Steemit! Eyes On The Minnows: Episode 1

in #steemit9 years ago (edited)

I have seen some Steemians already doing a fantastic job of uplifting newbies and minnows.

I love the idea!

I believe we should all look for the quality, and shed light on it if we want to see the best ideas, images, art, and other creative content shining its light out into the world.

These are a list of minnows I follow who I think either are already stellar writers, or appear to be very decent and have potential to get even better over time -- seasoned, as it were.

Either way, I know that having eyes on their work would help inspire them and encourage further growth and refinement the way it has done for me. Being rewarded for time and effort in something amazing like a decentralized crypto currency is a powerful economic incentive indeed.

As my dear friend @larkenrose said several days back:
"Getting paid makes me really want to work harder to make it something really good. I want to put more effort in."

These are in no particular order whatsoever, I follow these guys and they are in my feed!
I want to see them do well and be compensated for their efforts, so I'll help the community be aware of them!

I have decided I want to try to do this weekly if I can. At least bi-weekly, depending on the rate of badass minnows coming in.

I included a brief excerpt from each one's blog, so go and check out their work and give an upvote, and a comment or two if you find value in it.

Below are 10 Steemian minnows that perhaps we will see grow!



It is a performative contradiction to claim to be fighting for freedom while simultaneously accepting a paycheck provided via the plunder of your people. You also cannot swear to defend your peoples freedom while simultaneously swearing to uphold and defend a constitution. For constitutions claim to delegate the "right" or the power to steal, extort, and rob from the whole body of the people, to a small group of people.




Which Path Do You Walk?
I have seen many on Steemit who seem to enjoy talking harshly about this and that, and while there are undoubtedly evil things that go on in the world, is it really necessary to always look into them and fight them with this kind of mentality?
What if I just focused on entertaining positive news and putting into action the creation of something positive instead? Would that not just lessen or offset or even end some evil somewhere in the world?



What Type of Sales Dog Are You?
You are a Salesperson whether you like it or not. Learn what type of Sales Dog You are.
One of the biggest struggles as an entrepreneur is to teach your team to sell. Today it seems the great majority of the population is afraid of sales. I believe sales is the foundation of every successful business. Without sales you might as well close shop.
Each sales dog has traits that help them be successful. Personally I am a Basset Hound and Golden Retriever mix. It is normal to be a mix but we will always have one dominant sales dog type.



As I’m in love with psychology (as I stated earlier) and do check articles under this tag regularly, I’ve decided to start a daily TOP5 of articles related to psychology, which may have get lost in all the stream of new and diverse articles on Steemit. My intention is to promote both the psychology topic and the decent authors who write on the topic, I’m determined to build a solid Psychology Community eventually.
I invite more people who are new to Steemit to engage in psychology and write awesome and incredibly interesting original(!) articles on the topic.



Claim and defend your self-ownership for yourself and live it. I’m not saying it’ll be easy and hunky doory, but that’s a much more productive and positive move then beating ones head against the statist wall of ignorance because one believes they will never experience self-ownership unless they convince the majority others of its truth. I’m also not suggesting you completely ignore the state and its potential ramifications. Avoiding being kidnapped and held for ransom is usually a good idea whether in a society of statism or anarchy. Abandon the rat race and live as if you do in fact own yourself. This doesn’t mean we shouldn’t discuss with others who don’t agree. This is about focusing and prioritizing.



I’m the bird
chasing nightmares
unafraid of high wires
and flimsy branches

You’re the day dream dragon
the only flame I’d trust
is the exhale you speak
to torch dry leaves

My feathers can’t wait
to molt and leave traces
where I’ve been
to stop carrying me away
in mid-summer sin

When the awakening startled my eyes open
too bright to identify
beyond the outline
of my truer self rising

Or was I this phoenix all along
just covered in a plague
of self-loathing and second guessing
all the while awaiting a fire to be lit within
by ink, pages, and a fucking pen.



