I think this post speaks for a lot of people here ! You hit the head on the nail. What I like the most about this rant is that you mention solutions for all problems you bring up to the surface.
I see many people simply complaining and I don't think this will do anything for Steemit. I think a big blast of a rant like this which is filled with constructive cristicism is the way to go !
The hole idea of Steemit is that everyone is a part of it. When nothing is communicated clearly about what is going on, and we have to rely on the guesses of people's post, it sure doesn't feel that we are getting the respect we deserve
That's exactly what I wanted to do. I didn't want to just complain. I wanted to show what could or even should be done. Offer examples even if they are not the right one to get this ball rolling.
Simply complaining is only useful to know what you dont want or like but focusing on that only harms. learning what we don't like is supposed to steer us toward solution so there can be a clear path somewhere instead of a dead end.
Exactly ! Lets hope this post get the attention of Steemit Leaders so that changes are made or atleast a discussion is started :)
Discussion at minimum. Much of this doesn't require discussion, some does of course.