Dear @JAdams2k18,
I'll start by saying that You should not feel bad and personally I don't think You did anything wrong, and since the wallet as some people think, is NOT private, if it was then no one would be able to see it, nor have the ability to send any kind of transaction with memos, the resources on other hand are OWNED by each individual account OWNER, so I guess there are some people that don't really understand the difference between privacy and ownership, not the same thing, specially in the blockchain..I do share the same opinion as Crypto.Piotr to some extent, mentions are way more intrusive than memos, still I don't mind about either because I'm a small guy roaming around and don't receive that much of either, and even the spam in wallet doesn't bother me, at least not to the point of going around talking s#$& about others who actually do something good for those who need..Glad to 'hear' that 'our' reception of Your posts somehow give You inspiration ;)And the memos being used as a 'marketing' tool are as valid as any other mean, I wouldn't personally do that but I would love to see people trying to avoid receiving publicity in the mail box at home, even with the warning stickers and all the warnings to not put it there.It's not like in the memos by actual people, where You can simply ask to not receive them anymore and it's all good, I guess that there are a few 'snow flakes' out there that are part of a community, but want everything as the ego tells them it should be so it could feed, and anything that comes from another individual perspective isn't valid, only their 'truth' and not truth itself....sigh..Go Gina bot!! (Steem World, SteemAuto and a few other magnificient tools)Again, I disagree that memos invade any privacy because the wallet is OPEN to consult and send transactions, for the general public around the blockchain..I used to dislike Jehovah's witnesses before I actually invited some to enter and they preferred to talk at the door because they didn't want to invade my privacy, and after a couple of talks, managed to make some new friends that wanted to know more about my faith and share what they could with me, without getting me pissed off.(I used to get very mad at them, until I've decided to be a decent human being and saw them as people with other views and faith, only to realise they are just humans as I am, unless they're aliens from another world or inter-dimensional beings, even if they are/were that, they're still more human that the great majority of so called "humans" out there, who only care about their individuality and no one else matters, while consuming all kinds of crap, and believing they save the 'planet', when the planet is the only thing that surpasses any existence of humans and don't need help, even animals, still I do agree that to a degree, should be taken care of but.. I digress..)..and will have to leave a freakin' humongous quote (I don't agree w/ 100% of it still..)..“We’re so self-important. Everybody’s going to save something now. “Save the trees, save the bees, save the whales, save those snails.” And the greatest arrogance of all: save the planet. Save the planet, we don’t even know how to take care of ourselves yet. I’m tired of this shit. I’m tired of f-ing Earth Day. I’m tired of these self-righteous environmentalists, these white, bourgeois liberals who think the only thing wrong with this country is that there aren’t enough bicycle paths. People trying to make the world safe for Volvos. Besides, environmentalists don’t give a shit about the planet. Not in the abstract they don’t. You know what they’re interested in? A clean place to live. Their own habitat. They’re worried that some day in the future they might be personally inconvenienced. Narrow, unenlightened self-interest doesn’t impress me.
The planet has been through a lot worse than us. Been through earthquakes, volcanoes, plate tectonics, continental drift, solar flares, sun spots, magnetic storms, the magnetic reversal of the poles … hundreds of thousands of years of bombardment by comets and asteroids and meteors, worldwide floods, tidal waves, worldwide fires, erosion, cosmic rays, recurring ice ages … And we think some plastic bags and some aluminium cans are going to make a difference? The planet isn’t going anywhere. WE are!
We’re going away. Pack your shit, folks. We’re going away. And we won’t leave much of a trace, either. Maybe a little Styrofoam … The planet’ll be here and we’ll be long gone. Just another failed mutation. Just another closed-end biological mistake. An evolutionary cul-de-sac. The planet’ll shake us off like a bad case of fleas.
The planet will be here for a long, long, LONG time after we’re gone, and it will heal itself, it will cleanse itself, ’cause that’s what it does. It’s a self-correcting system. The air and the water will recover, the earth will be renewed. And if it’s true that plastic is not degradable, well, the planet will simply incorporate plastic into a new paradigm: the earth plus plastic. The earth doesn’t share our prejudice toward plastic. Plastic came out of the earth. The earth probably sees plastic as just another one of its children. Could be the only reason the earth allowed us to be spawned from it in the first place. It wanted plastic for itself. Didn’t know how to make it. Needed us. Could be the answer to our age-old egocentric philosophical question, “Why are we here?”
