Steemit Through the Looking Glass: Why are we Here, and What are we Hoping For?

in #steemit8 years ago

It has been some seven months and change since I found Steemit-- pretty much by accident-- and I find myself pausing for a moment to think about what I am doing here.

What are any of us doing here? And what's with all the complaining? That last bit really baffles me... sure, we all complain now and then, but you weren't promised riches for showing up here, you were only promised an opportunity.

What's "Good" and What's "Bad?"

On reading an assortment of comments on various posts-- many of them by relative newcomers-- I detected a subtext of slight disgust; of disappointment.

Big Sur sunset with fog

If I had to sum up the tone in a single phrase, it might read something like this: "I'm disappointed and angry because this is much harder than I thought, and it seems like others are doing so much better than I."

Then people complain some about the content that finds its way onto the "trending" page and debate whether it's any "good" and whether or not it "belongs" there.

I look at "trending" from time to time, and most of what's there would-- in my opinion-- qualify as "good." Maybe not genius level or outstanding, but certainly passable as "good." Occasionally, there are a few gems. Occasionally, there's some garbage, but then again-- who hasn't had an "off" day?

My point here being-- at least in part-- that "good" is pretty subjective, and that "not necessarily something I'm interested in" is NOT the same thing as "bad content." It's simply different.

Do I-- and other people-- create content that's (quality wise) competitive with what's on the trending page? Sure... does it piss me off that it's "theirs" being featured, and not "mine?"

No... not really. 

In the World of Superstars

So, I paused for a moment to consider some of my favorite YouTubers. 

Pink peony in bloom

Is the content being created by the likes of Jenna Marbles and JP Sears always "good?" Again, that's pretty subjective...I happen to like their content (and JP happens to be a friend of my wife's), but I'm sure they are not everyone's cup of tea. 

But that observation doesn't make them "bad," either.

But when we start looking back at Steemit-- which, of course, is a much younger gig than YouTube-- let us not forget that many of the people on our "featured" page put a lot of time and effort into getting their 5000 followers. 

Buddha and lavender

Similarly, before we start rushing around, shouting "reward pool rape!" let's not overlook the fact that someone like Jenna makes $1000's per 8-minute YouTube clip because she has 16 million followers. And you you don't get that overnight, nor do you get it as a result of sitting around and whining about sour grapes.  Same tends to hold true for the "successful" people on Steemit.

Why do we begrudge those who are successful, what they have? Or let me ask a slightly different real-world question: Do the people who got to have Microsoft stock at bargain prices "suck" because YOU have to pay more for the stock, 30 years later?

Let's turn that on its head, for a moment... and ask a different question: 

If YOU... yes, YOU... had spent a year busting your butt on Steemit and developed a following of thousands, wouldn't you feel like you had "earned" those $100+ per post?  And wouldn't you find it a little weird that someone who got here two weeks ago was complaining that they weren't having the same results?

So What Are We Hoping For?

"Hope" is a LONG way from reality.

Bright yellow pansies

Take it from someone who's been playing the online content gig for a really long time... you don't get to just show up here, publish a couple of things, and think you should be getting $300 a post.

Nice try. Take a number. Have a seat.

Instead, let me remind you-- when you complain that your last post "only made $1.23"-- that you could be over on Farcebook making... oh, that's right, I forgot... NOTHING.

When you make that complaint-- after three weeks here-- let me remind you that I once spent four hours crafting a post during my early days here... and made, yep... $0.00 for my efforts.  As you can tell from these words, I didn't go "This is unfair!" and stop creating content. This is my 327th original post, created from scratch...

Lavender & grass in the afternoon sun

So let's be real here. On Steemit, we're part of the new "Attention Economy", and it's unlikely you'll get anything handed to you on a plate. Or that you can "buy your way" to popularity. Or "cheat" your way to it. And just like real life, certain people will have what other people see as an "unfair" advantage... they are smarter, more expert, prettier, more naked, more eloquent... whatever.

That's called LIFE, folks... so don't blame Steemit for it! Instead, put your energy into creating something better.

As for ME, what am I hoping for? I'm hoping Steemit can become my long term (as on 5+ years) online publishing home. I'm hoping we'll still be here, having these conversations in 2025, because those with a long term vision managed to have more influence than those who only cared about short term gains. I'm hoping my efforts here will have earned me a significant stake in the community. I'm hoping that by 2025, the price of Steem will have passed $20 US.

Most of all, I just hope this place will still be here, in spite of its quirks and flaws.

How about YOU? Why are YOU here? What are you hoping for, in choosing to be here? Do you have realistic expectations for your participation here? Where do you think the price of Steem will go? Do you think Steemit will be a viable venue, in the long run... given the lifespan of Reddit, Facebook and others? Leave a comment-- share your experiences-- be part of the conversation!

(As usual, all text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited. This is original content, created expressly for Steemit)
Created at 20170907 09:52 PDT


If YOU... yes, YOU... had spent a year busting your butt on Steemit and developed a following of thousands,

I've been on Steemit for 13 or so months.....during that time I've gained 2,140 followers while I've made 16,287 posts and comments.

wouldn't you feel like you had "earned" those $100+ per post?

