Stay safe when trading your currencies or sharing important information!
Big ask probably be ignored. My friend recently got charged for undeclared income. They followed his history and thats how they got him. Anyone holding, trading or selling anything crypto and not paying tax's (not sure what tax that even falls under) should use this to avoid detection as well as protect all data.
I never send a large amount of anything without doing the above, please protect your information people. It can save much bother. Especially when governments try nd scrape every penny they can from you.
Seems a bit random me posting this here but as people make more money and more get involved in crypto currencies i find more and more unaware of their own information security.
Please, Please don't allow the governments to take the piss out of you!
hmm must've used a bank, I remember when Wells Fargo tried to steal or erase a btc coinbase sale deposit from me