Five Ways To Make a Big Success On Steemit

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Send a message of enthusiasm and positive energy in every post.
Enthusiasm is contagious, it raises waves of positive energy, enthusiasm gives inspiration to people to skip obstacles and problems. If you ask me how to achieve this, the answer is very simple - everything comes from the heart - write about the topics you love and do what you love. You have a fantastic example of positive energy and great posts with a lot of enthusiasm and love in posts from @karensuestudios and @acromott - It's a fantastic couple that takes us through the world of acro yoga.

Source - post from @acromott

Make an interesting title and post.
The title draws attention, even if we add a bit of humor to all of our text then we have a real effect for attracting attention. One of the best titles I've read on Steemit, it's my favorite "Slow Food" from a great blogger @kus-knee . I could not guess what it was about, I thought it was some sort of heavy dinner, or a health problem. @kus-knee wrote a post about snails and a store that sells snails in Italy. Look at all his posts, find out why people like him, why he is at the top of successful bloggers on Steemit.

Source -

Do things with your heart.
Every successful blog is written with a lot of love, the best bloggers are those who write from the heart. Energy is felt in every sentence of the post of top bloggers. Poetry is not the most popular topic on Steemit, but @d-pend and his poetry are unique, deep, spiritual and original. You need to find the topics you love, when you write inspiring with your spirit then your posts become popular.

Sincere communication creates friends.
All new users run for money and seek help from successful bloggers. It's not a problem in comments, but in the fact that most users do not read posts and give comments which are copy - paste. Comments like - nice post, nice picture, nice bro, thanks for sharing etc. Be honest, I reward the people who are honest with me, who give correct comments. Comments can lead you to the top, comment on the posts you like, do not run for SBD cents, they will come to you when you show your sincere intentions in the comments. You can look at how the young man does it the right way @wajahatsardar - He progresses very quickly because he gives good and honest comments from the heart.

Resteem posts from the bloggers.
When you have low voting power, you can not give support to everyone, but you can share a post on your wall. Bloggers like when you do this, so the time will come when they give support to your posts. Be persistent, do not expect success overnight. If you follow these rules then you can expect great results after the first 100 days of your work on Steemit. I wish you luck and great success.

Believe in Yourself @dobartim


Indeed enthusiasm is contagious - I couldn't agree more. It can be small things . It's the sincerity that makes it special . You are a very positive guy and you add a lot of food energy on the platform - people should learn from it

You are one of the great examples of success. You write from the heart and make the right comments and friendships in the right way. Thank you for your support

Thank you my friend !

Thanks to you my friend

splendid post , i have more enthusiasm than brains and with 50s i don't think i want to change, the beauty of life is wake​ up every morning and enjoy the new day , ​without​ enthusiasm​ the day go grey , lovely post

your post is right on time, informative and quite encouraging. thanks for the honest tips. thinking about it, they definitely should work. it truly worries me when people don't read posts and just upvote (aside from bot votes though) i know we are all pressed for time but reading a few post and making knowledgeable and enthusiastic comments is actually a win win. i wish more people read this your post and learn. very needful, thank you.

Thanks for kind comment

Hello @dobartim ! Nice to see you again.. i saw you commenting on people's posts. I sometimes wander that where does such positivity and rational thinking come from.. I am from Pakistan and here in pakistan a motivational speaker name @Qasim Ali sha speak so nice and his wording just kill me and literally feel jealous of his positivity and optimistic attitude.. #love you man. Stay blessed and be whatever you are!

Thank you a lot my friend

You so welcome Dear! <3 and i hope you took my advice heheheh be whatever you are :)

Изврстан текст, @dobartim, било би лепо да га пошаљеш и на српском :)

Pošto tebe znaju kao pisca na našem jeziku, ako želiš imaš moju dozvolu da ga prevedeš i postaviš - prevedi ga i navedi izvor - tako ću te spomenuti u jednom postu da ti se zahvalim.

Ја преводим текстове људи који не знају српски језик. Природније би било да ти то пошаљеш, јер је текст твој. Заслужио си још бољу награду, зашто је не би узео? Зар мислиш да се текст на српском не исплати?

Iskreno to sam mislio, a imam jaku publiku na engleskm jeziku. Meni treba ceo svet, odavno sam postao poliglota.

Па нећеш изгубити публику на енглеском језику пишући на српском. Напротив, имаћеш додатни текст са линком на твоју енглеску страну, што ће ти само повећати видљивост. Јеси ли прочитао овај текст?

Jesam odavno. Ok malo mi je to oduzimanje vremena jer direktno pišem na Englek jeziku. Ali ću upravo sada da napravim tekst na srpskom jeziku za tvoju dušu ( Latinica mi ide bolje ).

Провуци прво свој текст кроз гугл преводилац, и само исправи грешке, а ако си затрован латиницом пребаци га у ћирилицу за две секунде преко сервиса

Ако те мрзи да пишеш, користи изванредни speechnotes за диктирање текста у рачунар. Ништа није тешко.

A coherent article, well-harmonised images with content but the important thing is that it is very encouraging. Thank you for your optimism @dobartim

Thank you

Found your post interesting to read. I can't wait to see your post soon. Good Luck with the upcoming update.This article is really very interesting and effective. @dobartim

Totally agreed!

  • You should post the content you love to write about
  • Write valuable content
  • Engage with others
  • Post valuable comments, don't spam

and you are good to go :)

Thanks a lot

good information

Thanks my friend

Absolutely agree! Very good tips.

I like your writing, thanks for sharing this post, it will really help new users.

Thanks a lot

Good information. I was looking for a little boost. This will help me quite a bit to start my journey on steemit! Keep on bringing the good info. Have a great New Year!

Thanks I wish to you a lot of success

Educative write up. I will appy it as from today, and i believe there will changes in my steemit life.

Thanks for the write up.