Steemit social experiment - The 21 Day Challenge [Invitation Extension | Contest]

in #steemit9 years ago (edited)

This is a follow-up post to a social experiment/contest that I posted yesterday (please open in new window) to encourage Steemit users to work on improving their lives over the next 3 weeks.

I won't go into the details of the contest in this post other (please check out the link above for the details) - I am making this post tonight because I wanted to extend the invitation over a few more days to encourage more community members to join the contest. We currently have 4 users who have opted in and my goal was to get 25 ;)

If you read about the contest and would like to join in you can either reply I accept the 21 Day Challenge on either this post or yesterday's post and I'll add you to my list.

Thank you for the support and I look forward to seeing how this goes. It should be really fun!

original post to add 75SD to the prize pool to kick things off. I greatly appreciate his support!Update: WOOHOO! @berniesanders supported the