Within the equine community there has been a massive trend sweep through of 'BBG' or black background photographs . It's now reached a saturation point where if you can't do a BBG photograph you aren't accomplished in the field (pun intended ;) ).
Now don't get me wrong, the studio type of photography is beautiful and it can look fantastic in your living room or any other wall in your home.
But to me horses are such a beautiful, graceful creatures that harmonize with nature. My preference is photographing them surrounded by that very nature.
What's your preference? BBG or Nature?
I tend to agree with you - horses are not separable from their environment. Yet, I like the first photograph very much :)
By the way, your photographs are not clickable. Is it intentional? I think we all would benefit being able to enlarge them.
Thanks for commenting, no it's not intentional. I just use the 'insert images by selecting them' feature. The photo's have been resized for facebook prior to steemit so perhaps it's because it's not the full resolution. I'll try uploading high resolution next post and see if that makes a difference!
Actually your photographs are already large enough.
To make them clickable you are supposed to to edit the post with a markup trick. It is very simple to implement! When you add a photo to post, it looks something like this:
![ADS_1.jpg](image address)
All you need to get clickable image is to change the format as following:
[![ADS_1.jpg](image address)](image address)
You add square brackets around original format and then copy/paste image address in circle brackets after the enclosing square bracket.
Try editing layout of one of your posts that way and see what happens :)
Thank you so much! I had no idea you could do that, very helpful :D Edited the last photo in my otter post to test it out. Will utilize this format for future posts.