I think as long as the humans consuming the content are happy with the curation then it's fine. I don't see any content as inherently good or inherently bad, as long as no one is being abused. For example if humans or non-human animals are being abused in the production of the content then I'll vote it down. I don't see anything wrong with "Travel and Tits". I like to see the world and tits can be beautiful, so what is wrong with that?
In the current scheme, all forms of aesthetically pleasing images are rewarded. In the current scheme, a lot of women are voting and women might vote for other women. Perhaps what you mean to say is you disagree with how the whales are using their power but by voting for women it actually balances things out over time by giving them more Steem Power.
The only issue I have is when the women being voted for are frauds. Identity theft is a real problem with real victims. While "tits" are in my opinion not a real problem because who is the victim? Just don't look at that content if it's not your style.