@freebornangel, I always look forward to your post on steemit! I don't always have the time to go though them in depth, but this is really valuable information. And when steemit has more user, I'm sure your up-votes will go way up!
Thanks for do what you do!
I was doing alright, I thought my audience had found me, now it looks like it could have been a psyop to make me feel bad.
Lol, I do what I do,...thanks for your support!
I'm taking pictures soon, I will get your sign in some of them!!
You have found your audience here! The fact that it has not grown is pure numbers. steemit just does not have the user yet.
But here I go again sounding like I know something.
Lol, I do like to make it up as I go, the examples I've been given have not solved my problems.