@michaeldavid I've upvoted you because you're funny and not because so many of your points has already been expressed by hundreds of different post done with less courage (or maybe less reputation to protect them from downvotes).
The reality is that to pull off all these functionality, it will cost tens of milions if not then a 100Million and about 2 years to develop and work out all the bugs on a centralized platform and so expect much-much more work to do this on a decentralized one (think facebook taking 2004 to 2006 to open signup to the world), and if the steem team also has to share their bank of $100Milion worth of steem with new registering users, if every user get 0.5 steem that's only 200million more accounts today not including steem cost to create an account (I'm guessing steemit must give less as more users join and more steem must also be generated), so spending all that money will also deeply cut into the cost of recruitment and just put that money/steem into the hands of insiders, coders, and project managers (not that there is anything wrong with that), instead of mass adoption (its almost a chicken or egg first paradox)
Understand that if there was a Series A 50Million for development (not sure where it will come from since there is no more mining for the creators or is there?) OR a tax for development from the community (which will make everyone poorer in the short term - need about 20% tax at Oct2017 price will give about 50Million), then things will improve faster. But do you want your steem to be half in value or your money taxed so you will have your functionality ready in 1-2 year time, or are you willing to wait 3-4 more years and have more time to earn and buy more steem?
Just food for thoughts. I respect the spirit of this post...also it was really amusing to read, your should really post angry more often ;)
Bet you didn't know this was going to be your top earning post. 😜
I predict easily >>$150. How much higher does everyone thing this can go up to in next 7days? Who wanna guess/wager?
It's true, I logged on this morning and was very surprised to see what it had grown to in fact.
Love the meme, funny stuff.
I didn't want to be all anger as that is just not me. Even pissed I try to have at least a little comic relief.
Much of what I've mentioned above doesn't really alter the overall format of the site and would not take the amounts you have stated here.
On that note I do understand your point. It takes time and money. My point is that with or without the money the more important point is direction and focus.
Fixing existing issues and ironing them out to a working model is far more important that adding new facets to the platform for example. It's about foundation. Without it the structure crumbles. If it is very solid the structure can grow well.
The most important thing about foundation is that it is not built on top of anything... ever. Foundation is the supporting factor of any build so it is necessary for it to be in the beginning or at the bottom.
If @ned and his team were focused on foundational issues, putting aside the extra stuff (that I'm sure will be awesome) long enough to get the foundation strong, we would really have something. It would also allow for many things to be added later that could easily be supported. A smart man given 6 hours to chop a tree will spend 1 hour sharpening his axe.
You are right about how much facebook spends to have a well oiled machine. However one thing that helped it take off so fast was having a solid foundation to grow from. In the early days that kind of money was simply not there for them yet they still built a solid foundation to grow from. So many things now get added to fb each day. if these things were being added before the foundational structure was in place it would have crumbled.
I really appreciate your respectful challenge to some of what I've said. Thank you very much for sharing your opinion. I really appreciate it.
Steem On!