Justifying reasons for flags - I use all tools that Steemit has provided

in #steemit7 years ago

I am 13 months on Steemit and in last one month I gave more flags than in first twelve!

It's not that I changed my behavior or opinion on some matter, I just stumbled upon many inappropriate posts and I just couldn't leave it be. There is an option to flag each post and many people avoid to use it, although it is as same available as an upvote! Many people here understood flagging the wrong way. It's a tool, it's available and made for us to use it! But most of the time, it stands there for nothing. Users would rather close their eyes in front of the problems than act to stop them.

Flagging on Steemit is wrongfully considered as personal attack on someone and that's why people simply don't use it!

There are many disagreements on the network and personal opinions are not reason to flag someone. I see argues and fights on the network and some of these fight would ended as physical conflicts if they were started in outside world.

Honestly, many users are so lucky that I can't reach them with my fist.

But is personal quarrel real reason to flag people around? NO!

First time when I was flagged, it was because of different opinions. I made a post and a user who was much stronger than I was, flagged me because he didn't agree with me! Simple as that! It was in my second week on Steemit and I can tell you, it was very bad feeling inside me, especially because I knew that I didn't deserve that! I still follow that user! You can't follow just those that you support, you have to keep your eyes on some possible morons, too. And I never revenged for my flag, revenge is not my way, and more, revenge is not a reason to flag someone. Some new users wouldn't agree with me, those COPY/PASTIANS developed "I follow you, you follow me" philosophy, or "I upvote you, you upvote me" philosophy, it/s just matter of time when we will se "You flag me, I flag you" way of thinking. It's definitely not what we want to see on Steemit.
Second time when I was flagged, it was done by an honest user who explained his reasons in comments and he was right. I abused a tag! Normally, my first month on Steemit was testing of grounds and I tagged #steemit everywhere, even in my posts that weren't about Steemit at all! So I deserved that flag and I learned something from it! No reasons to get angry or to take that personal.

Now let's check what Steemit has to say about reasons for flag:

So, these are some common reasons to flag.

Disagreement on rewards

I can't say that I completely agree with this reason for flag. People have their Steem Power and they are allowed to use it how ever they want. It's their right! Yes, there are really a lot of shitty posts with big rewards and that's the problem because we can't do much about it. Many people vote for themselves, vote for their own comments and use the system every possible way. There are too many of those who have more than 200 000 Steem Power and vote for 20 same users every day. It's kinda unmoral to upvote and support same users every day if you are too strong! You should think about the community because community is the key of succession of Steemit. The most of us are small fishes and it's not big deal when I upvote my own post with 100% of my voting power, because I can't drain voting pool more than 60-70 cents. But if you give 20-50$ with a simple click, you should ask yourself is it moral to reward same people every day!
From time to time, whales wake up and flag those users who drain reward pool every day! But not the users who are in good relations with those whales, so the system doesn't work properly. Instead of flagging, I would propose for changes! Each upvote that you give to the same user within 48 hours should have much lower impact. Or maybe that you can't give to the same user more than all together 100% upvote in 96 hours... but I will leave those proposals to proffesionals.

Fraud or plagiarism

This is the main reason why to flag someone. This reason opens many other reasons why to flag fraud or plagiarism. First, @cheetah doesn't work properly. Few days ago, a guy copied and pasted my whole post and @cheetah did nothing, didn't warn me and active users are only way to catch these scammers. Second, when you stumble on plagiarism, your duty is to flag it! Mainly for other users, your flag warns them that they avoid to upvote that inappropriate shit, but also, that flag is there to educate that scammer, if he is a newbie and doesn't know how things work around here.

Hate speech or internet trolling

This is also justifying reason to flag someone. Some people don't know how to behave, they don't get the point and here is better for us without them. So flag, unfollow, mute without hesitating.

Intentional miscategorized content or Spam

It can be said a lot about spam! So what is considered as spam? People who comment on half Steemit users suggesting to others to check their links and mainly use CTRL+c/CTRL+v as only keys on keyboard while they are on Steemit. I decided to use flags to defend my own blog from these spammers. But there is also some other type of spamming! There are active users who simply post too much. While some other users consider them spammers, I don't, I even follow some of them because they can provide interesting content from time to time. So, these guys are not spammers for me and don't deserve to be flagged, only don't upvote them.

There is still a lot of work to do on Steemit to make it perfect environment to a friendly user. Flags are not for waving around with them for nothing, but don't hesitate to use them when you feel that you need to! When you find plagiarism or hate speech, your flag will warn us all! And don't forget to leave your explanation on the comments of the post that you are about to flag! Thank you!


in last one month I gave more flags than in first twelve!

