VP doesn't prevent you from continuing to vote with less VP. But take into consideration that VP takes time to recover (more than 2 days if you're under 90% of Voting power). So users are trying to stay as close to 100 VP as they can. Hence they only use their votes (10 a day) to upvote the Big Fishes. That leaves us with less votes equaling less rewards for us.

It's not because people are voting for themselves since your own vote only gives you a few cents anyway if you're a minnow.



Smart whales and dolphins are voting at 20 percent weight. This gives them 50 (rather than 10) votes per day before their voting power starts to decline materially.

Right we should all adjust our voting power to be able to curate and participate more efficiently. I don't have the option yet I'm afraid.

Right, I remember when I was new I did't have a slider, do someone know how many Steempower you need to have the Slider?

I know they're both related but it's given to you when you reach a certain amount of Vests, it was 1M before HF19 but they reduced to 600 and something or 400 and something I'm not sure.

You could adjust your votes, instead of 100% you use less....

Yes, once you get the slider yes.
You need to reach 1M vests first, I think they lowered that down with HF19 I think is 600 something now.

Thanks for your explanation. 10 per day is good to know.

You're welcome you can always check your current Voting Power in this tool created by @penguinpablo just check it out: https://steemnow.com

Yes I know that tool. Thanks. I just didn't really know about the amount of effective votes we have per day.

Oh yes it reduces your Voting Power by 2% every time you upvote. (2% of the current 100%) so 100 - 2% then 98 - 2% then 96.04 - 2% and so on.

Me lo dejaste bien claro. Gracias amigo :)

Right, I remember when I was new I did't have a slider, do someone know how many Steempower you need to have the Slider?

looks like a lot of users are voting there own comments up instead of posts, like this they earn more money.... sad but true... so busy with themselfs, they stop to vote other posts....

This is something I'm seeing a lot as well also. People dropping comments and upvoting their own. I never upvoted my own comment.

So each upvote for your own comment is a vote they not give for somebody else, this should be stopped.

They could limit it in the near future, like you can only vote on your own posts. Than we could see more honest voting system.

Or forbid it completely, why should you vote your own comment?

You will produce less garbage when you vote for a comment. Why should you vote your own post? I bought STEEM because of that. Everyone here seems to have forgotten that someone needs to buy STEEM. Voting is mining here and your STEEM is mining equipment.

hmmm, maybe, I think sometimes it is good if you can upvote your own comment. A lot of people are only reading the top comments.. It´s good to upvote the own comment if it´s very important. I used it for example on my Blockchain post, so that people can get an update on it. They can see it immediately after watching the post. So it depends really on what you are doing with it.

Me and I tried also voting for my self for curiosity and trial and error but in general its not worth happiness better upvotes somebody's post especially new to this community like me. to motivates them not only that you make them smile am sure when they see someone upvoted them.

If i cant upvote my comments, why would i put my money at risk that steem would go down?

Reward pool seems to be draining so quickly :( Wondering when it will stabilize

I am wondering too....

when will they release the finalversion of steemit ??????>>>....

I think it will be this year, but I have no idea when.... ( guess you mean the final version, alpha is earlier stage then beta )

Hahahaha yaya final version

Some nice stats you got here. By the way, how do you gather all those informations?

steemd.com steemdata.com steemdb.com etc

Reward pool is draining notihing new here.
I wonder what measures are being taken to stabilize the situation. As the network grows, the price continues to fall. Do you know when there will be a new hardfork?
It would be great if the awards of the posts did not decrease by more than 30 percent before paying.

The rewards are decreasing because the price for Steem in U$ is lower... The amount of Steem you get is the same... Just keep them or power them up :)

Wondering if now would be a good time to buy some steem... Thinking emoji

It's always a good time to buy some Steem, because in the future you cant because it is sooooooo expensive :)

The future is after segwit (first of august)? How expensive do you think?

you inspired me to make a daily update about bittrex coins but I think I failed, it s not interesting because everyone can watch it on first page of bittrex :( I need ideas too

Well if you like to do someting about crypto, why you don't do some research about coins they looking promising but are still not in the mainstram? ( Hint: https://saltlending.com )

thank man, will try to do that :D

Just bought some yesterday ;) Looks very promising to me ( Check the Board Director )

yes, I need to sell some coins from poloniex to buy some

Authors returned. It might be that yesterdays was the first day afther the introduction post of new users. Hope the price returns to 2. 2 because it's a great ad and if Polo returns d/w we will have more influx of new users. It's important to be in the top 10 coincap.

I don't know what was the problem yesterday, but it looks ok to me today :) I got all my money out of Polo, don't trust them anymore, they have to many problems lately....

thanks, would the reward pool pick up if the steem price goes up?

These are some nice graphs That rewards pool though has be a bit worried whats your opinion on that?

You are not the only one.... Hope the find a solution for it before its dried out...

Couldn't the pool recover once its down?

all graphs are going in the right direction!

Less the Rewards Pool....

Great to see lower powerdowns,
I think reward pool thing should be altered in next HF.

Guess if they fix the problem with upvoting your on Comments it will rise again...

Surely. Or even setting the limits to vote their comments.
And since the last HF this features have been abused since a lot.

