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RE: Response to @dantheman "notice-to-bot-spammers"

in #steemit8 years ago

can bots become whales ? or is that not an issue? something i had not considered?

i made another post, i seen an account with estimated worth of 60 million sold for rather cheap...... worrying in my opinion.

thats the post


@egjoshslim Well I think @wang is proof that a bot can become a whale so long as they are producing useful content. People get jealous of this, but the fact is if your bot is good and providing a service and not annoying the poster of the blog it's in I see no reason it should ever be an issue.

i like you man! :P also the picture on this post!!!!! i just fucking realised omg!!! LEEEEEEEROYYYYY JENKINGSSSSS!! i remember getting that back when it was hard ;)

@egjoshslim Well it certainly seemed appropriate to me. The rules changes caused a sort of "party wipe" especially for lower level players who suddenly found themselves silenced and unable to continue contributing. Many of those have left now.
Bots are still here. Bots are growing. The players building the bad bots are playing a different set of rules though.