LOL crypto world is a whole new world. Like you, I started to discover this new world only recently. 3months on Steemit, 1 month ago my first crypto currency trade. While doing, learning a lot! From the slang you mentioned, to technology "what is good and what is not so good" and again the realisation that BETTER/BEST is not always most valued (PIVX versus Bitcoin for instance). Bitcoin back to all time high versus the others on the rise but not that quick in comparison); Anyway normal market behaviour whether in Energy, Retail or Cryptoworld. And what Crypto in the end is about? In black/white statement: Just a database that is open to public with a historical recording. Of course, in reality a little more difficult then just that, but from helicopter view, just that. And what it can do? Well, change the world dramatically; Crypto in ultimate form will remove our current systems of notaries, financial institutions (central banks and all), and most of all power concentration.
I'm with you that crypto is fascinating, it has its own language, it is the future, and we learn quickly as we go.
Although I'm a newbie to this new and exiting world; Welcome to this world.
haha well said, hopefully our investments will do well in the future :)
Sure Sure. We don't know for sure, obviously, but with time comes realisation, comes value, comes return. Im pretty sure about that :)