I Really Don't Miss Facebook...

in #steemit8 years ago

Don't misunderstand, I still have a Facebook account.

But since discovering Steemit back in January, my Facebook usage has dropped by 90%.

Things I Don't Miss...

I don't miss getting "fake" friend requests 3-4 times a day... from web came girls and people spamming products.

I don't miss the hysterical drama that seems to be part of a ridiculously large number of people's daily lives. Seriously? How do you people even navigate daily life?

California Poppy

I don't miss the stream politically charged memes that seem ti immediately put everyone in a fighting mood. Have you ever heard of actual discussion?

I don't miss the endless stream of baby pictures. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against babies... but after the 800th image, I have to tell you it's no longer the the most amazing event in recorded human history.

I don't miss content "tailored to my interests and viewing habits." Because you don't really know what those are, Facebook... your algorithms serve me up a stream of stuff likely to make you advertising dollars.

Speaking of which, I don't really miss advertising. I realize you "have to make money" somehow, but it's irritating. Besides, I'm tired of the rampant consumerism.

I don't miss some person posting 500 inane memes without a single word to explain why they did so. Am I just supposed to "like" them because you're clever with Google image search?

Daisy in the sun

I don't miss people having public meltdowns because someone "unfriended" them. It's life. Sometimes you're interesting, sometimes you're "Yesterday's news." Get over it.

I don't miss "my grandkid blew his nose" and "I had a taco for breakfast" as newsworthy announcements that demand accolades from the world. Perspective people, perspective...

I don't miss being arbitrarily added to "groups." Just because I'm interested in art, doesn't mean I want to be part of your clay modeling circle.

I don't miss looking at 500 "notifications" only to discover that I'm actually interested in only three of them. Wow... there's 15 minutes of my life I'll never have back.

So Why Am I Still ON Facebook?

Well, I do maintain three business "pages" there, and they have established followings. Steemit just doesn't have the "reach" yet for me to abandon them.

Winter beach scene

Facebook is a fertile "recruiting ground" for bringing people to Steemit. It's still a slow process, but every now and then, someone "jumps ship" and joins us here.

It's still a good way to keep in touch with family around the world... some of whom it took me eight years to get to just join Facebook. It'll take me another eight years to get them on Steemit. Sad, but true.

Facebook still has features we don't have on Steemit, like "groups," photo albums, direct messages and such. 

Although it costs money, Facebook has more viable sales and ecommerce features than Steemit. 

These are, perhaps, indicators of some of the things we still need here, if Steemit it to become a world changing social community.

A Bit of a Change from my Usual Content

Don't usually write this type of content... but this morning I was doing my "social media rounds" and realized just how much my patterns have changed, in the past six months or so.

So I thought it was worth sharing.

How about YOU? Have your social media patterns changed since you discovered Steemit? Did you used to spend most of your time on Facebook, or is Steemit your first social media experience? Do you still have a Facebook account? Do you still use it? Are there elements of Facebook you wish we had on Steemit? Leave a comment-- share your experiences-- be part of the conversation!

(As usual, all text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited. This is original content, created expressly for Steemit)
Created at 20170909 10:30 PDT


Facebooks only saver for me is its mainstream. People know what it is and they trust it as much as one can. It’s not something complex that they say “I don’t understand, I won’t do that or is that sounds illegal.” Ya, people on Facebook not understanding Steemit lol.

While I love Steemit. It’s just not for everyone. There are those who don’t understand it and refuse to even try it out because it’s not main steam and “odd.” There are no ads generating income and the whole system leaves them down to a single path of thinking. Which I just am to tired these days to even deal with anymore

For me it’s just filled with some people who get upset when someone “does not talk with them” but they refuse to talk with people first. It’s rather odd. If your lonely or want talk just do so. Don't just sit there in a corner saying “no one ever talks to me anyone” well I know why that is. Really?? How about you talk with people first…

"Yeah, but EVERYone is on Facebook." And that remains pretty true.Yes @enjar, that mainstream element is pretty much Facebook's biggest saving grace. And that's what I still live with... people say

It is still a good venue for me to share news and pictures with my relations in Europe...

A lot of people remain very skeptical of Steemit... in part because you have to "think" and can't just remain in your trance... and then there's the very odd thing that it can somehow still be "a scam" when the users are getting paid, but the site itself collects no money. Huh?

Loneliness is more often an attribute than a circumstance.
I explained where the money comes from, which has helped a few people with their ponzi/ advertising misgivings.

I'm about a month away from 10 years on facebonk.
My account is worth zero and I rarely see anything useful or interesting.
It's common knowledge that Zuck shadow bans posts containing steemit links, so I've found it best to post a screen grab, then when it has a few likes and comments, to post a link in the comments.
Gets far more traction.

I had facebook for a couble of years and I saw my old classmates, girlfriends etc, and there was a lot of small talk, but it only lasted for the day I wanted to spread some serious information and nobody took me seriously or wanted to listen. That went of for a while with different post and one day I've just had enogh and I googled "How to delite your facebook account" and I did. I actually feelt it as a freeing moment, like some parasite was removed from my body

Steemit just seems to be more serious, because it's a more "text based concept" if you create something good you wiil probably be recognized for your work, or at least you see others be recognize, which means, you know its possible to be succesful.

Great post

The initial attraction (for me) of Steemit was that it was a lot like "social blogging" from 10-12 years ago... it's a higher quality interaction; not so much "fluff."

I somewhat lost interest in Facebook over the US election last year, people started to behave "badly" at a level I had not seen before.

(higher quality interaction; not so much "fluff.") yes exactly, I agree. I also wondered how come people just went nuts, over that election?

I only use it for cute animal videos my daughters send me, its useless for anything else :)

Yah, that happens quite a bit... for us, it's grandkids doing cute things, and sharing pictures over that with our oldest, who lives 2000 miles away in Ohio.

Thats all. Its good for

The news on steemit is so much more intriguing and beneficial Facebook is controlled by the media now and you can't even see your friends posts its very sad what it has turned into

Facebook did seem to have more interesting things, at one time... now it's more like a sort of "soup."

Facebook is a fertile "recruiting ground" for bringing people to Steemit. It's still a slow process, but every now and then, someone "jumps ship" and joins us here.

Great bother

I believe in this community, so even if I can just interest a few people, it still counts.

Very good post

I still have a facebook. I don't have as much drama as you mentioned and I love all the baby picture. I never think they post enough actually. I live so far away from them and feel more connected to them through pictures. There was a time when my fitness groups were a little out of control with the sweaty selfies. With that said, the group has changed and expand their content.

I don't post or share as often on facebook. I only check in on facebook, when I am at a new restaurant that I want to rate. I am on every other social media platform. The one I haven't check in months is twitter. All the others (instagram, snapchat) I check every so often. However, steemit consumes all my time and I love it!

I have experienced a very similar pattern. I have a few friends that i stay in touch with on Facebook and some local Facebook groups for my community.

I'm maybe a month in, and I'm already starting to shift. This community is more engaging, more supportive, and more interesting. The content is infinitely better. Facebook is still good for communicating with friends and family, especially since we are super remote and for the business aspects you mentioned. It has connected me to cool people and organizations, but most of it is dog poo.

I still have Facebook. Really don't know why coz I hate how they prosper on the labor of the people. I check in from time to time to see if any classmates have died...

I agree! Since I started on steemit, I've been using facebook less! My husband is happy about that. :) There are a lot of people who use it for a lot of different reasons and most are for self promotion. I have to hide a lot of people that I'm "friends" with because I get tired of seeing some stuff. I have a few groups I need to keep up with which is the main reason I stay on. Thanks for the post!