I have an idea ! #dontfeedthetroll #butyoucanupvote :D
**STEEMAMPs token : A Voice Amplifier! **
STEEMAMPs, Steem tokens, serve as a way to Amplify the flow of information in the network, increasing its ability to propagate to peers. They work in two ways:
- A user may Amplify his own posts: status messages, pictures, created events, etc. Depending on the amount of AMPs used, the post will gain greater visibility in the feed of his Steemit friends - and in adjacent, connected Steemit through them. A user may also Amplify his friends’ posts in such a manner, helping to propagate the friends’ messages. Thus, a group of friends may band around a common interest and Amplify it together, making sure it is heard as it reaches more of their collective Steemit.
The originator of Amplified content will receive a portion of the AMPs invested by his peers. Another small portion will be used for the maintenance of the platform and as rewards for “mining”. The majority of AMPs will go to those who are exposed to the content, compensating them for their time and attention.
- Advertisers may use AMPs to created sponsored messages, reaching target audiences based on their interests and activity on the network. NOTE: A user of the system may always opt-out of receiving messages from specific advertisers, about specific topics, or altogether.
Most of the AMPs used to advertise to you will be paid to you directly. This is a way to gain from your participation in the network and from the value you generate for it. The more you participate, the more the network is familiar with you and your interests, and the more influence you have on the network, the more your attention is worth!
So Do you like my idea ?
It's got some merit, but man... there's probably a few weeks/months of work to pull it off :)
no just wait few days for synereo to come..
It's the whitepaper of SYNERO and AMP ;) lol
thats why i said it was trolling ;)
They do have a few "deeper" ideas that still have some merit. My whole post was about simplifying the percentages into a token, which apparently they already do :)