I moved through the mountains, jungle pyramids at Palenque, the colonial town San Cristobal de las Casas, then over rivers into Guatemala. I was glad I had had some happy time in tourist friendly Mexico as in Guatemala City the guard at the bus station wouldnt let me outside for a ciggarette, he said a car would stop and kidnap me.
I´ve had worse offers.

As I headed back through Belize I wondered how I could extend my trip. I had another month planned in the USA so I spent all that month in Tulum and Playa Del Carmen. then I postponed it another 11 months.

I had found another friend in Tulum from the UK, who was talking about staying on in Mexico.
She dreamed of a Mexican man and a half Mexican babe and she became blessed. Life blossoms.
We drank much tea and discussed many business ideas. We started out small, both on tourist visas. We dreamed of a recycled bookstore, recycled clothes. We made cheese and salad rolls and cycled around and tried to sell them on the beach.
We sold about two, ate about two each and fed some to dogs. We both ended up working in hostels.



60 Things You Can't Do in The Unites States of America

  1. Can't Open a Casino
  2. Can't Drive a Car without a Drivers License
  3. Can't Have a Yard Sale Without a Permit
  4. Can't Work Without Paying Federal Income Tax
  5. Can't Sell Alcohol without a License
  6. Can't Make a Phone Call Without Your Call Being Recorded
  7. Can't Buy a Large Toilet
  8. Can't Drive Without Car Insurance
  9. Can't Grow a Marijuana Plant
  10. Can't Own a Car (Without Paying a Yearly Extortion Tax)
    (read the rest on his blog)



A week ago I went seeking Australian Native Orchids to photograph for the Steemit Photo Challenge. I do this on my bicycle (well mostly I do - sometimes I walk). Well I did not find any orchids though I did find some other amazing Spring flowers.
I use this as therapy to deal with the bouts of depression that I suffer. The drivers of that are another story. The exercise helps. The beauty of nature helps. The consistency and patterns of nature help. The joy people get from the photographs helps - a lot. 30 to 40 people get joy every time I post a picture.
I went out again on my bicycle riding a road through the nearby National Park that I had ridden in my quest the day before. A quick reminder for spotting Australian Native Orchids.



One of the hardest questions in life is knowing when to give up. When is the right time to move on from a dream and idea, a career? When is enough, enough...
I know some of you can relate to what I'm going to say, like us, you have probably felt this with contributing to Steemit at times. Why am I writing all this content? Why? Then you probably end up going, oh well... you never know it's a bit of fun.
This is the thing, we are driven by the hope of something happening, of something coming our way. We are actually all very optimistic in the way we approach life. Sure we can have moments of pessimism but the over riding sense of maybe one more...brings out the inner addict in us.
One of the hardest things is to come to that point, where you say. "I've done everything in my power and it's not working for me, it's time to move on. No regrets"
This is also one of the hardest things to say to yourself. Because, we are often blindsided by a single opportunity and it's potential that we miss all the other opportunities that are floating around us.





Since it's a big topic of contention right now, you might want to make clear early on if/how you are splitting the SBD rewards from your list with the authors. You can see the spotlight discussion about this here: 1, 2, 3

Great point, Kenny!

Hmmmm. I will think on it. Since they are getting exposure (and with that more clicks/follows/upvotes--more income) from the blog itself, I may not also do the SBD rewards thing just yet. But I like the idea, and I want to do some king of reward sharing thing with posts in the future anyway, in one form or another.

I will check out those spotlights.

Ya, I think you are offering them plenty of value from the work you are doing to get them exposure...they need to put in the work after that to create great content to take advantage of you bringing them a larger audience.

Yea, I'm in the list and I still think that there is no need to split the rewards. To my mind it's necessary when somebody is featuring a single article, like putting the whole text out there. In other cases I think the exposure is a fair "payment" enough. And it doesn't matter that usually the post with the "top list" gets more likes than featured posts. I believe it's more because the author who is featuring has his or her own follow and not everyone who would like upvote him/her would bother to also upvote the featured articles, but someone will, and that's exposure!

Thank you, I agree, actually. I personally don't think I really need someone throwing money at me while also putting my content out there without my asking them to.@dollarvigilante

I'd feel honored enough that they took the time already to give me a mention.

