Believe me when I say I had very bad writer's block today xD.
I 've been writing a new blog post every one or two days but it happens sometimes: starting to write something that was a good idea in your mind only to stop midway, staring at it not liking it one bit and deleting it all together lol.
Your tips are spot on, I usually seldom lack the inspiration to write but rather the motivation to edit the posts and make them all look beautiful.
Very good tips nevertheless! I'm going to consider writing about some of the times I F'd up, a dark moment; and continuing to write inspirational posts since we all need them from time to time, they are the ones I like writing about the most ;)
Keep up the good content!
You are a good writer if you look at it midway, dislike it and delete it.
I must confess when that happens and I stop midway not liking it, I just say "fuck it" and continue regardless.