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RE: I Have Been Slacking

in #steemit6 years ago

Isn't your whole lightmotif showing your true self? Even your usnm is suggesting that we'll get you as you are - and I'm guessing it wasn't chosen just because of a boob or two every once in a while.

So why apologize?

Sure, making things that you know could potentially lower your income is not smart, but choosing a lifestyle where posting on Steemit is your main (only?) nutela-bringer is not what you would call smart in a traditional way. And you've made that work.
I know I couldn't do it, not because I don't think I could produce good content, but because I would probably lose interest in a month or so.

Where was I? Oh yeah, posting on Steemit is your job, it doesn't matter that you enjoy doing it, if that's how you make a living it's a job.
Any job, I don't care how much fun you are having doing it, requires a break. It really doesn't matter what you do on a break, you could go on a cruise or just hang upside-down on your bed.
That's your basic human right - you shouldn't be apologizing, and if anyone gives you shit for your time off, you should be like mother-bear protecting her cubs - all sharp teeth and claws and spitting rage.


Yes, I am here to share everything, but it's how I share it that matters to me. What ever I want to share, show and tell, I want to do it in a unique artistic way, through good pictures and writing. The internet is full of lifestyle bloggers who share boring ass pictures and write about their boring ass day, I have no desire to be one of those. I'm a fucking snowflake.

No-one is forcing me to post, and most wouldn't care if I take a break, but the thing is that I didn't take a break in posting, but took a break from quality. And sure, that is fine every now and then, but not on consecutive posts and days, it's not up to my standards. Like I saids, nobody called me out on it, I'm doing it to myself, because I know I can do a lot better, I have done a lot better.

People have tried to rain on my Steemit parade many a times, and you can be sure that I wasn't too gentle the way I handled it. This is my baby, and I want my baby to grow up to be strong and beautiful.

Why did you have to mention Nutella, now I want it😤

I don't want to contradict you or, Flying Spaghetti Monster forbid, try to tell you what to do with your life.
But, having a post or two (or a week worth of them) that are not to you high standard shouldn't really be a big deal. You have to take a moment or two from time to time to recharge.

I've noticed that you've been a bit nonchalant with a few posts, but I didn't mind at all. On the contrary, it kept me interested to see what kind of a candy is coming around the corner.

Nutela Yea right, like you need the mention to want it ;)

Nonchalant is a good word for my resent actions, and quite frankly, that bores me to death. If I bore myself with my own posts, why would I expect anyone else to enjoy it, well I don't. I want to do exciting things, for both myself and for you on the other side of the screen.

Looks like you got your mind set, so stop wasting time replying to my comments and go make some content that will blow my mind.