When you promote a business and earn commission money, you become a contractor for commissions. If you are an independent contractor making a living out of those profits, it is your responsibility to investigate what you are selling. He was not a salaried payroll employee. Whether he used the profits to invest on the scam itself is irrelevant.
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Yeah but all affiliates promote businesses and earn commissions. Are you saying they should all do the research and investigate or face being sued? It’s tough enough suing an employee or officer of a company as there is the protection of piercing the corporate veil. Unlikely affiliates will have an issue.
Yes, anything you are promoting/selling creates a liability for you and paints a target on your back. Specially Ponzi schemes
See on SEC website on Ponzi schemes promoters:
See cases of Ponzi promoters in US being sued , extradited, imprisoned and ordered to pay:
Interesting... Thanks for sharing!