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in #steemit8 years ago

@kyriacos You are one of Steemit's best authors. Your posts are as good as any of the top blogs on the Internet, easily several levels of quality above my own. But please do not forget that this is a social network also. When you make negative comments and slam other people repeatedly on Steemit and in chat channels, it is harder to get votes. There are ways to make points constructively without giving in to anger and frustration. I hope you continue writing, since your blog makes Steemit much better.



Thank you for your kind words. Nonetheless, we both know quality of content is pointless in Steemit. Connections and keeping appearances are all the money. Here is the deal though. I am not good with people, especially scammers and shady individuals.

The content in my posts has nothing to do with my comments. Is this how we vote now? Appearances? Also what kind of messed up double standard is this? TDV and others slam politicians all the time calling them murderers, crooks, frauds with much harsher epithets with little to no arguments making thousands. Pure slander with high rewards. I use sometimes deregatory epithets alongside structured arguments and I get the middle finger?

Also I don't see how I am doing anything bad by exposing a well known fraud that most likely damages our image. I treat the same people who try to manipulate others with cheap psychological tricks, coin scams and any other dishonest and devious behaviour. I am not just running around cursing at random people. All I am doing is trying to clear out the garbage from Steemit.

I am not angry. I am not frustrated. This is how I talk in real life as well. I am blunt and this might appear as "rude". Also, you can't seriously expect me to continue writing for pennies and generating traffic for the network and not getting rewarded because of my "character". Where are we? George's Orwell's 1984?

I thought I came here to escape Facebook's policing not to experience an upgraded version of it through the blockchain. If the people i engage with don't like the comments let them flag me or unfollow me. What I see though is not flagging or unfollowing. Quite the opposite. Some people I fought I even became friends with over time.

who would have thought. Steemit is becoming PC....i am buffled

Inconvenient truths are not well rewarded on this platform. It is perhaps time to create Steemit 2.0 with a hardfork and have real writers run it not shitcoin miners who can barely read. This mess will take years to sort out, if ever. Meanwhile competition is coming that makes Steemit look like hi5, or worse. Critics are needed in order for improvements to occur, fast.

The whales and dolphins and everyone need to wake the fuck up. Seriously. Now. It's getting bad.

By continuing on the same path, we all suffering from tunnel vision. A big reality check is in order. I thought you possessed critical thinking skills, but at this point, I believe I was wrong. If the people who generate real engagement leave (myself, @kyriacos and other critical thinkers), this place will be swallowed up by vile creatures, greed and it will die quickly. Sheep and degenerate whales who don't know what decent writing is cannot create something valuable. Let's get real. One of my posts that had 361 upvotes and 234 comments and that generated a huge amount of community discussion made a whopping $21. While I don't need big payouts like before, it definitely sends a message to real writers who see that and run. It's a big fucking problem. It needs to be fixed fast while there are people who still give a shit about this place.

Stellabelle, looked at it in another way....

Did any of your medium posts every rake in that many engagement? Your writings are great and having people engaged is that not enough?

Your posts on Steemit have on average 20 times as much upvotes as your posts on Medium and about 50 times as much comments.

So would you go back to Medium? I would recommend to sit it out. Yes I am also sad that some Steem is still on my bittrex and worth 'pennies' but hey... it's still more than having earned 0 on my own blog.

Just to compare: Recently (just before Steemit started) I had setup a 'live-webcam' on a popular Kitespot here in The Netherlands. I choose to 'monetize' the live video on Youtube. Guess what?

It "raked in" 24.009 views the past 3 months, with average eyeballs of 11:58 minutes per viewer. Yet the ad rewards are $ 7.13 . But I don't give a shit. I'm happy that 24.009 views where generated and a couple of 1000 people do watch & use this service! That's my main driver.

Still I'm curious, what will be your alternative?

Actually, Medium is jam-packed with talented, pro writers and yes I did gain traction there. I have over 1K followers on Medium, which is a lot considering it's a writing/blogging platform. Some of my articles were also featured by the Editor's picks which means a lot since that is coming directly from the Medium staff. The atmosphere there is full of intellectual critiques and it's very challenging. They are still struggling with how to monetize it. They never figured out that piece. In my opinon, Medium needs to marry with Steemit to produce beautiful children. But if the good writers are not rewarded here, then there would be no reason for them to come here. That's where we are at.
I recommend fixing the algorithm to include a social energy layer aspect. So basically that would result in the algorithm using these measurements to calculate rewards:

  1. STeem power (as it is currently)
  2. Social energy (calculated by total upvotes and human comments).
    there has to be more emphasis on human engagement measurements. Most people will downvote bot comments, so only comments with zero or + status would be recognized and added to calculation for reward system.

Really @stellabelle :D hahahahaha

The whales and dolphins and everyone need to wake the fuck up. Seriously. Now. It's getting bad.

Looks a lot how TDV write his posts ... You are starting to sound like him in ur quest...

The Steemit-Shemitah

what is this superior competition of which you speak?