
Sure, be that as it may, you older users want to just keep the community to yourself? Is that what is? I'd imagine there's nothing wrong with newer users wanting to come to a consensus on the Steemit ecosystem as well.

I'm not "In The Know" but I have dedicated a full-time effort on Steemit and Steemit is my only form of income, don't I deserve to be in the know?

I think it's just odd that a new user expects to be able to come into an aged debate and issue, ask the people involved to change the way they are behaving, while admitting they do not understand what the argument is here.

This is bernie. We don't want bernie to change. Don't ask bernie to change.

Minnowbooster is a for profit service running on the blockchain. They are "taking" rewards from users that choose not to participate in their service.

As far as the claims of scam and all that, users that are buying votes ARE making profit. That isn't the scam part. But the question remains of whether or not the votes are reaching valuable content, or more spam-like content. That is an opinion that would differ from person to person.

Fyi, on this platform, it might not be wise to be new and publicly take sides until you understand the consequences to your actions. Some people on here are very immature.

I personally find bernie to be one of the most mature users on this platform despite the horrible fucking language he uses that makes peoples ears bleed and their titties hurt.


Ok, whew! There IS a bunch of lame drama around here. Few and very far between but thanks to you guys, we have plenty all in 1 place.

The optimism and even-handedness is just delicious.

This is a heart not hardened enough for shit-commenting and flagging. We'll drag them down to our level eventually.