That "who you know" thing would be less fair if everyone were inaccsessible, but most people here are very open and helpful because thats the point. This platform is about creating actual relationships , and being yourself, and that is what appeals to me. Theres some inner personal work we all have to do to be confident we can build relationships with people we might be very different from...but its so worth it because it brings positivity to other aspects of life as well, even if the money isnt happening yet. And that positivity snowballs and helps you succeed. So yeah the relationships are everything but not in a hob-nobby superficial way. At least not in my experience here! :) Fake doesnt work very well at steemit!
What I love here that regardless of stake, you will still see the whales and the small fish interacting in different ways. Even @ned, @dan and the dev team roams around from time to time.
This is one of my favourite things here and hopefully it will be preserved in the future.