Funny thing is, early July I had a 100% success rate in getting people onto Steemit. I got about 20 people onto it just by proselytizing it. Then, suddenly, it was really hard to get people onto it. My experience coincides with the divergence in the graph shown by @gavvet here:
I think early july, the site still had something to offer in terms of social interaction/discussion. And there was a lot of percieved forward progress. Mid july people were sticking around because they saw the yuge monies, and even if they weren't getting any the monies were huge enough to keep trying to get lucky at least for a little while.
I mean think about right now though. RIght now ned and many of the other steemit inc people pay someone to read and vote on steemit content for them. So basically, we can't get the dude who owns the joint interested. What chance do we have with the man on the street?
Exactly, and that could only go so far; imagine if there had been a big marketing campaign then. So that as well as hearing about it from you, your friends were aware of the multi-platform campaign.
The word would have spread like wildfire.