Also I saw what you have done with your second account, and also I'm not sure if that was 'healthy'.
who will vote Romanian content?
Corean people have a big communities with many whales because they invest milions of dollars and they exchange votes between them in order to make more money because in Coreea cryptocurrency is very popular and they already made cc by mining.
From all Romanians that I know here, 1-2 guys make @300$ per article and few of them invest money in order to have steem power to vote Romanian content.
I like your idea to bring many Romanians in this platform. For this reason I encourage my friends to join on Steemit and I made a bucharest meetup in other to set them real expectations. But I do that after 3-4 months when I understand that platform, because it's more complex that I was expected at the beginning.
Good luck! :)
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I do NOT promise anybody they will earn $1000/day. It is a case study of how other brands/people do it. I clearly state that I don't believe they will make thousands of dollars.
I have over 15k subscribers on my website and I emailed all the subscribers, many of whoom have blogs in Romanian. Writing in English is your choice. Do not attempt to discredit writing in Romanian (plus I never say they should blog in Romanian).
You don't have to think it was healthy or not. Those "whales" voted for the fact that I promoted the Steemit platform very effectively. That article has over 1600 views and it is responsable for hundreds of new accounts.
Don't get me wrong. I don't want to discredit writing in Romanian language. The problem is that we as Romanians we don't have whales or at least dolphins to vote Romanian content, that is my concern.
And if we don't have them we should, first of all, to find/create a whale that is disposed to vote Romanian content. And then to create Romanian content. Otherwise, all those people who will start to wrote in Romanian language will become soon demotivated because their content will not be voted and they will leave the platform, and definitely this is not our purpose.
I hope you get my idea.
Have a nice weekend!
Maybe you should stop viewing Steemit as a money making opportunity, and start viewing it as a blogging platform.
If I have a blog on my own site and I don't make any money from it directly, and I start posting on Steemit and make $5 a post, I am better off.
But if on the other hand, I come here expecting to make hundreds of dollars, then those same $5 per post will demotivate me.
Please read my article on @startupacademy, because you are badly misinterpreting my views.
Ok. You're right about promisses. I'll correct my comment. Yes, is better to have few cents than nothing but you'll lose a lot on SEO side because steemit does not invest yet in SEO and from what I know they will not invest soon. I have only one article from Steemit on first 10 pages of google search. And on WordPress blog almost each article is on top 5 pages.
And I am really tempted to flag your comment for being disinformative. Do not appreciate it at all...
Feel free to do what you want. My intention was just to explain what I already learn from my experience. :)
Please indicate where do I "promise them they will win 1000 $ per day" and where do I encourage the readers to post in Romanian?
I fix it. My mistake.
"Daca-ti creezi profilul, vei face mii de dolari?" I didn't see "?" On first read.
Thanks for correction.