Comments are one of the most underutilized and under-voted parts of the steemit community. People don't seem to understand comments pay out just like an article. Comments can turn a minnow into a salmon or dolphin in a very short time. They can draw new readers to an article. Provide feedback for the writer and the community. Comments are a great thing that I think people just don't pay good enough attention to.
First off vote on your own comment. Most people automatically vote for their own articles so why not upvote your own comments as well? This moves your comment up when sorted by trending making it more likely for someone else to upvote it as well.
Vote on others comments!!! I see great comments passed by without a single vote, some even have replies saying how good the comment was. Come on it only takes a second to upvote a good comment and every vote counts, even yours.
If you have written a good article and someone comments on it, why not reply to them? Starting a comment conversation or buzzing topic can draw more readers then the original article. So be sure to engage your stemmit audience and vote on the comments you agree with or are good. It benefits everyone especially YOU the author.
Comment on a new or hot article to increase the odds of your comment being noticed and voted on. Try to have your comment actually reflect the content of the article. Chances are poor for a "cool" or "great stuff!" comment to get a vote.
In conclusion a good or half decent comment has just as much earning potential as a full blown article but you can make a comment in under a minute. A minnow can post 50+ comments in the time it took to write this and has 50+x chances of winning the "steemit lotto" then I would. Be sure to love and vote for your commenters authors, they are the ones providing your upvotes. Whales peek in the comments section a little more an toss a little steem power their way.
It's true what you write. I have had comments pay out more than a whole article. Also commenting helps engaging and connecting with others, who would otherwise not find you (if you only wrote articles).
Exactly, couldn't have said it better. I hate to see good ones ignored :) (both comments and authors)
You are right @d3nv3r, I remember I made a simple comment (sorry i just forgot what topic it was) and it so happen that @dantheman was there and he voted my comments shooting the comment rewards to $132.
@mrgrey also had this experience but his was way too great $1000 + for just a simple comment.
This kind of incident is very seldom but its good to think that somehow we can earn rewards by posting good comments.
Yup! Just need to draw more attention to the comments section so more votes go where they should.
Ha, I am new here and was just starting to realize this and experimenting to see if I was correct lol. Thanks for confirming my thoughts.
I agree comments are a great addition to good post.
I am still a little unsure on the whole voting power thing but I'll figure it out.
Thanks for sharing....
Thanks for the great comment. Who knows maybe your comment will show others the power of a good well thought out comment.
Oh yeah, I am whale hunting baby :)
Everyone an their Steem-Dog are whale hunting :)
Glad to see I am not the only one a little confused.
I always upvote my post and comment too but I upvote the replies too because I want to encorage people to interact more.
Even If I don't agree on the matter I upvote the replies made towards me.
I don't like that we are limited to 5 replies...but I understand why...NOT to encourage spam.
Note: I encourage(uppvote) opinions good or bad but spam/flagged comments or replies no because I try my best to stay away from the ones who abuse the system.
And on the last matter I saw indeed how a whale contacted one very good post....It was something like this:I totally agree @d3nv3r !
After that pst around 200 votes come to that blog...the blog owner was very happy.
You my good sir are one top notch steemian.
Yarrr I be huntin whales in this here comment section!!
Whales are easily seen but there very hard to catch especially in the steemit ocean. You'll just end up drawn in the abyss. :) Instead of doing so, just focus on building your network, improve your reputation and keep posting good quality and original content everyday and who knows someday the whales can see you and goes along with you.
Im not a good example to this because me too is hungry of whale's vote, but I continue to post good quality content everyday with hopes that whales might notice me someday.
I think you are not the only one lol
Ironic that I found this post on a comment of yours talking about it!
Yep, old knowledge, but needs reminding. Escp. to new members.
Old enough to be wisdom, but used little
This is great info. Steemit is new to me (2 weeks). I learn something new every day. A lot of people compare it to Facebook, but it is taken to a level 1000 times higher. I will look for your future posts.
You are absolutely right. Right when I started on Stemit I kept telling people to upvote the replies they thought were good, it makes it likelier more good comments will be made. My two highest payouts have been from almost throwaway comments.
The more people who think like you the better the comments section will become
Don't forget you can add images and videos to comments as well. Here's some Mungo Jerry everything this man says is gold.
That's right you can use markdown in comments just like in a main article. Props for the Mungo love
You are making good points, but there is one problem;I comment a lot, also very long and informative comments, where I post links with sources. THe problem is that I´m comenting on posts that are not very popular most of the time,as the people I follow do not have so many followers and voting power.
So in my case, following your strategy would mean that I need to comment in more of the posts in the trending and hot pages, where the material is much less interesting.
I don´t want to sell out like that,So I will just wait until the writers that I like become dolphins or whales, so they can bestow me with their vests.
I do take care to upvote comments though, and hope others will do the same.