Plastic… asshole.”
― George Carlin
Now, please do continue to send posts as long as it doesn't blow up Your funds, heck, lets all become whales and crash the blockchain with memo transactions to the 'snowflakes' until they're "rich", and then see them complain..
Now for some fun, do You even imagine who You've remembered me as soon as I put my eyes on Your photo? Saitama!!! One puuunnnchh!!! HAHAHAIt's very cool of You to care about all this and all but, don't let these 'small minded people' put You down in any way, it's not like if there weren't in the memos a warning part saying that if someone doesn't want to receive them, they could just say it..I actually felt at one point like going into Venezuela and try to form a militia with locals to fight back but, who the f#$% am I to do that, at most I can receive one or two humans here in my house (not as if I haven't done it before, too many times to count by the fingers in both hands) but it's a big distance, what turn things more difficult (I think I'm digressing a lot today, now let's try to digress from digression..), and definitely Crypto.Piotr is a very good friend, and an amazing human, maybe that is what makes some individuals envy, because they can't be good to others for being self-centred, still, gotta love them the best way we can..Fun time again, I like cockroaches they survive nuclear and we don't!!(and when I was a kind I played with a lot of different bugs but was actually scared of cockroaches, have been awake by a big one roaming in my face once, even punched myself, was like 6 or 7 years young xD ..)(This all reminded me of a 1996 game called Bad Mojo)Keep it the way You do, in truth and sharing the love, because sharing is caring!! ;)Have a great day brother, cheers,
CyP.S.: You told me it was directed to a good friend, and I've only found out here that it was actually directed to @Crypto.Piotr, I've seen the 'soap opera' started by other user in the community, and I was almost starting an ad-hominem against that person but, another thing I've re-learned here is that, it's never worth it and it doesn't show compassion and love towards anyone, so I've commented here instead and mentioned Crypto.Piotr, just to piss him off a bit xÞ.I do really love You guys, and a few other people that helped me a lot around this great community, some of them I won't forget even if we never speak again, whether for different opinions or for miss-understandings, because there are small gestures that make such a huge difference.. Actually, even the 'snowflakes' and 'douchebags' have taught me a couple of things, how not to be, for an example..So, Thank You all
Buhahahhaa :) Good one buddy :)
Hello!!! my cyberspace friend!
OMG! Another super long comment!!! YAY!
By the way, I didn't go bald for exercise (as Saitama did).
Thanks for your support man! It's clear you don't mind memos. Nor will I abuse them or the tags, as I mentioned in other comments.
I really liked your comment and the strange story you put up. Very controversial. Possibly you are right and the planet is left alone. Without atmosphere and without humans.
In the meantime, let's keep posting on Steemit.
Good one!
Keep in touch!
Hey ^^)
Guess I can't avoid the long comments sometimes.. There is always so much to be said..Cy
Hello again, my friend!
Do you want to be a soldier? Or are you already a soldier? What do you normally do? Why lonely? Although one is born alone and will die alone, however from time to time it is good to seek companionship. Maybe a girlfriend? A friend is also very important.
Why are you always so busy? Take time to enjoy life. Life is only one. (YOLO?)
Don't you want to post? How come you don't want to post, if you write some super long comments, making a post for you must be like sneezing! Hehehe
Some time ago I made a telegram channel, but I don't know if it works, only my younger brother has entered, hehehe
Drop some letters over there if you like. Telegram has great stickers!
For as much as I would love to answer in few words, I can only do so much, and will try my best to summarize..
