The Purpose Driven Steemian: What drives your life? 1of2.

in #steemit7 years ago

Everyone's life is driven by something and according to the Preacher in Ecclesiastics 4:4:- "I observed that the basic motive for success is the driving force of envy and jealousy!"

Years ago, I read the book, 'The Purpose Driven Life, by Rick Warren' and since then, I am still mindful of certain things I do. I take time to ask myself certain questions as to why I am here on earth and to what endgame are these games being played?
The term drive as defined by the dictionaries means, "to control or direct, to guide." So for the next couple of weeks I will be taking us on a journey into understanding what it means to be driven as an individual and as a Steemian. (Note that I mentioned an individual and a Steemian separately.)

I am sure we are all driven by something, be it by a problem, ambition, desire, painful memories, pressure, a belief either conscious or unconscious, we are all driven by something.
So for this platform and as to understanding why we are here, the one simple and uneasy question I am asking is this, "What on earth are you on Steemit for?" If you can answer that question, then you definitely will be able to answer the other question of the day which is, "What drives your life?"

A man's life can driven by various and any circumstance, and when that happens as it often does, you must seek first to understand what it all means. So I will be taking a journey with you in exploring these sides that seems kinda strange to you. Seeking first to understand helps you get a clearer picture of what is at stake, and on this decentralized platform, you need to know just that.

A man is driven by two circumstances, the negative and the positive. Today we shall be looking at the negative which is mostly adopted.

Lets discuss these few negative circumstances that drives us.


Some people are driven by that naked desire to acquire and never to relinquish or cede. These people are driven by the ultimate desire to always acquire more because they have this feeling it makes them happy and important and secure.
Truth is, possessions are only good at providing temporary happiness, and only a fool will clinch to what are temporary. Materialism makes many live a mythical life that makes them believe that the more they acquire, the more thy will be fine. Valuables do not determine a man's value in life.

As a Steemian which is a pretty big deal to me, you must be beyond materialism and look more to impacting lives with your little good. Life lessons are daily thought on and these lessons are intended to make us better people that we were when we first happened here.

What drives others.-

We are all created differently and that means we are all ourselves unique individuals. We must be about ourselves and not about others. Life is highly competitive to those who see themselves as less than the others, otherwise, it will be a wonderful less competitive world.
I have seen and met quite a number of remarkable folks on this platform whose lifestyle just makes you want to do more for others and for that I am forever looking to best them. Unfortunately, I cannot say the same for some others who think what the other earns as a ripple effect on their own earnings and that is not just restricted to Steemit, but to life in general.

As a Steemian, you must be sure to create a path unique to only you! Walking down someone else's footpath can be very hard and most times impossible. It is okay to copy and then replicate that design in your own way, (and make sure to give credits) but what is not okay is to copy and then pretend to be that person.

Need for approval.-

This is that area commonly attributed to 'having a low self esteem' and this makes that person feel they need to get other's approval otherwise they are not gonna be seen or perceived as good enough. You must be willing to step out everyday to do what you believe in and also doing so with 100% belief in yourself.
I wake up telling myself two things everyday and they are:- 1. God created me for a unique purpose different from my neighbor's and 2. I need nobody's approval to be me.
So, 'going through the day my way' is the first best thing I can gift myself and the second best is, 'I am never ashamed to fail.'

As a Steemian, it is imperative to know that-- You do not need anybody's approval to be awesome. In fact, the world does not have to make you feel good about yourself, you just need to make the world feel good about you.
Steem with love while being prideful of who you see yourself to be irrespective of the earnings that trickles in bits and pieces.

Resentment and anger.-

This has got to be one of the worst circumstances that a man should be caught up in. Holding on to resentment and anger is some people's forte. Some people are just really good at never being able to get over their hurt, no matter how long ago it happened. You need not internalize your anger, because if you do, it will stay inside of you and explode at that moment you are about to meet your life changing encounter.

As a Steemian, you must learn to forgive and move on to the next phase of your life. Looking at what people have done to you will never allow you move forward because you may have just ultimately taken a burden no one can crush on yourself.
I was once told to fuck off by a person I never knew on Steemit Chat and on my first day there and after that, he said some hateful words to me as well. I was sad and tried to find out what it was I did that warranted that hate and I just found out it wasn't me that had the problem. Do not allow anger and resentment drive your life, let love influence your drive in life.


Fear is a self-imposed prison that will keep you from becoming what God created you be be. Fear gets you away from the realities of life. A person holding onto fear, will never be able to grasp at opportunities because they will always miss out on them by not venturing out. Playing it safe is a common term used by a fearful person..most of the time though. Life in itself is a 'RISK' and maintaining the status quo will not make the world and living less risky.

As a Steemian, learn to be yourself and let go of fear. Nothing great is accomplished by playing it safe. Ask @dan if he played it safe while creating Bitshares, Steemit and EOS. Ask @ned and the team if they played it safe while working nonstop for 20 months on Smart Media Tokens. Ask Steve Jobs if he played it safe while dreaming the impossible of turning a fruit symbol into one of the world's most valuable companies.

Doing the best you can think of is what makes the world come alive. Many are held down by their own self created circumstances.
A purpose driven Steemian can do anything and become anything on this platform and in the centralized world which is gradually getting decentralized.

So the question for the day is, What drives your life?

Make the world a better place for someone today!

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@ejemai Steemit is gonna change lots of lifes, it has changed mine and many others but that is just the beginning. Followed

Steemit is a game changer as it is a life impacting community. We are just getting started. Thanks.

Excellent post i think that the principal motor that push our lives is the love. Think about it.

Love is all. If you don't have love, then nothing is in sight. Thanks for stopping by.

Thanks for your work as well! Followed @ejemai


Some very good points here, I agree people should learn to worry less and just get on posting whatever they are best at.

Being yourself is cheaper than trying to be someone else. Sticking to being ypu and learn to be greater. Thanks

Hi, @ejemai. I'm a steemit promoter in Port Harcourt. I was directed to contact you because you have a group called stach also promoting steemit. Here's my whatsapp number for easier contact. 08067847763.
George . Thanks

Hello George. Glad to know you are here. We just did the official open of the first Steemit Hotspot in Port Harcourt. Hit me on @ejemai

Okay, my access to steemit chat is slow, that's why i prefer whatsapp

Yes, l totally agree with you that there are negative circumstances that drives people ,for example,some people in my country Uganda go on and sacrifice their biological children so as to full fill the conditions given to them by the witch doctors so as to get wealthy hence materialism


is the other big nightmare that can break down any man's heart ,its like cancer which keeps on conquering u up to when it eats you up .Due to fear you miss many opportunities but the good news is, this problem can solved by reading and grasping the scriptures and learning to be yourself as you have mentioned .Ejemai thank you very much for taking your time to write this beautiful article that is going to impose a positive impact on peoples' lives

Hi @mutamaiks. it is sad that people will do anything for material possessions The world needs more than materialism and we are just at the right place at the right time to effect the desired change. You points are well read and understood. Thanks

Very useful information. You are so on point bro. Thanks for teaching us sir.

Thank you @prettycynthia for stopping by. Glad you got some words here.

That is some messed up shit. Great post. Yeah I think the quest for things is the root of all disturbance and deviance. Unfortunately power seems to be wrapped up in the human biology to achieve and succeed. We need to mediate ourselves to avoid destruction.