Love to Write? Write to Love! Find Success with Steemit

in #steemit9 years ago (edited)

Love to Write? Trying to Make it Big on Steemit, but Finding Yourself Flat on Your Face? 

I had a training session with one of the internet marketers earlier this week that uses my software, I got him back up to speed and we started to talk about ways of generating income online.  I always love finding new ways to generate cash and I told him about this new blogging platform, he asked what it was and when I said "Steemit".. he replied "Ugh.. ya.. heard of that.  My buddy joined that.. spent a helluva time on a blog and didn't make a cent, so he quit". 

I shook my head when I heard that. 

He quit after writing one blog?  Then he wasn't in it for the right reasons.  

I run a couple of successful blogs and I LOVE to write.  I don't do it for any other reason than to express myself.  

In my experience as a blogger..  there are a few rules to writing.

1. Be Yourself! 

People will know immediately upon reading what you write if you are being sincere.  

2. Don't Force a Blog

If you don't feel the words down deep in your gut.. if you aren't sure on your topic, or you just don't really have it in you to write about a particular subject... BUT you think you may make some moola in writing it.. DON'T DO IT! Again.. refer to rule #1.  People will know whether or not you are being sincere or if you are just trying to game them.  

3. Write to Love

Write to Love?  What the heck does that mean?

Ok.  Think of it this way.  When you truly write, you pour out a bit of your soul into your writing.. your writing becomes your passion.. it's a way to share yourself.. to share your love.  Write in such a way that the reader becomes enamored with you, you want them to visit your blog as often as they can, just waiting to get an update of your next creation.  When you do this.. you will find success.  And.. for those that are in it for the money.. you will find that as well.

But first, you must captivate your audience, capture their hearts, invite them to drink deeply in your pool of thought and share with them a piece of your soul.

The rest will come later.  Be happy with yourself, write from your heart.. and realize.. that everyone starts at the bottom of the totem pole and success doesn't come over night.  Work hard, keep writing.. and it will come... it will come. 


You have to love what you write about in order to continue on with it. As you progress you become better and can easily formulate new pieces. I am realizing that as I continue to progress on this platform. Thanks for this post it resonated well with me.

Great format and writing style .. Thx for sharing