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RE: Steemit Can't Grow Right Now - Here's Why

in #steemit8 years ago

I pretty much agree with 90% of this...

Steemit is unique and different, and the developers did something revolutionary by wrapping a social content site around the otherwise pretty cut and dry tech known as a blockchain. It's revolutionary because you have this "uber geek" concept (sorry, generalization... not meaning to offend anyone!) wrapped in something most people can understand.... social blogging.

But-- as you said-- this was created by people who "know code" but probably don't know much about the human psyche...

What we need here is something that emulates Facebook's "groups" or G+'s "Communities." Whether they need to be (in the beginning) created "from the top" or user created is open to debate... some of the content could also be sorted better through perhaps allocating 200 "hard" tags that help funnel content in the appropriate direction... sort of a combination of "open groups" and the way eBay uses "categories" to organize content.

What we ALSO need is better communication tools. I know most people here LOATHE any form of centralization with a passion... but for moments like the update this morning, it would be nice if there were "official" or "system" messages to keep the community at least minimally informed about what's going on behind the scenes. Again, this is a "social" function because most normal social users are NOT going to go to github and research updates. They just want the effing news, front and center.


Agree with this. Like a SteemitOffical account used for uber important site wide news

This is exactly what @steemitblog is used for. :)

Yeah thanks. I didnt know it, but I have since learned about that.
Still would be cool if it is something important/official, that Steemit could pin it so we all would see it and not have to look for it.

I'm kicking around that idea, but our teams are cranking right now on some really exciting projects and I'm not sure that I want to privilege our content. I'd rather err on the side of keeping condenser (the software that powers the web interface at completely operator-neutral.

In the mobile app (currently under development), we will probably have some sort of "alerts/updates" system to pin a little one-line banner at the top that links to a post on @steemitblog.

Very cool. Thanks for the info.
I'm really enjoying it here and think you guys are doing a great job!

Yes we need a news button or feed for updates, hardforks etc....