Same here! My war on plagiarism and spamming is still going strong...

thanks for sharing this important information for us @dumar022

Thanks for the comment!

yes you are welcome @dumar022

follow me pliz

follow me pliz

I give you 10 minutes

Good stuff i flagged it as well :)

I said that I defend my blog from this kind of spamming. Please remove your comment or you will be flagged

Thankyou for sharing @dumar022

Interesting ! Thanks !

Thank you!

I want to flag this post so bad, just because it's about flagging. It just seems appropriate my friend.

I appreciate you and your content so much?

@dumar022, take it easy and hold that baby girl tight.

Hahahaha ! LOL! I will!

follow me pliz

follow me pliz

Yep for most of the abusers thats the only thing they understand.

thanks for the info, I've learnt something new here now :)

Thank you!

I've been in steemit for about 2 months and of cause still feeling my way. You make total sense to me. I voiced my opinion about up voting yourself being stupid, and was chastised by the whale poster for being opinionated and loud. He was giving up votes to those who agreed with him. But tried to make me look small for having another opinion. No flag thrown that I know of, but not pleasant.

Yes, I know, so uncomfortable feeling

@dumar022- I definitely agree with the views on flagging you have presented here. It is a potent weapon on Steemit - unlike dislikes on other media platforms which do not really do much damage. I think Steemit's integrity as an intellectual platform needs to be protected by all Steemians. Posts which are linked with the reasons you have mentioned in your articles must be flagged. Each and every Steemian needs to consciously support discipline by flagging - not just leave it to Steemcleaners. Thanks for raising the voice on this issue. Upvoted

Thank you... maybe we should get curation rewards for flagging, after all, we can reduce somebody's reward and it drains our voting power

Worth thinking about. Correct use of flagging certainly is part of curation

I can see hate speech flagging being abused. I mean look at the rest of the internet for examples. Postmodern cultural Marxists are claiming hate speech left and right on issues that have been socially constructed from a subjective standpoint. This type of speech requires others to use compelled language which manufactures consent for ideas we don't believe in but have to because flaggings can cause loss of income. Many of the whales I've seen are left (not liberal) leaning and use social constructivism so this is definitely a concern.

Wow... Nice post there... Really learnt a lot from this as a newbie ... Keep up the good work!!

I think it all depends on your point of view, now let's look at the regular rules you pointed out:
Disagreement on rewards, this one is dumb, no one can know what I think is a good post, suppose a whale thinks anything x posts is ok, that's his prerogative, and I know no one down votes anything a real whale up votes for fear of a reprisal, so again this is dumb, it's like bullying you flag if the one who up voted isn't too big or you know you will get screwed.
Fraud or plagiarism everyone plagiarizes, even if it is just an idea and by putting a link to the source you are not legalizing anything, you don't have the author's approval so you would have to flag about 90% of posts.
Hate speech or internet trolling, what is hate speech? It is somebody's idea, this is a free speech platform so even these assholes with the hate speech have a right to post if you don't like what they say let them know it with a very detailed comment.
Intentional miscategorized content or Spam, How do you know it's intentional? As for spam, isn't it easier to ignore it?
And you talk about the people who use vote for vote etc. comments, and say nothing about people with big SP just commenting a post so they can't up vote themselves, is this not even worse?
So to me flagging is a big waste of time and anyone doing it is just someone with a too high opinion of himself or is somehow like the guy who can't stop from criticizing everything. To me, if you don't like something, comment on it, or just mute the guy, that way you are out of that circle. By the way I have never flagged anyone.

This post has received a 6.31 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @dumar022.

@dumar022, nagdje sam procitao tvoj komentar na Hrvatskom, pa samo zelim da ti javim da mi je jako drago sto otkako sam se prijavio prije nekoliko dana, ima netko i sa nasih podrucja! :) Tek sam novi ovdije, ali ucim. Imas li mozda neki prijedlog za mene? Sve najbolje!

Pozdrav iz Šibenika, @keyss! Izgleda da vodis kreativan i komican blog. Ima nas puno iz Hrvatske, neki od nas su tu od starta... ako sta tribas, samo reci. Nema smisla da ti sad nabrajam Hrvate ode, ali resteemat cu ti post sa izleta pa ako se ko uhvati... koristi steemit.chat da se povezes sa ljudima. Sritno

@dumar022, hvala puno! Puno pozdrava!

Thanks my friend fo sharing and your info about reasons for flags..

The last days I was not able to check your latest posts and I am so sorry as I started to face so hard pain because of My Trigeminal Neuralgia as I start to read with high difficulty..
But I will try to fight the pain and keep going..
I will steem on..

My friend, you don't have to worry about upvoting me! I am really sorry about your condition (I had to google it), just get well, stay strong and there will be time to Steem On!

Thanks for nice words and encouragement
Really that what I need to can go forward
I will try to fight as I can and I will keep steeming hopping with my 57 years to can stay stong..
I ask you so kindly to resstem it if possible
Thanks again

I already did, before you even asked ;)

Thanks brother .. I will take some rest