I wish...I typically 'earn' less than $3 per post.

Obviously I'm doing something wrong.

Seems we're in a similar boat, in that respect... I'm about halfway to where you are, and one of the things I notice is how many "fractional" votes I get... "upvoted 0.03%"... it takes a lot of those to move things along.

yup...I'm wondering if those are bots?
I'm considering flaggin them.

Oh...about that .03%...
is that a vote or is that a reward?
if it's a reward then it's possibly from 'curation'...
Onest you get a vote slider you start getting curation rewards...they start off tiny and get bigger in direct proportion to your SP.

Onest you get a metric bunchaton of SP you can derive a purty gud income from just voting..

With 51.19 votes per post, you would do much better if every vote was worth just something as little as 25 cents. I just posted an article yesterday that proposes a change to the way we vote. I would love to get your opinion on my idea. I don't see any harm in making a good thing great, so constant improvement should not be discouraged. We need to talk about issues we see and together as a community attempt to solve problems and make things better. Many minds make great work.

I'll go have a look at your post....

gotta link?

you raise a LOT of points.
Let's take them one at a time.
The business model for example.

SP is a stake...similar to 'shares'(stock) in a corporation.
(discount the different types of share for simplicity)

In a corporation..the more (voting) shares you have..the more powerful your vote.
It seems to work fairly well...every corp. uses that model.

Exactly! But shareholders do not vote their own wages when they are employed by the corporation, do they? However that is what is happening here. Shareholders should be voting on what changes are to be implemented in the next hard or soft fork.

Exactly! But shareholders do not vote their own wages when they are employed by the corporation, do they?
yes they do.
in an employee owned business (such as Steemit) that's EXACTLY what they do. The shareholders (the employees) set the wages.

Shareholders should be voting on what changes are to be implemented in the next hard or soft fork
we do.
it's called voting for witnesses..

I feel like this is a point that you have been repeating recently and with good reason. The thing that really gets to me is the lack of understanding for this simple fact:

"not necessarily something I'm interested in" is NOT the same thing as "bad content." It's simply different

Why is it so difficult for people to understand and how did we come to live in such entitled cultures? Why do people think that their chapter one, page one, should be the same as someone's chapter 10, page 569?

We need to be taught to stick with things and give them time to develop. I for one would like to be here in 2025 with you, reminiscing about the 'good old days'.

I recognize that we live in this "instant gratification society," but that doesn't mean I have to agree with it OR like it. I happen to be a "long term thinker," especially when I discover something good and participate in it. Maybe I'm just getting old, but I just don't have the personal bandwidth to put a bunch of effort into something that'll be gone tomorrow... so my approach here is oriented a lot towards long term preservation.

I hope that isn't something to do with physical age, otherwise, I'm old already and not yet 30.

My problem has been the reverse - I did quite well with my very first post, and now even the ones that get traction have a slightly disappointing payout in comparison.

I agree though, the key to consistent results is consistent effort.

Write, publish, comment, repeat.

Not that unusual, I'm afraid. Introductory posts tend to do quite well because there are people and bots that constantly search the #introduceyourself tag. I was pretty blown away when my first post made over $40... and then "reality" set in... to this day, anything over $25 rates as a "wow" result... but I keep plugging away at it.

I actually still haven't done an #introduceyourself post. I suppose I should..

This was my first:

'introduction' posts have historically done well.

Muy buen análisis, me gusta la descripción :)

Saludos desde Ecuador :)

That is why I am blessed and stay for most part in my own feed. Granted it does create bit of a wall around me that does slow down my own growth. But I prefer to just read things I enjoy.

I believe Steemit will have quite a few years of life. Its completive alternatives are well not very competitive…. Cryptocurrency needs its social media and this is more or less it. Everything else is either focusing on other things or wants to create a pay per view type of deal.

I’m not sure where the price of steem will go. I just think it will be interesting if SBD will always be pegged to 1$ and if we then end up with $20 Steem. That would give most of us at its current price range and earnings a possible printing machine in the future.

My stance has always been those who focus too much on money miss out on the big things in life. Some people are just mad in love with money and they will do whatever it takes.

I’m just here for some fun, working on some of my skills and meet some interesting people while I have the time to do so.

Haha being more naked is definitely an unfair advantage! I need to do that more often to get ahead of the pack ;)

Besides planning to be more naked, I absolutely plan on keeping up the Steem till at least 2025 if I am given the opportunity.


I see this same thing all over, especially in the world of entrepreneurs. Most people just don't have the patience or staying power. Building anything takes time. I've spent years building each business. Those who just want work->reward can stick with j-o-b. That's rarely real fulfillment, though. I think people don't really trust themselves or the process or they're just looking for a quick buck. Hopefully those people fall away, and Steemit stays amazing. Right now it's the most incredible community I've ever been a part of.

Just wanted to say thanks for your post. I came across it from another one you did today. It helps put things in perspective. Most good things take time to develop. I'm still learning...