At present, there is a continuous movement towards technological advances, which allow us to be communicated as they are: tablets, smartphones. It´s undeniable how this has exerted a huge and multifaceted impact on society, and they continue to do so to this day. Converting these devices into the gift that everyone wants.
These teams have changed the concept of access of our society, making information available at any time and in any place. For example, smartphones can function as pocket-sized search engines, allowing beneficiaries to ask questions and receive answers, in order to obtain any information they may need or want, when they wish.
Many users have come to depend on these devices, to such an extent that more and more is read on the screen. We spent the day reading about our devices: tablets and smartphones and we have asked ourselves if this is altering our brain ??
The answer is yes, the abandonment of analog reading by digital has effects on the way our brain works, according to an experiment by scientists at Carnegie Mellon University and Darmouth College in Pittsburgh.
These researchers have found that those who read on screens tend to stay in the small details and meanings are lost. They retain the anecdotal and concrete, but they miss the ideas that inform the content. That is to say, their capacity for abstraction is reduced. To be right, this work would give the reason to those who defend that the internet is making us more superficial, incapable of a deep thought and alien to concentration and contemplation.
Another consequence is, if we devote many hours to intensive reading our eyes can hurt this is the consequence of having demanded too much in the eyes, but even more if we use devices such as tablets, smartphones, since these are usually located at more distances Away from the eyes that the books.
At night you read on your tablets or smartphones lying on your bed with the light off?
This can cause insomnia. If you are one of the people who during the day are dying of sleep and at night you can not sleep, your smartphones or tablets may be affecting you, the eye is not able to differentiate sunlight from artificial light, so any Light source can affect your sleep after a certain time, from low-energy bulbs, television, phones and tablets.
Some tips to read on screen:
- Don´t use these electronic means when you are very tired.
- Take breaks every so often: at least a five-minute break for each reading hour.
- Adjust the brightness and contrast of the screen so that it is consistent with the lighting in the work area.
- As much as possible, adjust the size of the letter to read on the screen.
- The disorders related to Visual Fatigue Syndrome are caused by working repeatedly at the same distance. To rest the eye muscles, alternate the vision between a near object and another distant every twenty minutes (looking out the window, for example).