Hello steemians,
As we all know, different actions birth forth success. Success is widely regarded in all disciplines of learning.
Success never comes by being idle, it comes by being adept at what ever venture you find yourself.
I will itemize different parameters that guarantees success:
- Vision
In any endeavor, vision is the ability to see beyond the current situation you are in. Vision is a vivid mental image of what you want to accomplish . Vision is what differentiates a successful man from an unsuccessful man. Vision is the driving force which gives focus.
Image source:https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSborYw4bkk0WleN5z6fmKqDTNGN591jlwiUxMGr5IUd956HKCQtQ
- Goal
Goal is a clear vision of what you want to achieve. Goal is an outline of hat you want to do either short term or long term
- Plan:
a plan is a description of what you intend doing for your future. A plan helps boost our confidence. Plan is always very important because it make us pool all resource together to achieve a particular aim. Detailed plans always brings result.
- Action:
action is a deliberate effort put into achieving your aim. A plan without an action is like a ship without a rudder. Taking action in whatever we are doing good is very important, if actions is not taken its like building castles in The air.
Image source:https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTCnh-RJuetBiXw6GhR9vsLUEzjFGa_dUi8tfwBnZAaCzDlIVot
Success is achieving a desired result. Success is the hallmark of a well thought out plan. Success as they say never comes easy. It requires consistency, perseverance, a right mind . Success is always acievable as long as there is a will. Lastly, I will end with this quote. " push yourself because no one will","sometimes later becomes never, do it now".
Image source:https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSRgcYcpOmeegz2kcRW-ZzBkwnAjQATLTixFNicp5Mux31Xlyh25w
Success doesn't come over night. It comes by immediate and direst planning.
What plan do you have in mind, start it today.
Great post providing good advice for people to learn and improve =)
follow and vote me pleas
OK no problem