If / when Steemit is hugely successful and has millions of users joining up every month, many posting "ANTI-FAKE news", then it will be a major threat to the "Powers that be".
They will try any dirty trick to bring about the downfall of the platform. I would say be prepared for "False Flags". That means posting content, purporting to be from a terrorist , child porn producer, or other bad boy, and then simultaneously claiming to be a victim. A big Fake News attack would then follow, and in spite of the "nsfw" label, a concerted effort would be made to shut down the Steemit platform. If it could possibly be done ( i am no tech wizard ), maybe a stronger version of the "nsfw" tag can appear for these posts deemed by the "system" to be potentially harmful in this way. It would involve the post being tagged " nsfw - ++ ". Anybody wanting to view the content therein would have to click on a button to digitally sign a disclaimer containing a warning. The digital signature would be recorded, etc. This would add another layer of protection for the platform. If this is version is not technically suitable, it could be modified.
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