Just wanted to bring the conversation that's going on right now to your attention, I know you're going to go about it in a good way :-)

Like @dollarvigilante said, I think the value of exposure is high enough. You should be able to keep the SBD reward for putting the work into the blog since that has value too.

This is a great idea. I love seeing people on Steemit putting together lists like this and helping each other out. I've only been here for a couple weeks, but I'm so excited by what I've seen in this community :)

P.S. I submit my blog for your consideration ;)

Followed. I thought I had followed you already, dang it! You're going in next week's episode I already can tell. ;)

Yep, @sethlinson's writing some good stuff.

I just followed you. I thought I had done that a long time ago, but I guess not. Thanks for keeping up with my series!

I'm a big fan of @elissahawke and @hilarski but wasn't aware of the others. Doing this regularly is a great way to get exposure to some lesser known rising stars!

For those who don't know, @elissahawke is FREAKING hilarious... and @hilarski has a ton of great info he provides on a regular basis.

Yeah, I want the community excited and growing, so I want to uplift the ones who might not have an audience following them here from FB, but are really obviously quality content creators or have awesome potential.

@elissahawke has cracked me up several times, love her!

I'm a minnow that wants to fly! :)

What do you think?

I'll go have a look! Maybe I can feature you next week... :)

Yes please :)

Let me know if you think it is feature worthy!

What can I do to be featured by you in one of your posts? Thanks in advance :)

Choose this minnow next! Pleeeeeease!

Hey hey hey. No calling it a flop. Lack of exposure doesn't mean lack of quality, not here on Steemit, not just yet. :)
Checking it out now!

Thank you for the boost! I only meant flop based upon the voting. Put some time into it. I still am not a honed writer, but I already see some improvements. :)

I am so glad that you are helping the Steemit community grow. I posted some content that you upvoted (thanks!) most of my content involves health, supplements and training. However, I'm contemplating taking a risk here. I'm currently working as a special Ed assistant in an indoctrination center and plan on quitting soon since I am starting a homeschool business. But I had an idea to start a daily or weekly diary exposing the child control centers and their crimes against the thoughts and actions of children. So, hopefully a future minnow for your enjoyment! not planning on being a whistleblower. Just want the Steemers to get a glimpse into the actual day-to-day. Thanks Amanda!

Hi @dragonanarchist, I followed you here from a FB post you tagged some mutual acquaintances in. Really appreciate people like you taking the initiative to community build and help others to network.

I would certainly love for you to check out some of my writing, especially this piece here, and for a bit of humor this one that I put out yesterday (created the meme myself using GIMP)

I agree wholeheartedly with Larken's quote that you gave above. Albeit, I write for the joy of writing and as an act of self-expression and for meditation and reflection, and I gladly do it for nothing other than my own satisfaction and to try to bring my gifts into the world. That said it's good to be rewarded for one's efforts, and for me the biggest driver right now is attracting an audience so that I feel like I have a voice and am contributing to the conversation (of all that we voluntaryist-activists care so passionately about) and not just talking into the wind.

I was fortunate enough to have a piece I wrote about the incessant tracking and databasing of every human activity featured just yesterday by @jacor, another Steemian I am grateful to for providing an outlet to new authors such as myself. I gained a handful of new followers, but it was mostly rewarding to see how many people liked (and therefore, I know read) my writing. If others here are looking for additional exposure consider reaching out to him as well. He has a lot of authors in the pipeline though, and you'll have to be patient.

As general advice for anyone looking to get a leg up on SteemIt, even though I'm new myself, I'm not new to the hustle, and I would say like anything else it takes persistence. A good analogy is the amount of energy it requires to get a train moving from a standstill. It's slow going and you have to push hard at first, till you finally build up some steam (pun intended), but once the train is moving it requires less energy to keep the momentum going. Don't give up before you ever get rolling.

You make some excellent points about writing as a form of meditation and expression of oneself. I also agree that we need to be persistent in order to be successful. Followed you!

Thanks. Us minnows need a little help in this perilous sea. As we dart to and fro searching to nibble on a little Steem.