Good statistics. It's good to see that less people are powering down. That means they see the value in the platform. (Or perhaps its because in the influx of new people that it's still the same but because there are more users the statistics are a bit off that it looks like less??)

The reward pool is kinda bad though, it goes down very fast. I hope it will go up soon again ;)

Yeah the lower Powerdowns is a good sign to me :)

There's a huge increase in daily unique visitors. I love that. More exposure that should feed into more accounts being created. :)

Good day, and when you present the rewards pool in that way, it is a bit distressing, but I imagine it will even out once it gets 'empty'

Presenting the facts.... doesn't looking good all the time.... But yeah daily unique visitors looks great, Steemit starts to get viral :)

I think the goal for the reward pool from HF19 is like a bottomless coffee at a diner. You get your coffee, drink it, then return and refill, the mug might empty by the end, but it refreshes again by the end of the day, a better analogy I think, might be the way if you use 20% of your voting power each day, you'll hover at 100% due to the way it recharges 20% each day.

thanks for these charts, they provide good insight.

You are welcome :)

Oh this reward pool is going down and down. There must be some solution to it or there will be huge loss to community overall.

Tell me about.... but i didn't anything about a solution so far....

At least reward pool should remain in a range. Not downtrend. Number of claims can be.more or less but reward pool should be almost same as steem are minted at constant rate.

The investors should be optimistic because steemit is already welcomed by the world. The reward pool need some improvement this July. Thanks for that report @elyaque

Hope we see some news soon about the Rewards Pool, I am start to getting worried about it....

Hi elyaque, my wife is trying to sign up on Steemit. First time did not work out.
Yesterday she tried a 2nd time. Still no approval yet. Is there a reason, why it is so hard to create an account?
You already prepared a beautiful Steemit logo which she is looking for to use. ;-)

My neighbours did it 3 days ago, they had to wait as well a day or two, before they get their approval.... if not you can use https://anon.steem.network/

Thank you! Let us wait a little longer and hope it works out.

Muchas gracias por tu resporte

I didn't know there was that much liquid steem on the market. 70M? wow.

If everyone starts to Powerup, this amount shrinks quickly and the price of Steem would go to the moon!

Sehr gut! Und die Info mit den Power Downs zu sehen auch top! Krass auch wie die community wächst! :)

Danke! Einzig der Rewards Pool macht mir Sorgen....

glaubst das wird so bleiben?

na ja im Moment sieht so aus als ob es noch weiter runter geht.... Hoffe das da bald ne Loesung gefunden wird....

Sad, but not enexpected to see the rewardpool going down.

I understand why people self-vote, but I think the network as a whole should disincentivize such behaviour. Voting for your own post I think is OKAY, seeing as you want some exposure and you're already heavily invested in the network.

In the end the network just has to find a structure optimizes the balance between incentivization to create content (comments/posts) and incentives for curating content (upvoting others, not yourself).

Cool that people provide these stats, keep it up :)

We will see how it goes with the next Hard Fork....

Follow for follow

Upvote for upvote

The only reason my posts go above $1 is because of @randowhale. Sad state. I used to get above $1 before HF19 without rando.

Price of Steem is down as well, so everyone suffers at the moment.....

Am a new user dont understand how.

Welcome to Steemit, which part you don't understand?

people still forget we are still in beta, I am sure there will be different solution for different problems in the next time

You can show us something like: the biggest upvote for each day or each week and the biggest post after rewards :p would be interesting

I will think about it :)

Great charts...still concerned with the draining of the reward pool. On the positive side, powerdowns have slowed so that still leaves me feeling like we're on the plus side of the equation :) Thanks for the update!!

The lower Powerdowns shows a bigger trust in the platform.....

Yes! It would take alot to shake my faith in the Steemit platform. I'm in for the long haul lol

These graphs are super useful haha.
I'm glad to see all the stats increasing.

Thanks :)

Lol 2017 New Accounts :)

next year it will be 2018 :) hahahaha

thx fot the good infos all the time .)

Very useful information and comments! I was wondering what was going on- minnows like me will get discouraged and go away. People working hard to produce good content that gets lost in the big pond. Things always seem to benefit the whales among us. 🐓

They should stop upvoting your own comments.... Yeah thats the point, people stop to write and leave the platform then....

Rewards going down, but steem price going up, keeps things in balance? Less powering down, hopeful for steems future?

If the price goes up, its all ok.... at the moment we have a downtrend in the whole Crypto world, not only Steem....

Entonces cual es la solucion que debemos hacer.

No se pana, Steemit tiene cambiar algo, pero todavia no escucha nada....

Todos tenemos que aportar nuestro granito de arena, en la union esta la fuerza.

Just featured your post in my Daily STEEM & SBD Price Report @elyaque !

You can find it here...

Thank you and keep it up!

Congratulations @elyaque!
Your post was mentioned in my hit parade in the following category:

  • Comments - Ranked 7 with 164 comments

good news...

Are you a robot? You post always the same comment.... If you think you get an upvote for that you are wrong!

Not. My account is original. May be seen from my short comment but look there are some post d steemit me. May be input. thank you

If you do a comment do a original one, not always the same like good news.... nobody will vote that....

That is true. I just praise other people's post without criticism or anything else. I am very glad you gave me knowledge today. I will change the way I comment. thank you

Good information

can someone explain me what reward pool is

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