I really hate the military (not the persons, the institution) but, am actually a "saint" soldier (Sikh)..Normally I have to deal with 50 to 100 daily e-mails, from those select the right petitions, surveys (how I make some change for quite a while now), newsletters from the most various topics (science, medicine, technology, spirituality, truth..), non-MSM news, all the activism contacts to help from animal to human rights, passing by a multitude of matters, try to study and understand the propaganda that creates "reality" all around us and the most efficient way that I can fight back, by whatever means available (can't actually talk about most of it..), and so You understand how much of my time just that consumes, it's already 2:57 in the morning and there are more than 30 e-mails in the inbox and other folders, from yesterday..In a while I have to do my daily routines as Sikh, if I want to keep my sanity and in Truth, to be and have some peace, and my neighbours are d#$%s, for as much as I would love to, rarely see my kids or can be with them..My mother is a stubborn 'piece', she helps somewhat, at the same time makes my life, her and from my kids a living hell (and neither my kids nor my mother live here with me), I don't have friends around me (a couple maybe, at the weekends, to do nothing but play games.. sigh..), all the other friends are far away and we don't have that much contact, have I said already that my neighbours are complete d#$%s (deep breaths Cyber, relax, You should not kill the SOB's, recognize the little bits of Creator in them..)..Have been living alone in a too damn big house for a single person for quite a long time, 13 Years maybe with only sporadic company of passing people in need of help and a couple of friends.. A lover in my life would do wonders, or a secretary to help with all the non-paid work, I don't have time for myself cause the majority of population have lost humanity and let the elites make of them puppets on strings..Enjoy life.. How could I be such an hypocrite to enjoy life while conscious of all the mind control involved in the so called "enjoyment of life" available around, after a battle of 9 months (my first big one) to don't allow the destruction of the last piece of nature around here, only to fail cause the only person that was by my side gave up after 1 month or so, and that was enough for the loss, still I've learned a lot about humanity, or the lack of it, had to run from bullets, to rest without sleep, without resources, food or pretty much any basic necessity..My father vanished and could give a big hand in a lot of issues that actually matter for the world, but I understand him, he probably felt the same thing when he was my age back then and simply did not knew how to deal with it, can't blame him, nor my mother to be honest, even with all the b"#$&%1t, she was also another slave of this system and is too old now and ill to wake up..It's not that I don't want to post, it's something that I'm not able to do for no reason, with no inspiration, with all the sadness and tears I barely manage to breath much less draw, paint, write, shoot some photographies, can't sleep, eat or do anything.. I agree that making 1 post or 100 would be like a sneeze but, if I was inspired, and had strength left inside me (I know I have and that pisses me off even more, but I know its wrong so I continue, instead of putting a f#$%&g rope in the neck and ending all this), I would definitely be very creative, always was since a very young age, but lost everything, even my teeth so, there is not much of a hope for me now beside continue to fight until a miracle happens (probably by mistake, otherwise I don't see it happen, and I have to be grateful for life and what I have, F$%& all of this.. I want human companion, animals, nature, not cement and tar, cars, and narcissistic mundane futility as I see every time I go out..)..I won't join telegram, not because I don't want to talk with You, but because I don't use one of the biggest mind control tools available at the moment, mobile phones SMART phones or any device of the genre, I don't use one, the same way I don't use Wi-Fi, and barely touch in the microwave (only by necessity when time don't allow to heat something in a pan, every second count..)..Plus this computer is decent but not enough, my previous one had a bit more capacity but burned and I don't have that much funds, nor accept handouts from governments, don't have a freaking slave job from 9 to 5 because what is available are life stealing jobs that are not even honest, don't pay any taxes in other hand I am being greatly f#$%ed by this slave system for it, it's difficult to do everything as I used to..Well, these were 20 + minutes I took off to answer You, in the most brief way I could find, sorry to bother You with my shitty "life quest"..My head hurts and I still have a lot to do..I'll drop by once in a while, You too keep in touch brother, all the best.Cy
It's good to let off steam, my friend. I admire your dedication to whatever you do. Surely you sleep very little. But at a certain age in our lives, you don't get much sleep until you're an old man.
The important thing is that you feel good doing what you do, that you feel happy internally and that you feel that you have found your vocation in life.
I'm glad you answered me. But I don't want to take time away from your busy life. However, from time to time I will be bothering you to receive the words of Jesus Christ who is the one who saves!
Hahahahaha... Surely you put the face of the little monkey again...
I just want to put a smile on your face, my friend!
Keep in touch!