What a great idea very thoughtful to consider the newbies, it's about time someone stood up for us. I like to see people doing well but not the same ones over and over, There are far to many writers and not enough readers, we need to spread the love and wealth

Kent McManigal @dullhawk deserves a LOT more attention than he's getting...

Will check him out! Thanks!

Awesome initiative ! Thank you.

I like this idea. Hopefully it will catch on and others will take up the helm. Feel free to check my posts for consideration!

Thank you! I love if when people bring themselves to my attention. I'll go look at your work!

"I love it when people bring themselves to my attention."

Hi, @dragonanarchist... am doing so.^

I got you, girl! I have already seen your stuff and enjoy it. I will feature you next week! :)

That's so cool of you, @dragonanarchist. THANKS!! :-)

This was a random find that I quite enjoyed and followed.

Oh, I will have to check it out! Thanks for showing me!

Thanks for linking to my article @voluntary, that's a few people you've sent my way now. :)

What a great idea. Minnows themselves can also work on this initiative by shouting out their favorite people too. We just have to remember that community building is what really builds the tribe and makes it stronger :)

Yes! Absolutely. :) Thank you!

Thank you so much for the plug!
Upvote from me to you!

Great content, thank you! Saw you comment about this project on another post and had to come see!!!!! <3

Hey Catherine! I totally plan to feature you (Bitcoin Bus!), Macey Tomlin, and Alma in upcoming episodes!


Great and helpful post.

@dragonanarchist what a truly rad idea, and super thoughtful of you. Thank you so much! I'm honored and humbled to be in the batch. Great vibes coming your way :) Namaste

@barefootpoet, you are truly welcome. :) I'm glad to be in a community with awesome and thoughtful people.

Excited to be placed in such esteemed company of writers, poets and photographers. Thank you. Steemit is proving to be a powerful forcing device to get ideas out of my head and into images and onto paper (so to speak).

Soon I will be heading out on my bicycle for a new bicycle tour - as always for charity. There will be lots more material to write about and photograph then

Great photo of you! You're a badass, obviously. :)

Not really sure what a badass is but maverick works too

Great to see things like this building the community aspect of steemit and encouraging others to get there content out there. Thanks again for another great post, only was familar with @hilarski. Also have you checked out any of our story? we would like to submit our blog for consideration :) Thanks @lily-da-vine

Yay, someone new to check out! Look for a feature in coming weeks. My list is growing fast! :) :) :)

Thank you particularly for @abarefootpoet

Swim little fishies

Here's my latest. Thanks again for the plug!

I came upon this, because you're in my follow list, and I've decided that the article is worth an upvote before I found out that I'm in the list, so it's not a mere "thank you" upvote. :)
Great idea, love it! Am going to explore the guys I do not follow already right away! :)

wow @dragonanarchist, a lot of people here really respect your opinion. It's awesome how steemit is bringing this community together like this. It's crazy that I heard your voice in so many of Larken's videos for so long without knowing who you were until you showed up here. I love your writings, keep it up!

Great Idea. Maybe you could have some sort of weekly contest aimed at minnows. Poetry, fiction, or anything you have interest in. I think it goes a long way to have someone recognize your worth as a writer.

As much as I love whale votes, sometimes a simple heartfelt comment of appreciation is just as welcome and motivates you to push through a post that maybe you thought was gold and had a payout more akin to pyrite.

I have seen a person who I will leave unnamed talk about only voting up their own posts and comments and voting on others only 5% of the time. I think this is asinine and when it comes down to it, absolutely selfish.

You are leading by example. I don't have a large platform, but I see that helping new people have success, that steemit as a whole becomes better. We should all continue to try to help out our fellow minnow as we all grow and evolve.

So what exactly is the upper limit for a minnow in steem power? How does one qualify as one? For the purposes of this post I mean not in the greater steemit region.

the commUNITY spirit in Steemit is beautiful.

I appreciate you taking the time to share interesting content creators! I ended up added all of them to my feed. If you have a chance, please take a look at my posts I myself am trying to level and give back to this great community. Cheers!