So I believe this will take care of itself in the long run.
Right now we're still in the distribution phase. The goal is to spread the SP around as quickly as possible. Curators can't get caught up on single posts. They have to make quick judgement calls about whether or not to distribute influence to each Steemer.
Right now, curators have to vote 40 times a day to maximize their influence. If I watched 40 full youtube videos a day I'd be fat and broke, lol. But when the community finally agrees to adopt a voting algorithm where single votes are worth more (like the one that got rejected in the last hard fork), then you'll see individual pieces of content getting more views.
Example: If you only had 5 big votes to give out per day rather than 40 small ones... you'd be encouraged to dive deeper into the content.
Content will start to get more attention as:
- Influence is more evenly distributed
- Voting power drops quicker per vote
- Sub communities grow around specific topics
ps. I watched the whole video and liked it on Youtube!
Thanks! Yeah, I can't wait for your third point to come to fruition. I like how subreddits all have different moods and personalities about them. In time, I'd love to see Steemit fracture like that instead of being a single, uniform blob of blue and white.