Hace pocos días hemos visto el incremento del SBD, y muchas personas tienen nuevos sentimientos: Desesperación, alegría, mucha incógnita, acerca de si subirá mas o no la cryptomoneda de Steemit. Muchos sucesos han ocurrido también, compras y ventas, hurtos de personas cercanas justo cuando la moneda ya se ha disparado y el arrepentimiento de las que las personas que no han guardado sus Sbd en Steemit o cualquier plataforma de intercambio.
Para nuestra tranquilidad, tenemos que despegarnos de lo que no fue para muchos:
No almacenamos los Sbd... Ahora los vendería a 5-7$... Multiplicaría mis ganancias o ahorros... Hubiera invertido... Todo por 7, y en Btc, IMAGINA!!!
Despegarnos y mirar para adelante es lo único que nos puede dejar tranquilos y abrir nuevas puertas a los sentimientos que tenemos hoy en día.
Al menos hoy, con mi conocimiento entusiasta acerca de la cryptomoneda de Steemit no se que pasará, (subirá o no el precio del Sbd), y dudo a veces de personas que aseguran solo una cosa, pues cierran la puerta a la posibilidad de lo contrario, ser precavido con lo que pueda pasar, es algo más realista. Solo se, que revertir lo que hicimos, es imposible, o casi en algunos casos. Nos queda mirar hacia adelante y publicar con mas entusiasmo lo que siempre hemos deseado, ya que, hagamos lo que hagamos esto quedará de experiencia para nuestro futuro.
Rendirse no es una opción, al menos no una buena, publica y piensa tu próximo movimiento, por que perder tiempo, es acabar con tus oportunidades.
A few days ago we have seen the increase in SBD, and many people have new feelings: Despair, joy, mystery, about Steemit's money will rise or not. Many events have also occurred, purchases and sales, thefts of people close to them just when the currency has already been triggered and the repentance of those who have not saved their Sbd on Steemit or any exchange platform.
For our peace of mind, we have to detach ourselves from what was not for us:
We do not save the Sbd ... Now I would sell them at 5-7 $ ... I would multiply my profits or savings ... I would have invested ... All multiplied by 7, and in Btc, IMAGINE !!!
Taking off and looking forward is the only thing that can leave us calm and open new doors to the feelings we have today.
At least today, with my enthusiastic knowledge about the cryptomoneda of Steemit I do not know what will happen, (the price of the Sbd will rise or not), and sometimes I doubt of people who assure only one thing, then, they close the door to the possibility of otherwise, be cautious with what may happen, is something more realistic. I just know that reversing what we did is impossible, or almost in some cases. We have to look forward and publish with more enthusiasm what we have always wanted, whatever we do, this will be an experience for our future.
Surrendering is not an option, at least not a good one, think and publish your next move, because losing time is to end your opportunities.
Friends writers that I recommend!
@medinowski @ernest17
@hada @ienrikex @vexleon
I'm David D. Leplaid and you can follow me here:
Que lindo mensaje, peor no me quita la ansiedad jajajajaja
llego a 10...
It even got to $14... how crazy is that? I didn’t have much available, but what i had i turned to BTC.
I just read some other guys post... he was giving some ideas on how to bring SBD back to being worth $1. I am very new to crypto.. but.. why would he want to do that? Isn’t it better if SBD is worth more so that when we get paid it actually means way more money for our content?