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RE: Having A Discussion Is Not Crying

in #steemit8 years ago

Hm. I've also heard it argued that it's a popularity contest which would be great if the popular content was worthy content. But I've read some phenomenal pieces that ranged from a sad thirty cents to about 12 bucks, meanwhile I've clicked on posts worth over a hundred dollars that were practically copied and pasted from a couple different google searches on the subject matter with just a few sentences re-worded. They cited but still. I'd much rather read original content myself. So I suppose it doesn't really matter what the consensus is, I know what I'm looking for. I think what @beanz did took a lot of guts, and I happen to really like her, but I'm not certain I'd want to attract the negative attention or the ire of bigger fish. Love your diplomatic answer though, going to add you to my list now ;)


I thought her post was brave as well, you will find her to be a smart person, who thinks through things before talking about them. I respect her.

Although my answer sounded diplomatic, it is truly how I feel about steemsports. Mixed over the idea, and then they got greedy and took it too far.