Using irrelevant tags, especially popular tags, makes it hard to find good and relevant content. Please try to use only relevant tags when posting.
A tag for posts about the Steemit website itself. Posts can include suggestions on how to use the website, improvements, or discussion about Steemit Inc.
This tag is for discussing the STEEM/SBD tokens or the STEEM blockchain itself.
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Using irrelevant tags, especially popular tags, makes it hard to find good and relevant content. Please try to use only relevant tags when posting.
More information:
The Game of Tags
Flagged for wrong tags, Plagiarism of photographs and for Identity theft. @steemflagrewards
SFR DiscordSteem Flag Rewards mention comment has been approved! Thank you for reporting this abuse, @iamstan categorized as plagiarism. This post was submitted via our Discord Community channel. Check us out on the following link!
wow big eyes :)
hehehe thank you brother 😊