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RE: Having A Discussion Is Not Crying

in #steemit8 years ago

What's up @whatsup? Groan, that was cheesy, haha! I generally introduce myself with Hi there @name and...yeah.
So I've been here a little over four weeks and spent the first couple just getting to know people-i.e. jumping in on contests and engaging the music community for my brother (who I'm hoping will be on here soon), basically I dove in head first and became a little obsessed and a lot immersed and finally overwhelmed. Which has never happened to me on social media by the way, Facebook is something I have just to talk to out of state friends and relatives because many of them are obsessed and it's the only way to easily reach them, I don't have a twitter, or even a reddit account, I generally prefer the super ancient method of communication e-mail... Anyway I finally came up for air, (had no choice due to holidays and people who depend on me for Christmasy spirit and fun filled festivities) and now that I've had a little space I've begun noticing that there is some, not sure if this is the right word but Politics going on? I am definitely interested in learning everything I can about this platform. I've been doing a lot of reading, many of them old posts, to get a handle on how it all works, figuring out who the witnesses are and what they do and what vests are, that sort of thing. But one thing I don't quite comprehend-does all of the votes going toward steemsports and apparently some of the news outlets- severely take away from everyone else? Basically I'm asking if you think @beanz is off base or on point. I'm not a sports or news fan, to the extent that I don't think I've even read a post in either category...well maybe a couple of news posts but definitely not sports, but that's just a personal preference, I have nothing against people who love that stuff. Sorry this is so long, I babble when I'm tired, I promise this isn't representative of my normal comments and you don't have to fear that if you respond I'll write another book, LOL. Just want different points of view on the subject and since you're talking about it I'm asking you :)


It is funny that you ask me, because I am in the middle on this issue. I could argue both sides. About 2 days prior to Beanz's post I had decided on a personal level I was no longer going to participate in these games. It isn't that I am morally worried about it. - It is that they kept doing more and more a day. Yes, people get some free steem, but also steem is being held in steemsports wallet, the payouts are 50% of the reward. Meaning that account keeps 50% as well. 1 a day, to give some players some steem and make minnows feel good as they come on board. Wouldn't have been a big deal. So, the arguement is that there is a rewards pool each day which gets spread around based on votes and the SP the voters have. So, yes, when the same posts trend everyday, it takes away from everybody else's chance to receive those votes and the rewards that go along with them. When they start posting multiple times a day.... Obviously it takes more out. In addition, the steemsports account receives whale support, so if they weren't supporting that would they be supporting other things? There is no way to know.

When I really decided to get out of the habit of voting on those posts, is when there was a bunch of other accounts trying to do the same thing. I just decided that isn't what I want to support Steemit to become. A place where it is more popular to play simple voting games instead of writing and connecting. As I said, I can see bothsides of the argument.

On the other hand. Their are many who were having difficulty gaining any steem by posting who many stay around and be active due to getting some of this "free steem". The real question is the pain worth the gain and vice-versa.

Hm. I've also heard it argued that it's a popularity contest which would be great if the popular content was worthy content. But I've read some phenomenal pieces that ranged from a sad thirty cents to about 12 bucks, meanwhile I've clicked on posts worth over a hundred dollars that were practically copied and pasted from a couple different google searches on the subject matter with just a few sentences re-worded. They cited but still. I'd much rather read original content myself. So I suppose it doesn't really matter what the consensus is, I know what I'm looking for. I think what @beanz did took a lot of guts, and I happen to really like her, but I'm not certain I'd want to attract the negative attention or the ire of bigger fish. Love your diplomatic answer though, going to add you to my list now ;)

I thought her post was brave as well, you will find her to be a smart person, who thinks through things before talking about them. I respect her.

Although my answer sounded diplomatic, it is truly how I feel about steemsports. Mixed over the idea, and then they got greedy and took it too far.