Thank You for the understanding ^^) but You didn't took any time from me, I've decided to answer and could not done it so no worries, and You don't bother me, I like talking with You ;)
But I have to disagree with that age / sleep relation, from what I've learned from older people I've met, one gets less sleep the older one gets =XI know I should feel good, and to a degree I do, but it's more of a responsibility and principle thing, sometimes (more than I like) I have to put "my" likes to the side and just do what is right for the "grater good"..And if You're coming from time to time to tell me about my words I'm not into it x), Jesus is my family name, there were no character named Jesus and Christ is a 'title'.. So at most I agree with the conscious of Christ because there were no character named Jesus and we can all become like Christ but that is another story..That's hilarious
So... You name is Jesus? mine is Jose, we need a Mary
The word "anointed", I didn't know it in English. Now I know it, it means Ungido in my language.
That word reminds me of a guy who's got oil all over his body. I don't know why but is funny to me
I mean the word (just in case)
So... you don't like to use Telegram... I only use it on my computer I don't have a smartphone.
They are very expensive and dangerous, I say this not because they damage your health (well in part too), but I mean that it calls the attention of thieves and endangers the life of one here. It could be said that it is dangerous for health because of lead contamination. The material the bullets are made of
Have a nice day too, my friend!
Wow. Your comments @cyberspacegod are indeed mindblowing! :)
Would you mind sharing with me what do you do for living? I'm so very curious.
Yeah, I'm a little box of surprises..At the moment I'm a full-time Steemian (not going that well still..), answer surveys online for a lot of different companies, and whenever I have the opportunity to grab small jobs like computer repairs, tutoring, or pretty much anything I have experience or knowledge..The last couple of jobs I've had were both in grocery shops, in one of them I didn't even accepted money to set an example (money sucks), before that I've worked in a local Game Arena/Shop (it closed because the owner never listened to the workers, and it was such an amazing work), as an IT Technical Administrator at one of the national ISP's, worked in restaurants, construction, in the National Institute of Statistics, and done lot of other things..But, no longer sign contracts and only receive if not in an "official" way, I refuse to pay any sort of taxes and contribute to any government or state war funds..Since I don't need much, have food available, plus I'm growing some of it in the house, and fortunately this is my own house so I don't have to pay rent, the rest of the expenses, I've been lucky to have who pay them when my funds are low, although at this point I'm in a mood that I don't really care, and if something goes terrible wrong I'll leave to live far away in a forest or something like that, is not like if I've never lived without a house before..Getting pretty tired of the city..All the best brother,Cy
I see you've had a productive life friend, working with the public is difficult. I worked in a business that offers internet, what we call here a cyberCafe. The public is hard! And that phrase that the client is right... It's not always true!
I also worked at the National Institute of Statistics. Hehehe
He was nice but very boring.
For the country situation, I live from Steemit and one or the other small work creating programming routines in Php or C# or any other language (Python not yet).
I'm an indoor cat! So, I don't like the forest to live in.
Keepiiiing in toooouch
Guess You can say that about my life, I think of it otherwise..
A CyberCafe seems cool, around here there were a couple CyberCafe's, but they closed some years ago =XYeah dealing with customers can be hard sometimes..So at the NSI, have You noticed them cheating and manipulating statistics to deceive people through the media, or maybe You weren't in a position were that was possible or they do it more covertly around there?!Awesome, You code! I used to, but it was killing me, spending 3 maybe 4 days awake in front of the computer.. and around here, well that doesn't matter..That is a shame, You've been domesticated =(, and I understand how it may seem good but, it doesn't matter also, but I'll say that nature does not "create" "indoor cats", humans with delusions of grandeur do..I've laughed a lot when I've started writing this comment, the old drum stool I use to sit at the computer broke!! Had it temporarily fixed (or so I thought), and as soon I try to sit it broke again xD, had to leave the comment, go grab some tools, and repair it, just had to cut 2 pieces of metal turn on of them upside down.. Took care of food, and felt tired cause haven't sleep that well lately so I've went to bed after eating and brooming the house, and freakin' overslept it, but had most of the work done for yesterday so it's ok, sorry about the delay here..CheersI'm so sorry for your drum stool, buddy
Amazing comment @cyberspacegod
You nailed it! :D
Loved reading it. I seriously appreciate your time and effort.