GEN HALILINTAR is the name of a family originally from Indonesia. They are known for their unique and inspirational feelings that generate a lot of admiration. They are not only known for inspiration but also because Halilintar Anofial Asmid (father) and Lenggogeni Faruk (mother) Have eleven child.

The beginning where they are famous is when the mother wrote the book titled "Kesebelasan Gen Halilintar: My Family My Team", published in early 2015. This book tells about the family of Gen Halilintar who has been doing business while traveling the world. They have traveled the world and even have visited five continents, and more than 100 countries.

The Gen Halilintar Family is also famous for their cohesiveness as family and team, they are all given their respective assignments in the house. Ranging from kitchen duties, laundries, cleaning and technology. Therefore, they do not use the services of assistants or housemaids.
As a busy family, of course not easy to control everything. Muhammad Attamimi Halilintar or who is often called Atta and he is the first child is the duty as Captain of the Team and also lead all family members outside the parents. This family consists of 6 boys, 5 daughters, and two parents.
Members of the Gen Halilintar Family:
Halilintar Anofial Asmid (ayah, kelahiran 13 Oktober 1968)
Lenggogeni Faruk (ibu, 29 Oktober 1972)
Muhammad Attamimi Halilintar (20 November 1994)
Sohwa Mutamima Halilintar (25 April 1996)
Sajidah Mutamimah Halilintar (17 Juli 1997)
Muhammad Thariq Halilintar (29 Januari 1999)
Abqariyyah Mutammimah Halilintar (13 Juli 2000)
Muhammad Saaih Halilintar (16 Maret 2002)
Siti Fatimah Halilintar (26 September 2003)
Muhammad Al Fateh Halilintar (25 Februari 2006)
Muhammad Muntazar Halilintar (20 Mei 2008)
Siti Saleha Halilintar (1 Oktober 2010)
Muhammad Shalaheddien El-Qahtan Halilintar (9 Agustus 2012)
In addition to the famous of their compactness as a big family. They are also famous as Youtuber, they have a major Youtube Channel that is "GEN HALILINTAR" which has just touched 1 million subscribers in just seven months. And each member of the family also has their own youtube channel, from both parents to their last child.